Comprehensive Guide On Use Of SD-WAN

Comprehensive Guide On Use Of SD-WAN

In my previous article, I have discussed some of the facts that you need to know about Cloud Computing. In this article, I want to talk about what you need to know about the use of SD-WAN. Follow me as we are going to be looking at that in this article.

SD-WAN stands for Software-Defined Wide Area Network. It leverages corporate web and multi-cloud connectivity to deliver high-speed application performance. In the past, organisations managed their applications on their own without the use of cloud infrastructure. They have to manage the infrastructure and pay experts to manage it. Although it’s expensive, it gives them a competitive advantage over others.

One of the challenges they have is how to make these services available to many geographical locations or LANs. The issue is now how to connect multiple LANs together. Organisations always connected their LANs using a single dedicated service provider. Although this is expensive, the service providers are about to secure the networks and make the services available.

The method of using a Service provider comes with its own limitations.

  1. Single Point of Connectivity is subject to outages. They are unreliable.
  2. There are high latency and congestions due to many applications that are stored in the cloud.

Because of this, organisations started seeking for multiple providers or cost-effective means of hosting their applications.

The use of multiple cloud providers and to solve the problem of latency, there was the development of the first generation of SD-WAN. The business now added dedicated links and deploy load balancing in order to host their applications. Although this method solves the load balancing and latency problem it becomes difficult for IT Professionals to manage it because the products and services are from different vendors.

SD-WAN issues

The problems of Load Balancing and Latency that SD-WAN solved made many organisations go for it. However, it still has some security issues which create concerns for businesses. Even after SD-WAN adoption, business still sends their data to data centres for security purpose. Some also install Firewall solutions to inspect their direct internet access. This added another product for security, which makes the network more complex and very challenging to manage.

Businesses needed to address this together by integrating SD-WAN functions and security together in one application. This enables businesses to replace their multiple appliances with a single network security solution. This ultimately reduces cost and ease of management. This allows businesses to use cloud applications more affordably. This also increases application performance and increase user experience.

Security SD-WAN

This solution also ensures that the best WAN Link available are chosen for network transmission. Also, a good SD-WAN should be able to move transmission to a better link if a particular link being used degrades. Insecure SD-WAN, your intuitive business workflows allow you to manage business applications in order to derive optimum performance.

This allows you to prioritise business application in order to get a business result. You can give priority to voice over data applications. The Secure SD-WAN is also designed in such a way that you can manage the application from a console and you only need minimal IT Staff to do that. It also has comprehensive analytics and utilization reports, It can also show you the security landscape so that you will know where the threats are coming from.


This also helps the Administrator to redesign policies based on historical statistics. The overall outcomes of SD-WAN are simplification, consolidation, and cost reduction. It provides much-needed application performance, the best user experience for the enterprise. It also has unified communication as a service as well as one-time analytics for better decision making. Fortinet introduced the term Secured SD-WAN and Fortigate is at the forefront of providing this solution.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Comprehensive Guide About Cloud Computing

In my previous article, I have talked about all that you need to know about Cyber Attacks. In this article, I will be presenting a comprehensive guide about Cloud Computing. Follow me as we will look at this together in this article. 

Only a few people understand what cloud computing is all about. Traditionally, companies and organisations purchased computers and applications needed to run their business. These computers are located in organisations and are managed by their employees. These applications are stored in more than one computer and organisations need experts to keep them running, this is becoming too expensive for organisations to sustain.

The organisations do not want to discard it because it increases productivity and raises competitive advantage. The organisations now noticed that it is not all the computers that are working at the same time. The bottom line is that there are many wasted resources. This is what led to the development of a new model called virtualization which allows only one computer to do what many computers would have done. This process consolidates workloads into fewer servers.


This ultimately increases utilization and saves money. This is why many data centres were transformed from the assembly of many computers to a virtualized environment. With time, we now have entrepreneurs who build a large data centre and offers to rent it out to businesses. They allow customers to run their virtualized applications instead of general hardware. That was how the cloud is born.

This is often referred to as Infrastructure as a Service. (IaaS). There are different varieties of IaaS. Some offer up the infrastructure to run applications with managed applications like Databases and the customer does not need to maintain or configure applications themselves. This is known as SaaS. If you are using Gmail for example, you are enjoying SaaS.

Platform as a Service

This is between IaaS and SaaS. This happens when the software provider manager more of the infrastructure such as OS Patching. Many organizations love this because they do not have to bother about the cost of maintaining the software. When it comes to security in cloud computing, it is a shared responsibility where both cloud providers and application owners have a role to play.

It is designed in layers and it includes both the physical and logical components. The cloud infrastructure provided by IaaS vendors is protected in various ways. From an availability point of view, the infrastructure is designed to be highly available. Therefore, infrastructure uptime is the responsibility of the vendor. From the security point of view, the vendor secures the infrastructure and you have to bother about the security of your applications. You are to secure access, network traffic and data applications.

Most vendors supply some forms of security for applications. But these tool provided has limited applications. It only provides the basic security for applications that are not extensive enough. These tools are also used to secure the underlying applications for the infrastructure. If attackers can bypass the infrastructure layer, they can also bypass it at the customer layer as well. There are many organizations that operate a hybrid platform where their applications are scattered across many IaaS vendors.

This multi-vendor platform also comes with multiple challenges. They are independent, uncoordinated security solutions. The problem tends to increase geometrically based on the number of vendors involved. The problem becomes difficult because there are limited trained personnel that can manage such a situation.

Fortinet products

Fortinet has several solutions to solve this complexity that comes with multiple vendors. Some of these solutions include Fortigate, Fortimail, Fortiweb, Forti Sandbox among other solutions. They provide the same security and can work with multiple data centres. They are optimized for all the leading IaaS cloud providers such as Amazon, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, VMWare, IBM among others.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Understanding Insider Threat In Network Security


In my previous article, I have talked about a phishing attack in network security. In this article, I want to talk about all that you need to know about Insider Threats in Network Security. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article. 

Now, let’s talk about Insider Threats. Most Insiders are loyal, hardworking, employees who do meaningful work for their company, and at the end of the day go home to their family, friends and beloved pets. Moreover, we may think of cyberthreats as coming from an anonymous criminal who is far away and behind a computer screen, and cybersecurity measures at our places of business need to focus only on external threats. Unfortunately, an insider threat can be detrimental to an organisation, its data and brand reputation.

Both current and former employees possess valuable knowledge about a company and are capable of committing crimes that may cause irreparable harm to the organisation. 
Let’s define it. An insider has authorised access to company resources, such as critical information, personnel, equipment, facilities, networks, and systems. An insider threat is a risk an insider will use their authorised access, wittingly or unwittingly, to do harm to their organisation. 

Typically, an insider threat is a well-intentioned employee that ends up doing something accidental and puts the company at risks, such as clicking a phishing email or something negligent, such as a privileged user not following company policy in order to complete their work faster, which can result in some form of security compromise.

On the other hand, a malicious insider threat is connected to the organisation, and wittingly target it for an attack. They perform deliberate actions, such as malicious exploitation, theft, destruction of data, or the compromise of information technology resources. Research shows this person could be a present or former employee, contractor, a board member, or employee who has or had authorised access to the office building, networks, systems, or sensitive company information. 

Most insider threats are unintentional, hence our focus on training awareness. We must be vigilant. If you see something or hear something, then say something. For example: Who did you see? When did you see it? What did you see? Where did it occur?  Why is it suspicious? It does not matter how big or small it seems, such as a secured door that is left ajar, a confidential document that is left on the printer, or a piece of equipment is acting oddly. Report any suspicious activity to your manager and your organisation’s information security team. 

When it comes to cybersecurity, knowledge is power and that’s why, by Implementing actions you can take, you can avoid common traps. Be cyber vigilant out there. 

13 Ways To Avoid Cyber Security Threats

In my previous article, I have discussed some of the facts that you need to know about phishing and Business Email Compromise generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to put into consideration in order to avoid cyber security threats. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 
Security threats come from everywhere, all over the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Moreover, human error is the root cause of almost every single data breach that happens worldwide. 

