Major Acronyms In Business Continuity Management

Major Acronymns In Business Continuity Management


Business Continuity Management has to do with variety of planes and processes that you have put in place in order to ensure that your business continues to run during disruptions. Take for example, the time that the world world has to pass through COVID-19 pandemic, companies that have Business Continuity Plans and processes in place were able to function and their businesses were not badly affected during the pandemic.


Here are some of the acronyms that has to do with Business Continuity Management.


BCC: Business Continuity Coordinator

BCM: Business Continuity Management

BCP: Business Continuity Plan

CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team

CMS: Content Management System

CPD: Continuing Professional Development 

EDMS: Electronic Document Management System

EMV: Expected Monetary Value

EOC : EMergency Operation Centre

HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

IAS: International Accreditation Service

ISO: International Organisation For Standardisation

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

LA: Lead Auditor

LI: Lead Implementer

MAO: Maximum Acceptable Outage

MBCO: Minimum Business Continuity Objective  

MoU: Memorandum of Understanding 

MTPD: Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption

NIST: National Institute of Standard and Technology

PDCA: Plan, Do , Check , Act.

PECB: Professional Evaluation And Certification Board

RM: Risk Management 

RMA: Record Management Applications

RPO: Recovery Point Objectives 

RTO: Recovery Time Objectives

WBS: Work Breakdown Structure

WHO: World Health Organisation



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