What is an internship contract?
The internship contract is a link between training and the world of work because it combines both ideas. It is a temporary contract during which, in addition to working, training issues will be included. It is designed especially for university graduates, middle or professional training graduates who have not yet worked, so that they can learn their profession by putting into practice what they learned during their studies.
The idea is good and, if applied well (because there are companies that abuse it), it can mean a more bearable transition between both points as well as providing a series of practical knowledge that will be of great use in the future.
Requirements to access an internship contract
In order to benefit from contract practices must meet certain requirements in college, vocational training, degree or certificate equivalent professional not have had another training contract for 2 years in any other company and who have not passed more than 5 years (7 if we have a disability) since obtaining the degree.
It is important not to confuse an internship contract with the training practices that we do during our studies (which will be carried out through an agreement between the university and the company or the corresponding administration) or with the training contract that any company can offer to a person who does not have a previous qualification in order to train it to work on its staff.
Contract period
An internship contract will last from 6 months to 2 years. If we are hired for less than 2 years, it can be extended until the legal limit of those 2 years is met and, if the company later decides to contact us, it will not be able to put a trial period because it would have already been completed.
The negative part is that some companies decide not to hire workers once the legal period is over because for them it is a great economic benefit to continue having people with this type of contractual modality.
The Social Security quota that they will have to pay for a trainee will be 30 to 50 percent cheaper, so the original idea of facilitating the labour insertion of young people is lost a little, after those 2 years of internship contract, they have to look for work again, which is not always easy.
The work assigned to the employee must be related to his level of studies.
A trial period of 2 months will be established for graduates with a higher degree and 1 for those with a medium degree or equivalent.
The contract must be specified in writing with the help of ghostwriter for hire and the working day can be full or part-time. In any case, it will always be less than that of a full-time employee.
How much do you charge?
The remuneration of an internship contract will be assigned according to the collective internship agreement, but in the event that this is not mentioned, it may not be less than 60% (during the first year) and 75% (throughout the second) of the agreed salary for those workers who perform an equivalent position.
The employee will not receive in any case less than the minimum interprofessional salary when he is hired full-time and, in the case of working part-time, the salary will be reduced proportionally.
If at the end of the internship contract a labour contract is made, the time elapsed with this contract must be added to the work seniority in the company.
What happens when the contract ends?
If the worker continues in the company, a new trial period cannot be established. In addition, the duration of the internship will become part of your seniority in the company.
How to find an internship contract?
We can look for this type of contract just as we look for any job on the internet or in the State Public Employment Service (SEPE).
We must present the original copy of our title and meet the requirements that we have already mentioned. From there, it’s a matter of perseverance and luck.
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