  • Always follow the company policy and data handling guidelines. If you are not sure about a policy, please ask. There are no dumb questions. 
  • You need to back up sensitive and critical information on an encrypted device with a strong password. 
  • Be aware of shoulder surfing or people who hang around your desk and act suspicious. They might be looking for confidential information or watch you as you enter your password. 
  • Do not write or leave passwords on notes posted on or under your desk, computer or keyboard. 
  • Keep your desk free of any proprietary or confidential information, and securely lock private information away in a desk drawer when you leave your workstation for an extended period, and at the end of the day. 
  • Lock your computer screen and cell phone every time you step away to prevent anyone from seeing or manipulating confidential information on your device. 
  • Report broken doors, windows and locks to your security personnel as soon as possible. 
  • Report suspicious activity in or near your facility’s entry and exit points, loading docks parking areas, garages, and immediate vicinity, and always remember to lock your car. 
  • Report suspicious packages, and do not open or touch them.
  • Shred and destroy all documents that contain sensitive personal or organisational information rather than tossing them in the waste bin. 
  • Treat all devices such as a computer, CD ROM, USB Devices, and laptop as sensitive if they contain proprietary and sensitive data. Never share it with any unauthorised person, which includes your family members.
  • Use your badge to enter your workplace and do not allow tailgaters. Check for identification and ask a lingering individual to identify the purpose of their visit to your workplace. 


Facts About Business Email Compromise Attack

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about phishing activities in a network security environment. In this article, I will be looking at all that you need to know about Business Email Compromise fraud. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 

Let’s delve into phishing, spearphishing, whaling, CEO Fraud and Business Email Compromise. Cybercriminals craft legitimate email looking that encourages people to take action, such as clicking a link or opening an attachment, which at first glance look like it is from an authentic financial institution, e-commerce site, government agency or any other service or business. 

These attacks collect personal, proprietary. and financial information, and can infect your machine with malware and virus. Often, hackers use domain-spoofing techniques. They masquerade as coming from a sender that you may know, in an effort to get you to supply sensitive information, such as your login credentials, account numbers, credit card numbers, and money transfers. Because these emails look as if they legitimately come from sources you trust, it can be hard to tell that they are fake. 

Cybercriminals rely on email to launch an attack because it continues to work. They are appealing and believable because the email looks similar to a real request. To be successful, it must trick users. To protect yourself, be suspicious of any communication that directs you to take any action, no matter how official it appears, Remember to pause and look for clues to determine if it is fake. For example, does the bait look “phishy” to you. It’s an example of a high profile person receiving an urgent email that said he must change his password, and well, he clicked the link in this email.

One thing you need to remember is this, Stop and hover every link before you click! If you take a moment to hover your mouse over the link, you will see the true destination of that link. This is a significant clue to determine if an email is legitimate. 

For example, if you get an email that appears to come from your bank saying there is a problem with your account and you must log in to a website and correct the problem by clicking a link, do not click. Instead, open an up to date browser and manually type the web address to see what is happening. 

If you receive an email that requests the movement of money, such as payment of an invoice, even if it is from someone you know, we recommend that you use another form of trusted communication to verify that the message is legitimate before taking any action. Also, carefully check the email address. Just because a message says it is coming from the name of a person you know or trust, it does not mean that the email is from that person. 

Phishing attacks are sent to a wide audience. Whereas Spearphishing, whaling, CEO Fraud, Business Email Compromise and even vishing are directed towards specific individuals or business roles. Research shows that these attacks are effective 91% of the time. 

If an attacker is interested in breaking into a particular organisation, they might use a personally crafted email or a targeted phone call, seemingly from a source internal to that organisation or from a vendor that the organisation does business with and trusted. 

Many times, this fake communication appears as a direct message from your boss or any of the executives, if you are suspicious, even if the details appear to be accurate, do not respond. 

Over your mouse over links to check their true destination, and check for spelling and grammar errors. To be safe, never transfer money, divulge sensitive information, or grant special access without first double-checking to confirm from an alternate trusted source. 

Social Engineers are experts at impersonating legitimate sources, manipulating human nature to trigger an emotional response, and enticing you to skip normal security protocols. Don’t fall for it.

When it comes to cybersecurity, knowledge is power and that’s why by Implementing actions you can take, you can avoid common traps. Be Cyber Security safe out there.

In my previous article, I have talked about email and other activities of hackers that can affect network security generally. In this article, I want to talk about some of the ways of dealing with email spamming in network security. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 

Now, let’s talk about email. We spend a big part of the day dealing with our inbox. In fact, 300 billion emails are sent across the globe every single day. Email is the number one infection vector for all kinds of malware, including ransomware. A common form of malware transmission is via attachments. If you receive an email with an attachment, and the email is from someone you don’t know, you probably should not open the attachment. 

Let’s back off and talk about how you received this email in the first place. No matter if it is class spam or phishing, someone has your email address and it is been passed around among spammers. While it is difficult to keep your email completely secret, there are many ways to make your email less valuable to spammers. One of the most effective ways is to configure your email client not to display downloaded graphic messages. With spam, the mere act of downloading email images tells the spammer that there is someone looking at that email message. 

This always increases the value of your email address as a target. Most email clients that support this action will allow you to download the images for legitimate email messages. Therefore, they look well-formatted and easier to read. Generally, spam does not request an action, and to prevent further messages from the sender, simply mark that email as junk and block the sender. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


Fact Check Policy

13 Ways To Avoid Cyber Security Threats

In my previous article, I have discussed some of the facts that you need to know about phishing and Business Email Compromise generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to put into consideration in order to avoid cyber security threats. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 


Security threats come from everywhere, all over the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Moreover, human error is the root cause of almost every single data breach that happens worldwide. 

  • Always follow the company policy and data handling guidelines. If you are not sure about a policy, please ask. There are no dumb questions. 
  • You need to back up sensitive and critical information on an encrypted device with a strong password. 
  • Be aware of shoulder surfing or people who hang around your desk and act suspicious. They might be looking for confidential information or watch you as you enter your password. 
  • Do not write or leave passwords on notes posted on or under your desk, computer or keyboard. 
  • Keep your desk free of any proprietary or confidential information, and securely lock private information away in a desk drawer when you leave your workstation for an extended period, and at the end of the day. 
  • Lock your computer screen and cell phone every time you step away to prevent anyone from seeing or manipulating confidential information on your device. 
  • Report broken doors, windows and locks to your security personnel as soon as possible. 
  • Report suspicious activity in or near your facility’s entry and exit points, loading docks parking areas, garages, and immediate vicinity, and always remember to lock your car. 
  • Report suspicious packages, and do not open or touch them.
  • Shred and destroy all documents that contain sensitive personal or organisational information rather than tossing them in the waste bin. 
  • Treat all devices such as a computer, CD ROM, USB Devices, and laptop as sensitive if they contain proprietary and sensitive data. Never share it with any unauthorised person, which includes your family members.
  • Use your badge to enter your workplace and do not allow tailgaters. Check for identification and ask a lingering individual to identify the purpose of their visit to your workplace. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


Fact Check Policy

Facts About Superlife Colon Care SCC 15


Colon health is a topic that was discussed in hushed tones in the past. People rarely discussed it with each other or rather, they discussed it only with their doctors. Today, however, colon health is commonly discussed, and thankfully so.
The colon is otherwise known as the large intestine. It is a large tube-like structure that connects to the small intestine. It has a length of almost six feet with its shape like an inverted U. It is called the large intestine for a good reason – its width is twice or thrice that of the small intestine, a feature which enables it to effectively handle the end process of digestion and waste removal.
During digestion, your small intestine does most of the absorption. The large intestine or colon absorbs most of the fluids from faeces as it moves towards the rectum for evacuation. While carrying out this function, the colon absorbs essential electrolytes such as sodium and some salts and sends out potassium. It is home to more than 1,000 species of microbes, some of which produce biotin and vitamin K. The microbes are of two types: “friendly” and “unfriendly.” This implies that while some contribute to the improvement of your health, others can cause illnesses and discomfort.


People fail to realize that the condition of your colon and your digestive system as a whole can either enhance the functionality of the immune system or compromise it, thus leading to diseases and illnesses. Sources have shown that 70-80% of our immune system is embedded in the gut. It is therefore essential that we clean up our colon and ensure that it is in perfect health.


SuperLife Colon Care (“SCC15”) enhances the health of your colon with essential ingredients such as Fibersol-2, Chlorophyll, Amla Extract, Green Apple Powder, Beet Root Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Astaxanthin, Grape Seed Powder, Milk Thistle Extract, Psyllium Husk Powder, Probiotics and Multivitamins. These nutrients provide dietary support for the normal, healthy functioning of the colon, including regular expulsion of waste materials, encouraging the growth of friendly and healthy bacteria, and proper digestive function.
SCC15 offers protection to your colon in the long term.
You get essential fibre (both soluble and insoluble) for complete fibre benefits such as absorption of toxins and waste matters, better peristalsis, and expulsion of toxins from the body. This process helps to ensure a healthy colon. Also, with SCC15, the integrity of your colon mucosa is not compromised, and it effectively prevents your waste from getting reabsorbed into the bloodstream. You are also assured of healthy gut bacteria such as acidophilus and Bifidus which promotes colon health.


