15 Guidelines For Creating Effective Web Content (+Examples)

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In my previous articles, I have talked about some of the factors that you need to consider when you have to host your website. I have also talked about some of the elements of a good web design. In this article, I would like to talk about fifteen guidelines for creating effective web content. Follow me as we are going to look at that in this article.


Here are the guidelines…

#1 Clear and simple language

When you are writing your content for publishing, you have to make sure that you are writing in a simple and clear language. You should avoid the use of ambiguous words that will make it difficult for your user to understand the message that you are trying to pass across. You need to ensure that you also make use of short sentences when you need to write your article.



#2 One paragraph. One idea

Also, when you are writing your content, please you need to ensure that your ideas are not jammed together. You need to make sure that it is only one idea that is been discussed in one paragraph. This will ensure that the whole concept sank into the mind of your audience. Doing this will prove to your reader that you know what you are talking about. It will allow them to stay longer on your website.



#3 Descriptive subheadings

Also, if you want to write great online content, you need to adopt the use of descriptive subheadings that tells your users what a particular paragraph is talking about. This will enable the spiders to know what a particular paragraph is talking about. But you have to really indicate it that it is a subheading by using H2 or H3 headers.


#4 Highlight important words

In addition, if you are creating great web content for your website, you need to ensure that important words are highlighted and bolded so that users can reckon with those words. This will allow your users to know the key takeaway from a particular article. It will also allow the major points of a particular article to sink in the mind of your audience.

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#5 Use Descriptive link text

Also, when you are trying to create online web content, you need to include links that relate to your previous articles. It is also ideal for you to link to articles that are outside your blog or website. Those links should be descriptive enough and they should be linked to articles that are similar to what is highlighted. This will help Spiders to understand your blog better. It will also reduce bounce on your website.



#6 Left Align Text

By and large, when you are writing your content, you need to ensure that your articles are aligned from the left to the right side. That seems to be the normal way for most languages. This also goes with the natural eye movement when people are reading content on websites. This will definitely assist spiders in understanding your content better.


#7 Visual alignment

Also, when you are creating your web content, you need to ensure that graphics are added in order to drive home your points. Adding graphics will also assist in conveying the messages that you are trying to pass across to your target audience but you need to ensure that the texts and the graphics work together. The two must be conveying the same message.


#8 Proper structure element

Also, when you are presenting your online content, you need to make sure that you are using a document structure that will make your article easier to understand. You need to make sure that the paragraphs are well arranged so that it will be easy for your users to follow your article.


#9 Use natural-sounding language

Also, when you are creating your online content, you need to make use of a natural-sounding language. You must write the content as if you are explaining to someone that already knows nothing about the topic being discussed. You must be persuasive enough when you are trying to present the idea to your target audience.

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#10  Be direct with the audience

Also, when it comes to creating great content, you need to be direct with your audience. There is no need for you to cajole your audience. You need to try as much as possible to let them know that you understand their problem and you have what it takes to solve their problem. You must be able to convince your audience that you are an authority when it comes to resolving issues that have to do with your customers.


#11 Creating Tables

 Also, as far as your customers and readers are concerned, you need to create tables that transform with different browsers. I have said it one of my articles that you should be mindful of using tables. You need to make sure that your tables are browser responsive. It should remain intact when that table is opened from different browsers.


#12 User interface

Also, you have to ensure that the user interfaces are accessible. When you are creating content, you need to make sure that your tabs and other elements that you need to access when you are on that particular page. If it is a website that people have to make payments to, you need to ensure that the payment buttons are available even on mobile phones.


#13 Page activation

Also, you need to make sure that you design device-independent page elements that can be activated through a variety of input devices. You can design your website to open different pages or contents based on the type of device that the user is using to access the content.


#14 Temporary accessibility solutions

Also, when it comes to accessibility and the design of your content, you need to make sure that you create temporary accessibility solutions for your content. That means, if it happens that the main content that the user is trying to access is not available, there should be a particular content that will be made available to users while they are waiting for the actual content to open.

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#15 Contextual information

Also, you need to include contextual information that will allow your users to understand your content better. You should not present your content as if you are writing in parables. You need to ensure that you include examples and illustrations that will allow your readers to understand your content better.


Action Point

PS: I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you could drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.

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About Adeniyi Salau 1556 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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