SCC15 is a rich concoction of nature’s very best ingredients to ensure optimal health of the colon and digestive system. Below is an overview of the essential ingredients:


Fibersol-2 is a soluble fibre that helps the process of waste elimination and colon cleansing, as well as helps to maintain balanced bowels, support normal bowel regularity and faecal volume, and ensure healthy digestive function. It is a safe (GRAS) maltodextrin, easily mixed in water and carries no flavour. Fibersol-2 has a very low viscosity, high solubility, low hygroscopicity and clarity in solution. Because it is high in naturally occurring chemical bonds that remain undigested even in the digestive tract, it helps to support overall health by helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels. It also promotes immune health.


Fibersol-2 is an innovative, dynamic type of fibre. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, which means that it remains intact and ready for action in the lower portion of the digestive tract, the colon. Fibersol-2 has been found to increase faecal volume by 1.8 times and faecal frequency by 1.5 times. Fibersol-2 is also effective in promoting healthy cholesterol levels.


Chlorophyll is the plant’s blood. It is what gives life to plants, containing life-sustaining nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body. Chlorophyll has a molecular structure that is similar to haemoglobin present in our red blood cells. It builds up the blood just like iron.
Chlorophyll helps regulate the level of calcium in our blood. Research has shown that women lose 40% calcium when they menstruate, and chlorophyll helps in replenishing the calcium level. Chlorophyll is colon friendly because it inhibits the growth and development of unfriendly bacteria. Bacteria that promotes diseases find it difficult to thrive in the presence of chlorophyll because of its ability to counteract toxins.
As a cleansing agent, chlorophyll helps to clean the structure of the cell and its important mineral help build new cell life. Little wonder it has been given the name “liquid sunshine” and is a great cleanser and healer for chronic conditions both internally and externally. Also, chlorophyll promotes colon health by destroying disease-causing bacteria.


Amla is a name used to describe the Indian Gooseberry. It is the fruit of the Amalaki plant. Its health benefits include improvement of body metabolism, and supply of vitamin C. Amla is excellent for your liver, bones and teeth. More so, it stimulates the production of red blood cells and promotes the growth of tissues.


On to digestive health, the Amla extract contained in SCC15 helps relieve stomach and colon inflammation. Amla extract nourishes the tissues and gently flushes out natural toxins. Its cooling effect removes excess pitta from the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the development of a healthy lining in the stomach and proper digestive functions. It also cleanses the colon, eliminates excess heat and toxins, and supports healthy bowel movements.


With its potent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, Amla extract helps to counteract the effect of microbes in your body. This is of great importance as new strains of bacteria will become more resistant to antibiotics. Research has shown that Amla extract is potent against cholera, staphylococcus, and pseudomonas bacteria.


Why do we use green apples in SCC15? It is a well-known fact that all apples have health benefits. So, what makes green apples tick? Green apples are packed with vitamins, fibre, protein and minerals that help enhance your colon health. Green apples are helpful in the fight against disorders of the digestive system, regulation of blood glucose levels, and the presence of good cholesterol among others. Green apple also has a high dietary fibre content which helps in regulating bowel movement thus enhancing the overall digestive process.


Green apple powder reduces the chances of developing colon cancer. Green apple powder has a rich store of flavonoids and vitamin C. The group of flavonoids found most in green apples are epicatechin and cyandin. Together with vitamin C, they act as antioxidants and flush out free radicals which damages your cells.


The beetroot powder has been gaining popularity recently as a functional food that promotes good health. Its benefits have been promoted by health magazines. Beetroot powder is derived from the beetroot vegetable. The beetroot vegetable is round in shape. Some varieties may be yellow or stripped. It belongs to the same family as the sugar beets, turnips, and rutabagas. Beetroots is rich in Vitamins A, B6 and C. It is also rich in folate, magnesium, potassium, iron, soluble fibre, and proteins. Beetroot is rich in antioxidants which helps eradicate free radicals in the body.


Beetroot serves as a natural detoxification agent. It aids the body to detoxify and body flush away heavy metals, toxins and waste from the blood. It is able to do this because of the compound glutathione, which is essential for detoxification within the colon, liver and other digestive organs.


As a plus, the fibre present in beetroot powder enhances regular bowel movements, while getting rid of the waste and toxins from the digestive tract. It is the betalains in beetroot that help to synthesize glutathione – enabling the body to neutralize toxins and make them water-soluble and be flushed out of the body through the urine.


Also, beetroot helps in cleaning the liver, allowing it to function optimally. This is important because the liver is the main detoxification centre of the body. It works extra hard to rid our blood of toxins while producing bile which is needed for the emulsification of fat, breakdown of hormones, and storage of minerals, iron and vitamins.


The genus aloe consists of about 420 species. Aloe Vera is just one of these species. The Aloe Vera belongs to the Liliaceae family. It has about 75 active components including vitamins, minerals, saccharides, amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acid. Of the 22 amino acids required for optimal functioning of the human body, the Aloe Vera provides 20. It also provides eight of the essential amino acids.


Aloe Vera is beneficial for the colon and the entire digestive system due to its laxative and anti-inflammatory components. The aloe vera powder present in SCC15 helps digestion, restores your body’s pH balance and inhibits the formation of yeast. It also encourages the formation of friendly bacteria and regulates bowel movement.


A study published in the Journal of Research indicates that 30 millilitres of Aloe Vera juice/powder twice daily significantly reduced the discomfort experienced by patients of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The number of participants involved in this study was 33. The participants also experienced a decrease in the level of flatulence, but stool consistency, frequency and urgency remained unchanged. This study has proven that Aloe Vera powder can have positive benefits on IBS patients.


The Aloe Vera powder present in SCC15 can also help improve the symptoms in people with exceedingly high gastric acid levels. A study published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine has proven this. In the study, Aloe Vera was tested on a group of rats with gastrointestinal problems.


The levels of gastric acid reduced significantly in the rats treated with Aloe Vera. The study also measured the connection between the brain and the gut and reported data on the water content found in the brains of the rats treated with Aloe Vera. There was a reduced water content in the treated rats, suggesting that the brain influences the gut and gastrointestinal problems.

Our product is a result of intensive and adequate research because we desire to give you the best. Thus, aloe vera contributes significantly to the many benefits that SCC15 offers.


Astaxanthin is a super-antioxidant present in several forms of marine life. It is a reddish coloured pigment that is produced by microalgae. Astaxanthin is often referred to as the King of Carotenoids (apple___). It is a hundred times more potent than the well-known carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene. What makes astaxanthin tick is that it does not become pro-oxidant in the body. Hence, it is one of the most potent and powerfully effective antioxidants you can ingest.


Astaxanthin has been shown to help treat inflammations in the body, especially in the intestines. It does this by helping the leaky gut to heal. A study has indicated that astaxanthin might even help prevent stomach ulcers. Another study conducted by Japanese researchers has found that natural astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, can be a potent new candidate for a new approach for intestinal health. The study showed that natural astaxanthin improved the balance of intestinal bacteria by reducing the number of unfriendly bacteria and increasing the population of healthy bacteria in mice fed high-fat diets.


Additionally, the astaxanthin present in SCC15 helps to support immune function, improves cardiovascular health, protects cells and the nervous system from damage due to oxidative stress, and support brain health.


Astaxanthin is a super-antioxidant present in several forms of marine life. It is a reddish coloured pigment that is produced by microalgae. Astaxanthin is often referred to as the King of Carotenoids (apple___). It is a hundred times more potent than the well-known carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene. What makes astaxanthin tick is that it does not become pro-oxidant in the body. Hence, it is one of the most potent and powerfully effective antioxidants you can ingest.


Astaxanthin has been shown to help treat inflammations in the body, especially in the intestines.

It does this by helping the leaky gut to heal. A study has indicated that astaxanthin might even help prevent stomach ulcers. Another study conducted by Japanese researchers has found that natural astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, can be a potent new candidate for a new approach for intestinal health. The study showed that natural astaxanthin improved the balance of intestinal bacteria by reducing the number of unfriendly bacteria and increasing the population of healthy bacteria in mice fed high-fat diets.


Additionally, the astaxanthin present in SCC15 helps to support immune function, improves cardiovascular health, protects cells and the nervous system from damage due to oxidative stress, and support brain health.


The medical benefits of grapes have been enjoyed by the Europeans for over a thousand years. The powder is made by grinding the seeds of red wine grapes. Grape seed powder has strong anti-cancer properties.
A study carried out in 2013, and published in the American Association for Cancer Research has verified the anti-cancer properties (particularly colon cancer) of the grape seed powder. A group of mice with colon tumours were fed grape seed extract for 18 weeks. At the end of the trial, significant reductions in the size of the tumours were observed. According to the scientists “, these findings suggested that inflammation, proliferation, and apoptosis are targeted by grape seed extract to prevent colorectal cancer.”


Milk thistle is a natural herb with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It plays a very important role in body detoxification. Milk thistle enhances digestive function by supporting enzyme production, stimulating the production and release of bile, decreasing inflammation, and soothing all mucous membranes in the body. Milk thistle works by drawing dangerous toxins out of the body. These toxins can cause a range of symptoms and diseases in the body including diabetes, disorders of the gall bladder, negative effects of chemotherapy, skin damage and others.


Due to the strong antioxidant properties, milk thistle fights free radicals and impedes the ageing process. Also, milk thistle contains a high amount of lipophilic extracts which acts as bioflavonoid antioxidants, enhancing immune function and impeding oxidative stress.


Psyllium is a kind of fibre obtained from the husks of the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is also known as ispaghula. Psyllium husk, as a component of SCC15, supports the digestive system and colon by acting as a bulk-forming laxative. It absorbs water from the gut thus easing bowel movement. It also promotes regularity without increasing flatulence. It eases constipation and promotes overall digestive health.
The psyllium husk powder present in SCC15 also serves as a prebiotic. This means that it promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut. It helps to boost the immune function equips the body to fight infection by maintaining healthy cells and tissues and reducing inflammation.


Bifidobacterium longum is Gram-positive, a rod-shaped bacterium present in the human gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics help in the following areas:
• It boosts the immune system
• It ameliorates allergies
• It lowers blood cholesterol levels
• It is beneficial in metabolic syndrome
• As a probiotic, it helps improve gut microbiota
• It relieves intestinal inflammation
• B. longum may boost cognitive function
• It may be beneficial in schizophrenia
• It ameliorates irritable bowel syndrome
• It is equally beneficial to patients receiving hemodialysis.


SCC15 is packed with multivitamins for your health. Our bodies need these multivitamins to support healthy functions of the body. Most of what we eat are processed foods, deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. This can put our health at risk and expose us to a range of disorders including rickets, anaemia, or goitre. Vitamins present in SCC15 include:
Vitamin A acetate, vitamin D3, E acetate, D-biotin, D-calcium, Pantothenate, Folic acid, Niacin, Pyridoxine HC1, Thiamin HC1, Vitamins B12, C, and K1.


Mix 1 sachet of SCC15 in a 200ml glass of plain water, stir and consume immediately.
Net weight – 12g x 15 sachets.


Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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14 Steps To Avoid Network Vulnerabilities

Here are some of the steps that you need to take to avoid the vulnerabilities of your mobile devices.



#1 Avoid joining Free Wi-fi

First and foremost, you should be wary of free wifi, Some of these free wi-fi is set up in order to steal personal data. If you find yourself in an organisation where free wi-fi is provided, make sure you get the permission and credentials from the IT Officer in the organisation. 

#2 Use MFA

There is a need for you to make use of Multi-Factor Authentication. This ensures that unauthorised user does not have access to your device. When you used MFA, once you are trying to log in, a One-Time Password will be sent to your mobile device. You might also be asked to enter a code sent to your mobile device before you could log in to your device. This provides an extra layer of security for your device. 

#3 Backup data 

There is a need for you to always back up your data. You have to make sure that a copy of your data is stored in a secured place. Added to that, you must make sure that your saved data are encrypted so that when your data fall into the wrong hand, they will not be able to make sense of the data. 

#4 Change defaults

There is a need for you to change the default password and settings for your device. When hackers are trying to access your device. The first thing they will try to do is to login into your account with the default account details. You need to make sure that you change these default settings and log in to block hackers from accessing your device. 

#5 Delete 

As part of the security measures for your devices, You have to make sure that you delete all information stored on your devices before you discard them or sell them off. You have to make sure that all useful Apps are uninstalled. You need to clear your accounts and make sure there are no traces of your password before you sell off your mobile devices to close friends and associates. 

#6 Disable Unused Apps

Also, when it comes to mobile applications and ports, there is a need for you to disable all unused ports and applications. You need to make sure that all these mobile applications such as Bluetooth, Wi-fi, Xender and others are disabled so that hackers will not use it as a means of penetrating into your device. 

#7 Encrypt data

There is a need for you to encrypt all sensitive data and communication paths. You need to make sure that all those data are encrypted so that if by any means such data falls into wrong hands, they will not be able to make sense of such data. This will ensure that your sensitive data are not useful to hackers. 

#8 Enable Screen Lock

As part of the security measures to check against vulnerabilities of your devices, you need to enable screen lock on your device. You should note that if your screens are not locked, it might enable even internal employees that mean harm or wanted to steal data to have access to your sensitive and use that to perpetrate attacks. That is why, if you know that you are going to be away from your device, for a long time, make sure you lock your screen to avoid those that might want to eavesdrop on your device. 

#9 Follow Company Guidelines

In order to avoid a situation where you are being used as a medium for attacking others, you have to make sure that follow your company data and network security. Following the policy will ensure that you are doing the right. It will also guarantee that you are not exposing others to attacks. Please if you do not know about these policies, always try to find out. There is no crime in asking.

#10 Be Up to date

There is a need for you to ensure that you are up to date when it comes to patches management. Software vendors always release patches when there are lapses in their software that hackers can exploit. You need to make sure that you always update any outdated software that is available on your device.

#11 Unattended To Devices 

I also want to say that you must not leave your portable devices unattended to. There are some that are in the habit of leaving their Laptops, PC, Smartphones and other devices without being concerned about what happened to the devices while they were away. This is bad, Also, if you have unused ports, you should shut them down if you are not using them. 

#12 Airplane mode

Also, when you planned to store your phone away for some time, you should always endeavour to put it in aeroplane mode. This will ensure that no network communication will take place on that device. It will also ensure that hackers do not have time to launch ample attacks from that particular device. 

#13 Non Discoverable Bluetooth

There is a need for you to set your Bluetooth to non-discoverable mode. This will ensure that hackers are not able to discover it when they are perpetuating their evil. You should only use your Bluetooth when it becomes necessary, If they are able to discover your Bluetooth, they can actually steal your data.

#14 No Auto connection

As part of the measures of blocking network security vulnerabilities for devices, you should ensure that you are not using an automatic connection for devices. Doing this will ensure that your devices do not connect to other devices that can be used to launch an attack on your devices. 

Understanding Mobile Security In Network Security

Most of us keep our mobile devices with us throughout the day. We check them frequently. We even keep them at very close range while we sleep because these devices enable access to information anytime and anywhere. Today, they conduct more than half of all internet traffic, and the distinction between a mobile device and a PC is hazy. 
Because your portable device can contain vast amounts of sensitive information, they are very attractive targets and provide lucrative opportunities for criminals that are intent on exploiting them.

With enticing data from mobile app activities, such as banking, social networking, email, maintaining calendar and contacts, mobile e-commerce, as well as GPS information, a multitude of vulnerabilities exist. For example, vulnerabilities in the technology layer of a mobile device, as well as SMS, MMS, Bluetooth, and the synchronisation between computers and mobile devices are potential attack vectors that extend the capabilities of malicious actors.
Cybercriminal activity targeting mobile devices can have dire consequences, including stealing critical data, tracking users and denying access to devices. Your mobile devices can also be used as a launching pad for more lucrative attacks aimed at enterprise systems, social networks and cloud platforms. 

To help mitigate threats affecting these vulnerabilities, secure your Wi-fi network. Technically, the term Wi-fi stands for Wireless fidelity and your wireless router is the primary entrance for Cybercriminals to access your connected devices at home. Always secure your digital devices. Before connecting to any public wireless hotspot, such as on an aeroplane, in an airport, hotel or cafe, confirm the name of the network and login procedures with appropriate staff to ensure the legitimacy of the network. 

Public hotspots are always a security risk. To protect against the risk of juice jacking, think twice before using a seemingly convenient charging station at the hotel, airport or train station, instead invest in your own private charger. Those free charging stations might be loaded with malware that will infect your device and give attackers easy access to your data. If devices on your network are compromised, someone could be eavesdropping on you- even in your home on encrypted Wi-fi. In doing the right thing, you have to do the right thing. Let’s develop good travelling habits so as to protect our portable devices. 

Social Engineering Attacks In Network Security

Social engineering attacks is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information.
Social engineering attacks happen in one or more steps. A perpetrator first investigates the intended victim to gather necessary background information, such as potential points of entry and weak security protocols, needed to proceed with the attack. Then, the attacker moves to gain the victim’s trust and provide stimuli for subsequent actions that break security practices, such as revealing sensitive information or granting access to critical resources.

. Recognise potential cyber risks.

#1 Highly sensitive data requires vigilant protection
–Attackers are becoming more sophisticated. Keep your Personally Identifiable which are data that can be used to uniquely identify you such as SSN, BVN, Full names, Birthdays, Biometrics, Passport, ID, Credit Card, Phone No among others safe.
#2 Protect your company’s Proprietary data. Remember Data is the new gold.
#3 Follow industry-recognized Security Practices which must be incorporated into security practices. You need to create a security-minded workforce.
#4 Be proactive with your information. You need to always ask a question most especially Privacy related questions.
#5 Be suspicious of any email text, or voice message requesting sensitive information or financial transaction.
#6 Hover over all hyperlinks before clicking, to confirm they are from a legitimate source.
#7 Use multi-step verification that requires a unique security code for authenticating the system.
#8 Ensure your browser, mobile devices, and computer systems are updated with the most recent patches. 
#9 Never reuse a password across multiple accounts and devices. 
#10 Follow company policy. If you don’t know. Ask. 

Facts About Vulnerabilities In Network Security

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about the network security landscape. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to know about vulnerabilities in network security. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.

First and foremost, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source.
ISO 27005: A weakness of an asset or group of assets that can be exploited by one or more cyber threats where an asset is anything that has value to the organization, its business operations and their continuity, including information resources that support the organization’s mission.
IETF RFC 4949: A flaw or weakness in a system’s design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system’s security policy.
ENISA: The existence of a weakness, design, or implementation error that can lead to an unexpected, undesirable event compromising the security of the computer system, network, application, or protocol involved. 

Now malware…

Malware, short for malicious software, is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojans and other harmful computer programs hackers use to wreak destruction and gain access to sensitive information. As Microsoft puts it, “[malware] is a catch-all term to refer to any software designed to cause damage to a single computer, server, or computer network.” In other words, the software is identified as malware based on its intended use, rather than a particular technique or technology used to build it.

Types of malware

There are a number of different ways of categorizing malware; the first is by how the malicious software spreads. You’ve probably heard the words virus, trojanand worm used interchangeably, but as Symantec explains, they describe three subtly different ways malware can infect target computers
A worm is a standalone piece of malicious software that reproduces itself and spreads from computer to computer.
A virus is a piece of computer code that inserts itself within the code of another standalone program, then forces that program to take malicious action and spread itself.
A trojan is a program that cannot reproduce itself but masquerades as something the user wants and tricks them into activating it so it can do its damage and spread.
Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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An Insight Into The Activity Of Cybercriminals

In my previous article, I have mentioned that cybercriminals are motivated by money and they want to do all that they could do steal your personal data, most especially your card information. In this article, I want to highlight the major facts that you need to know about the activities of cybercriminals. Follow me as we will look at that in this article. 

In our lifetime, technology has expanded with ones and zeros that drives every facet of our existence. Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 5G Quantum computing and evolving technologies, such as Cloud, autonomous vehicles and connected devices in the Internet of Things are targets that must be safeguarded against compromise. In fact, every second, more than a hundred new IoT devices are connected to the web. 

As this cyber threat landscape continues to increase, we must expand our security awareness. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. We all have a role to play to keep the internet safe. 

First, be vigilant. Criminals rely on social engineering to compromise systems simply because it works. Therefore, we must understand the myriad of social engineering scams. Social Engineers also called Threat Actors, try to influence behaviour, and human errors account for nearly all data breaches. The goal of a social engineer is to obtain trust, then exploit that relationship to coax you into divulging sensitive information about yourself or another entity and giving them access to your network. 

Here are some examples of Social Engineering 

#1 Juice Jacking 

This compromised public charging stations and install malware when a portable device plug-in from public areas, such as airports, train stationss, or conference areas.

#2 Phishing

This is a weaponised email that masquerades as a reputable lures target group into taking action and only requires a single victim to be successful. 

#3 Ransomeware

Malware payload that prevents access to computer systems, demands a sum of money to be paid to retrieve the data, an email is the predominant attack vector because it relies on a single attack to circumvent controls.

#4 Spearphishing, Whaling, CEO Fraud, and Business Email Compromise 

These are fraudulent compromised messages that target a specific role or person and is often financially motivated.  Alternatively, when you become a human firewall, you make it harder for an attacker. Simply use common sense and awareness whenever something feels even remotely suspicious. 

How To Create A Strong Password

To protect sensitive data, use a unique and sensitive password. Please, do not write your password anywhere. Do not use common credentials or words as passwords. Hackers have a database of common words.
The best password is a paraphrase with a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and special characters that is difficult to guess.

Always change your default password and make sure they are different for each account. This ensures that if attackers break your password, they will only have access to that one account. If you cannot remember it, you can make use of Password Manager. You need to ask around, do some research, find the best password manager that will work for you.

When you are downloading an App, make sure you are downloading from an official store. You need to be careful about where the password manager stores your password. Is it in the cloud or phone? Once the server where the passwords are stored is compromised, your entire password will be compromised. 

You have to make use of Multi-Factor Authentication. It can make use of something you know or something you have. You can also make use of a software or hardware token. Some also make use of OTP or apps on phones. If a vendor has an MFA option, go for it. It is more secure than an ordinary password.

No matter how strong your password is, a breach is always possible. All it takes is for one of your accounts to be compromised. You need to continue to prioritise security for all accounts for remote access, high-value access by using MFA. Make sure you are the only one that has access to your account for email, online banking, social media and other services.

Necessity for backup

To protect your data, you must back it up regularly. Backup protect you against data disaster. Backup can be of importance during a Ransomeware attack. You can restore your data without paying Ransome.
You have to make sure that whatever solution you choose allows you to restore from a particular time in the past. You also have to make sure that backup data are also encrypted. You have to be careful where you store your data so that you don’t lose such data forever.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Understanding Attack Surface In Computer Security

Information security is important to people of all ages, We all have a role to make cyberspace secure for ourselves and others. Whenever you are online, you are vulnerable, that is why you have to be cyber vigilant. You can outsmart attackers with security awareness. It is called Human Firewalls.


It It For data protection, security and privacy go hand in hand. Data privacy relates to business policies that define appropriate data management such as collection, retention and deletion. In this article, I want to talk about all that you need to know about Attack Surface in computer security.

Cyber Security consists of methods for protecting networks, devices and data from unauthorized access and ensuring the Confidentiality, Availability and Integrity of information.
Also, Information Security includes Cybersecurity and the physical security of devices.

This seeks to explore vulnerability in software and computer systems. The attackers always carry out attacks for their own gain. They also carry out attacks in violation of the intended use of the computer system. Threats that attackers can create include system failure and steal of information.
These are any exposed places in your environment that an attacker can use to perpetuate their operation. It allows them to gain initial access to networks. It is the duty of a Network Security Administrator to identify attack surfaces and reduce their sizes and also decrease the risk of attacks. Cyber threats pose security risks to your business and your personal data.
Also, Malware can erase your entire data. Attackers can also steal your data. A Cybercriminal can also use your computer to attack others. There is no guarantee that even with the best precautions, some of these things would not occur. However, there are steps that you can take to minimize the chances.

Roles Of Cyber Warrior In Network Security Threats

A cyber-warrior is a person who engages in cyberwarfare, whether for personal reasons or out of patriotic or religious belief. Cyberwarfare may be pursued either to defend computer and information systems or to attack them. Cyber-warriors come in different forms, depending on their roles, but all deal with information security in one form or another.
Cyber-warriors wage war using information technology. They may attack computers or information systems through hacking or other related strategies, or defend them from their counterparts. Cyber-warriors also may find better ways to secure a system by finding vulnerabilities through hacking and other means and closing those vulnerabilities before other hackers find and exploit them.
Given this, the term cyber-warrior has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used; the term may refer to someone with malicious intent (the attacker) or a professional who is working to defend against such attackers. The latter context is an emerging career field, similar to ethical hacking.

Some facts 

  • They always take advantage of vulnerabilities in common OS and Applications.
  • Facts about Cyber Warriors
    They adopt the use of Espionage, extortion and embarrassment.
  • They are well funded by governments because they are representing government interests.
  • They make use of existing exploit methods and they are also capable of developing new ones.
  • They always look for how to create a “Zero-Day”. Zero-day happens when you discover new vulnerability or attack path and you never knew how to fix it.
  • This always gives Cyber warriors enough time to launch more attacks until developers can find a solution to the attack created.
  • Once these attacks are discovered, the software vendor will issue a patch update to correct it.  That is why once a particular attack method is used, it might not be possible to use it again.


Roles Of Cyber Criminals In Security Threats

A Cyber Criminal belongs to an organized group. Their plan is to attack devices and steal data. They always threaten to corrupt data so as to throw the entire organization into disarray. In this article, I want to talk about the roles of Cyber Criminals in Security threats. Follow me as we look at it together in this article. 
Cybercriminals also adopt the use of ransomware. Ransomware is malicious software that infects your computer and displays messages demanding a fee to be paid in order for your system to work again. This class of malware is a criminal money-making scheme that can be installed through deceptive links in email messages or websites.
Their motivation is money. Cybercriminals can target POS and e-commerce websites and sell card information gathered to the highest bidders. They can also decide to use the information themselves.

How do they achieve that…

Through Spear Phishing where emails are sent to specific users that they wanted to target for the attack. Once their computers are infected, it will open doors for more attacks.

Role Of Hacktivists In Network Security Threats

People are always at risk of consequence from cyber threats. Some bad actors make use of phishing where people are tricked to enter their details while they think they are on the right website. Some of these are sent through email that looks like original emails.
Hacktivists are groups of criminals who unite to carry out cyber attacks in support of political causes. Hacktivists typically target entire industries but sometimes attack specific organizations that they feel don’t align with their political views or practices. In some cases, hacktivists have targeted organizations not based on the victim organization’s beliefs but the clients and partners they do business with.
Among the best-known hacktivist groups is “Anonymous,” which has carried out hundreds of cyber-attacks including Operation Payback, which included a series of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that disrupted victims’ websites, preventing legitimate users from accessing them. A DDoS attack is launched from multiple computers running specialized software that generates a large amount of traffic directed to a website with the intent of overwhelming the system so that it stops responding to legitimate user requests.
Countries that are unable to match the U.S. in terms of military technology have resorted to cyberwarfare, a method that can still do a lot of damage in terms of economic cost. Various agencies in the U.S. are under constant attack from numerous countries. In response, the U.S. military is training war veterans and wounded soldiers who can no longer fight in the field in the art of cyberwarfare to become cyber warriors and continue defending their country in this new form of battle
One law firm fell victim to a cyber-attack from a hacktivist group due to the law firm’s representation of a client linked to a high-profile legal case the hacktivist group stole emails from the law firm, many of which were protected under attorney-client privilege and publicly posted them on the internet. At the time of this writing, there are over 80 different hacktivist groups in existence.
The email often include links that take them to a masquerading website.
Through this, people lose their login details to hackers. There is some kind of hackers that are motivated because they do not agree with some political and social policies of the government. They are often referred to as Hacktivists.
At times, Hackers can set up botnets on servers without the knowledge of the Admin. A botnet is a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners’ knowledge. E.g to send spam emails.
Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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How To Find Out If Children Are At Risk Online

There was a film that I watched of a Teenage who was chatting with a stranger online. Because the girl was so inquisitive to know who the stranger was, she decided to arrange a meeting with the stranger. At the end of it all, She was almost physically molested by this stranger who happens to be his brother’s friend who wanted to take advantage of her. In this article, I want to tell you how to find if children are at risk online. Follow me as I will show you some of these tricks that you never knew. 

Here are some of the signs that you will notice to show that they are at risks:

  • The child spends more time seating at the computer
  • Pornographic materials are present on the child’s computer
  • The child receives phone calls and/ or gifts from unknown persons
  • The child turns off the monitor or quickly changes the screen when the parent enters his or her room
  • The child looks depressed and does not show any interest in talking with family and friends

How to protect children from online threats 

  • Ensure that your child knows about the dangers of computer sex offenders.
  • Monitor what your child does on the computer.
  • Use Caller ID on phones to determine who is calling the child, and block numbers that are suspicious
  • Monitor the child access to all types of live electronic communications such as chat rooms, instant messages, internet relay chats among others. 
  • Restrict access to malicious and porn websites using internet content filtering software
  • If the child is maintaining a social networking profile, look closely at what information they have posted on their member profile and blogs, including photos and videos. 
  • You have to check the credit account statements each month for any unusual changes that may indicate unauthorised purchases by a stranger or your child. 
  • You have to notify the police if someone the child met online start calling them, send gifts or trying to lure them for revealing sensitive information. 
  • You have to ensure that the child does not: 

* Provide personal information such as name, address, phone, school name among others
*Open email from unknown strangers
* Share their photos/videos with strangers over the internet

Encourage children to report:

  • Parent should encourage their children to report any inappropriate behaviour they may face online.
  • The parent can encourage the child to come to them if they are being bullied or are facing predators online.
  • The children may also be asked to speak to a trusted individual such as an aunt, uncle, or older sibling if they are uncomfortable talking to parents. 

Internet crimes can be reported at: 

You have to click on Report Internet Crime. 

Actions To Take When Your Child Become A Victim Online

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the ways that children can become a victim of cyber prostitution online. This can affect them psychologically and may become non-active as they continue to live in fear. In this article, I want to look at some of the steps that you can take when your child becomes a victim online. Follow me as we will look at this step together in this article. 

Here are some of the steps you can take:

#1 Report the offence to the Internet Service Provider

The very first thing for you to do is to report the case to the internet service provider. When you do that, it will be very easy for them to probe further or block that IP address from having access to their network. 

#2 Change the online information 

The next major step that you need to take in order to help the child is to change the online information of the child. You might need to have a closer look at his account online. This can give you a hint into what caused the problem in the first place. It will also ensure that the loopholes are blocked once and for all. 

#3 No login

You have to encourage the child, not to log in to websites where bullying occurs. If he does not log in to the website where the bullying is taking place, he will be able to block the source of the threats. This will allow the child to stay safe for the time being. 

#4 Ignore any calls from the online predator

There is a high tendency that the predator might start calling to demand compensation or other monetary benefits from the parents. Some of them might also resort to blackmail in order to get more money. You have to make sure that you avoid them and that you do not pick any of their calls. 

#5 Block the offender

There is a need for you to block the offender’s email address and screen name so that they cannot contact the child. You need to blacklist them at all points so that your child can have peace. If possible, you have to report the matter to law enforcement agents in your area. 

Security Software For Online Threats Protection

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the major threats that can happen to online users. In this article, I want to look at some of the security software for online threat protection for users. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 
Children can be protected from online threats by installing appropriate security software on the child’s computers. Some of the features that parents should look out for include: 

#1 Web blocking

This will help to prevent the children from viewing inappropriate content on a website. With this, you can prevent children from visiting specific websites. 

#2 Program blocking

The program blocking feature can help to block games, peer to peer file sharing from happening between two computers. This will ensure that viruses are not transferred when sharing files. 

#3 Email blocking

This is to help block unknown email addresses and prevent children from communicating with people they met online, through email.

#4 Time limits

This feature is to help control the amount of time the child spends on the computer. It can be used to limit children’s addiction to the computer. 

#5 IM Features 

This is to help in recording and monitoring the IM chats of the child, thus help the parent in determining if the child is engaged in an inappropriate dialogue with unknown persons. 

#6 Usage Report

This is to provide a timely report on the child’s internet usage and IM history to monitor the child’s online interactions. 

#7 VIdeo filtering 

This is included in order to ensure that the child does not view inappropriate videos on websites such as Youtube, but at the same time allows the child to view useful/ fun videos. 

Risks Involved In Social Media Websites

In my previous article, I have discussed some of the risks associated with surfing the website, most especially when it has to do with children watching pornography online. In this article, I want to look at some of the risks involved in social media websites. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 

Here are some of the risks…

#1 Unhindered access 

When you are on social media sites and you are sharing your video and other personal information on social media. You have to note that it is possible for someone to copy your pictures and other contents that you are sharing on social media without your content. Some of these contents can be used to commit a crime without your consent. 

#2 Risky for children

Let me first state it here that this is not common to children alone, there are times that even adults talks too much on social media. If some people buy new cars or win new contracts, they will be so restless until they share such information on social media. This is a very bad habit, This is also common among children who can provide information to hackers unknowingly when they share too much information on social media. 

#3 Online Predators 

When you are on social media platforms, it is very easy for online predators to steal your personal information, They can now use this means to send you unsolicited emails. Some of the personal information that can be stolen include email, telephone number, residential address, hobbies, interest and more from their profile. Online predators may use the information stolen from you for cyberbullying, identity theft, or cyber exploitation among others.

Now some of the risks…

#1 Unsolicited emails

  • Online predators may use email techniques to steal information from children. 
  • They may send spam emails that contain pornographic materials or link to pornographic websites.
  • The child may even be asked to register on that website by providing personal information.


#2 Chat rooms

  • Online predators may use chat rooms to build contact with children and then lead them to cyber prostitution.
  • Online predators may use social engineering techniques to get personal information from children and adults in a chat room.
  • They may also send a malicious link to children, which may result in computers getting infected with malware. 
  • They may also use chats to send links to websites with inappropriate content, such as pornography content. 


6 Negative Impacts Of The Internet On Child Pornography

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the risks that are associated with surfing the web. In this article, I want to talk about some of the negative impacts of the internet on child pornography. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

#1 Easy access

one of the ways that the internet contributes to child pornography is that it makes it easy for children to have access to pornographic sites. At times, because parents do not monitor what their wards are doing with their phones or due to peer influence, they have been able to access pornographic sites without the consent of their parents. Some of these are done intentionally or unintentionally. I said some are unintentional because some of them find themselves on such sites and they are so engrossed with it. This makes them become a regular visitor. 

#2 Anonymity and Privacy

One other negative impact of the internet on child pornography is that allows anonymity and privacy. If you are using the internet in your room, you are able to do all that you want to do without much interference. It is also possible to surf the web without leaving traces of what you did on your system. This gives children the leverage to visit pornographic sites without any fear. 

#3 Sharing medium

One other platform that allows sharing pornography to grow is that email and social media platform allows the sharing of links that contains pornographic material. this allows those that do not know how to search for these pornographic materials to have free access to it. 

#4 Cost-effective 

Also, the internet provides a cost-effective medium to share pornographic material. You do not have to pay to access some of these pornographic materials on the internet. All that you need to have is data to access the internet. This makes pornographic materials spread like a wide fire. It would have been curtailed when people have to pay subscription fees before they could access the internet. 

#5 Accessibility 

Another negative impact of the internet on pornographic materials is accessibility. With the internet at your side, you can easily access the internet and have access to pornographic materials without any hindrance. This also allows many people to have access to pornographic materials even though they do not have an initial interest in doing such. 

#6 Transfer support

The internet, as well as different blogs and websites also support the transfer of pornographic materials in different formats and shapes. It also allows different blogs and website visitors to store pornographic materials so that they can access it later on their phones and other devices. 

Effect of pornography on children…

  • Child victim suffers from depression, anger, withdrawal, and other psychological problems. 
  • It may also lead to physical injuries due to molestation such as genital bruising or exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.
  • They may also experience mental weaknesses such as:


  • Guilt and feeling responsible for the bruise and betrayal 
  • A sense of powerlessness and worthlessness 
  • Low self-esteem

5 Major Online Risks For Internet Users

in my previous articles, I have tried to look at some of the risks associated with online games generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the major online risks for users. As a user surfing the web, you might not know that you are connected to a network of networks. Therefore, if one system is infected and you do not have antivirus, you might also be infected. That is why you have to know some of these risks so that you can guard yourself against them. Follow me as we will look at some of these risks together in this article.

Here are some of the risks…

#1 Misdirected searches

Please note that parents may do all they could do to protect their children online, but all that could be negated when the child is unconsciously led to visit harmful websites. Please note that search engines use meta-variables to index websites. 
When a user searches for websites, the search engine always displays the results using meta variables. Take, for example, a sports website that may be indexed by the meta term “soccer”, “football”, “scores” e.t.c.
Also, porn site promoters add popular search terms to their meta variable list so as to redirect the web traffic to their site. Porn site uses the words “sports”, “school”, “movie”, among others to lure children to their websites, unless filtering software is used, the search engines can not distinguish between the search requests of an adult and a child. 

#2 Stealth Site and Misleading URL

There is also the problem of stealth site and misleading URL. First and foremost, pornographic websites thrive on misspelt websites to increase traffic. A pornographic site uses common typo errors to lure visitors to their websites. Children may end up at a pornographic site just by typing instead of
Also, porn site promoters buy domain names such as the .com equivalent of a .gov or a .org website, being aware that web surfers would end up at their website if there is a typographical error. 

#3 Child pornography 

Under federal law, child pornography is defined as any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means of sexually explicit product, where the production of the visual depiction involve the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. 

#4 Grooming

Grooming is an act of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with children. Child grooming is used for lessening the child’s inhibition and preparing them for child abuse. 
The offenders target children through attention, affection, kindness and sympathy. At times, they may offer them money or attention.  

#5 Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying occurs when a child, preteen, is threatened, harassed, and/or embarrassed using the internet mobile phones or other communication media. Some of the signs include: 

  • Upset after using the computer
  • Refuse to step out of the house or go to school
  • Draw away from friends and family

How To Stay Safe When Playing Online Games

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the significant risks that are associated with online gaming such as cyber mugging and cyber prostitution among others. In this article, I want to talk about some of the facts that you need to know about how to stay safe when playing games online. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

#1 Recognise Administrator mode risks…

Some games require that you are in administrator mode before they can run on your system. Before you can take this risk, you have to make sure that you have downloaded the game from the Developer website. If not, you are only exposing yourself to risk. 
Please note that free download of games may contain malicious software, including plugins to run the game. This software may be used to gain administrator-level control of the computer. 
Instead of using the administrator account, the gamer is advised to browse the internet or play the game using a user account, which may deny the attacker access to administrator rights. 

#2 ActiveX and Javascript risks…

Also, some of the games played over the web require ActiveX and Javascript to be enabled. You have to know that enabling this feature can open your account to vulnerabilities. Also, this feature should only be enabled for games downloaded from the Developer website. 

#3 Above all…

I will advise that you play the game only at the developer site. Also, you should never make the mistake of playing the game and surfing the web at the same time. Also, once you are done with the game, you can switch to a user account in order to surf the web. This will definitely reduce the risk of visiting a malicious website when playing a game.

Pay attention to firewall management  

Playing certain multiplayer games may require the firewall setting to be changed to allow information from the game to get through to the gamers’ computer. 
Every time the permissive settings are changed on the firewall, the risk of computer security concerns will definitely increase. 
In the firewalls, the gamers can designate their fellow gamers’ IP addresses as trusted to avoid any interaction with the hacker. Before you take this action, you have to be sure that you are making the right decision that will not put you at risk. 

How To Handle Cyber Prostitution And Others

First and foremost, there are many unlawful activities that happen online that can compromise the security of your devices. One of such is cyber prostitution and virtual mugging among others. In this article, I want to talk more about how to handle cyber prostitution and secure your network environment, Follow me as we are going to look at how to handle that effectively in this article. 

#1 Protection Schemes

Protection scheme an organised scheme emerged from the South African Gaming Community. In this type of crime, criminal organisations force the gamer to protection schemes, where gamers have to pay money (virtual or real) to avoid killing the gamers’ characters and theft of their passwords.

#2 Cyber prostitution

In this type of online crime, online games are being used for cyber prostitution. here the customer or the gamer has to pay for cybersex. In this Sims Online, A Massively Online Player Game, A 17-year old developed a cyber “brothel” where the game pays “Sim-money” (Simolean) for cybersex per minute. The gamer’s account was eventually cancelled. 

#3 Virtual Mugging

Virtual mugging was coined when some players of Lineage II used bots to defeat other gamers and take their items; these were later put on sales on online auction platforms. 

How the malicious user makes money…

  • They stole items such as passwords and other virtual items which are sold on websites such as ebay, or on forums.
  • Items stolen are also sold to other gamers for real or virtual money
  • The cyber-criminal may ask the gamer for ransom in return for real or virtual money

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.

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Risks Involved In Social Media Websites

In my previous article, I have discussed some of the risks associated with surfing the website, most especially when it has to do with children watching pornography online. In this article, I want to look at some of the risks involved in social media websites. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 

Here are some of the risks…

#1 Unhindered access 

When you are on social media sites and you are sharing your video and other personal information on social media. You have to note that it is possible for someone to copy your pictures and other contents that you are sharing on social media without your content. Some of these contents can be used to commit a crime without your consent. 

#2 Risky for children

Let me first state it here that this is not common to children alone, there are times that even adults talks too much on social media. If some people buy new cars or win new contracts, they will be so restless until they share such information on social media. This is a very bad habit, This is also common among children who can provide information to hackers unknowingly when they share too much information on social media. 

#3 Online Predators 

When you are on social media platforms, it is very easy for online predators to steal your personal information, They can now use this means to send you unsolicited emails. Some of the personal information that can be stolen include email, telephone number, residential address, hobbies, interest and more from their profile. Online predators may use the information stolen from you for cyberbullying, identity theft, or cyber exploitation among others.

Now some of the risks…

#1 Unsolicited emails

  • Online predators may use email techniques to steal information from children. 
  • They may send spam emails that contain pornographic materials or link to pornographic websites.
  • The child may even be asked to register on that website by providing personal information.


#2 Chat rooms

  • Online predators may use chat rooms to build contact with children and then lead them to cyber prostitution.
  • Online predators may use social engineering techniques to get personal information from children and adults in a chat room.
  • They may also send a malicious link to children, which may result in computers getting infected with malware. 
  • They may also use chats to send links to websites with inappropriate content, such as pornography content. 


Facts About Social Engineering In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have tried to talk about some of the ways that participation in online gaming can compromise your computer security. In this article, I want to talk about some of the facts that you need to know about the effect of social engineering on computer security. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 
When it comes to social engineering, attackers may trick the gamer into installing malicious software on their computers through social engineering platforms. 
They may offer a bonus or help in the game in exchange for other players’ passwords or other information in the game forum on a game server. 
It is also possible that gamers who are looking for a way to make the game much easier will respond to such requests, thereby falling victims to attacks. 
Attackers will then send emails supposedly from the game server administrator, which will invite the player to authenticate his or her account via a website link in the email message. This will direct the gamer to another website where vital information will be stolen from them. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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How Compromised Game Servers Affects Users

When it comes to networks, it is a combination of a network of networks. When you are connected to such a network of computers, once one of the computers is infected with viruses, your own computer will also be infected.


You need to have a good anti-virus before you can actually protect your computer from attacks from these infected computers.


In this article, I want to talk about how compromised game servers affects users who are connected to that network. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 


If you are a gamer, please note that if the software at the game server is compromised, all the computers that are connected to the game server will also be compromised as well. Any game that runs on a network of computers has risks that are associated with it. That is why you need antivirus when you are connected to game websites. Most times, the attackers can capitalise on the vulnerabilities in order to crash the game server. 
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These vulnerabilities can be used to:

  • Send game passwords
  • Steal information from gamers’ computer
  • Control the gamers’ computer remotely
  • Launch attack on other computers
  • Install programs such as Trojan, adware, spyware among others.

Also, the game code is generally not well analysed as another software coding. This may be because they want to rush to market. Because of this rush at times, patches are always released to correct security errors. That is why you should always install updates whenever they are released. Also at times, when the game manufacturers are not careful enough, hackers might exploit the vulnerability before they are corrected. 
Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Latest 7 Keyword Research Tools in 2023


There are a lot of free tools for you to utilize that can help you accumulate this fundamental data. 


I will separate keyword tools that are free, simple to utilize, and brimming with important information advertisers and organizations can use to improve


their promoting techniques. For your convenience, we are going to tell you about some selected Keyword Research Tools now:

#1 Google Ads 

Something to remember with Google Ads information, it very well may be fairly one-sided toward pay per click yet is as yet an incredible wellspring of keyword thoughts. The ideal way to use this to compile keyword ideas for a website is to create a data set that will burn through cash when Google publishes.  In the event that you don’t get close to such a dataset, Google tries to provide a broader range of keyword traffic than more precise information. 

#2 Google Trends 

Google Trends will help you see the overall ubiquity of keywords, give important information on local varieties, and is an incredible hotspot for assessing irregularity and trends in changes with web index volume for explicit keywords after some time. This information is important in light of the fact that it will assist you with trying not to hop on a pattern that has passed and will allow you to perceive what makes a difference to Google clients now. 

#3 Keyword Tool Dominator 

Keyword Tool Dominator allows you to see keyword information. They have keyword research tools for every one of the accompanying: Amazon, Google, Google Shopping, and YouTube. With a free record, You can download the information for each search. Each tool gives you an outline of keywords, and you can pick by the district in a portion of the tools. The tool also gives recurrence information in a chart. 

#4 Soovle 
Soovle will produce a snappy rundown of top terms for Wikipedia, Google, Amazon,, YouTube, Bing, and Hurray. Simply enter a keyword, and terms will produce over every stage’s logo.

#5 Also Asked 
Also Asked was made to assist advertisers with seeing how questions are typically gathered. These inquiries can assist with keywords and related keywords, and furthermore offer you a course on what inquiries to respond to in the content. 

#6 YouTube Autocomplete 
YouTube gives autocomplete options. You can audit every one of the given inquiries and look at keywords that are applicable to the clients. You will also see what clients are looking for, which provides you guidance for showcasing methodologies. 

#7 Side-by-Side SEO Comparison Tool 
You can take a gander at all this data in source pages, yet this tool saves you a ton of time and gives you diagrams you can use in reports. This tool permits you to look at URLs and assemble information on the keyword techniques of different locales. In the event that another site is reliably positioning exceptionally for terms you need, you can rapidly see their on-page keyword procedures initially. 

In the End

While gathering this information can be tedious when you have finished your keyword research, you ought to have important data you need for. You will get a lot of ease with the list of Keyword Research Tools given by us.  With this, we would like to tell you that the Hindi keyboard is starting the precedent in the keyword search and conversational simulated intelligence in SEO.

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It may sound strange, but you can make full use of the Hindi typing keyboard to improve your business and increase brand awareness. 

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I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.

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Proper Instant Messaging Security Measures

One of the avenues where users can become a victim of cyber-attack is through instant messaging platforms. Some of these platforms include Whatsapp, Facebook Messanger, Yahoo Messengers and other platforms where people can send and receive messages. In this article, I want to look at some of the instant messaging security measures that must be taken to prevent cyber attacks. 

What is Instant Messaging…

Instant Messaging allows users to interact with other people on the internet using software applications such as Whatsapp, Messanger, Bots, Telegram, 2go among others.

Some of the security issues…

#1 IMWorm

IMWorm is a worm that can harm a computer. This particular type of virus can locate all your contacts when it finds its way into your device. The IMWorm is also capable of sending itself to all the contacts that you have on your phone or other devices. 

#2 Social Engineering

Social Engineering depends on human interaction that involves tricking people through Instant Messaging and getting their personal information. When you are a victim of social engineering, you might be tricked to reveal personal information when you feel that you are talking with the right person. 

#3 Spam Over IM

Spam Over IM is spam delivered through Instant Messanger instead of sending it through Email. Instant Messaging Systems such as Yahoo Messanger, AIM, Windows Live Messanger, and chat rooms in social networking sites are a popular target for spammers who might want to use those links to send unsolicited links. 

What you should not do?

  • Do not reveal personal information on the Instant Messaging platform.
  • Do not accept links from an unknown person on the Instant Messaging platform. 
  • Block users who send unsolicited web links. 
  • Always use a strong password
  • Sign out of the Instant Messaging platforms after using it. 
  • Do not check the Remember Password option


Benefits Of Cookies In Device Security

I know some of us have visited some websites and blogs recent and we are notified that the website makes use of cookies. At times, you do not even know whether you should accept or reject such information. In this article, I want to tell you some of the facts that you need to know about the use of cookies in device security. Follow me as we will look at this together in this article.

A cookie is a piece of information that is provided by a web server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses the server. Please note that anytime that browser visits the server, the cookie information is used in recognising the browser. 
Also, this activity is invisible to the user and is generally intended to improve the web surfing experience. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Maha DBT Scholarships Expiring in 2 Days. Know More

Maha DBT grants for Post-Matric understudies are among the most famous grants in India. The grants for which applications are as yet open are shutting on the National Maha DBT Scholarship Portal on January 20, 2021.


The Maha DBT scholarships offered by different departments of the Government of India aim to support the studies of students coming from different strata of society. The students who are pursuing studies at the post-matriculation level i.e., Class 11 to postdoctoral level are eligible for these scholarships.
Realize grant subtleties of these grants you ought not to miss!

Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities 

Qualification: Minority people group understudies who are concentrating in Class 11 to PhD level are qualified. They probably made sure about at any rate half checks in the past passing assessment. Their yearly family pay should be not as much as INR 2 lakh from all sources. 
Supplier Detail: Ministry of Minority Affairs (MOMA) 
Grant Detail: Admission charge, educational expense and upkeep recompense 
Authenticity Cum Means Scholarship for Professional and Technical Courses

Qualification: Minority people group understudies who are seeking specialized or expert courses at undergraduate or postgraduate level are qualified for this grant. They are needed to have made sure about at any rate half checks or comparable evaluation in the past conclusive assessment. The yearly family pay should be not as much as INR 2.50 lakh from all sources. 
Supplier Detail: Ministry of Minority Affairs (MOMA) 
Grant Detail: Course charge and upkeep recompense

Post-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 

Qualification: Open for understudies with incapacities having over 40% handicap. They should concentrate in Class 11 to postgraduate level. Their yearly family pay should be not as much as INR 2.50 lakh from all sources. 

Supplier Detail: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) 
Grant Detail: Maintenance recompense, handicap remittance, and book stipend 
Grants for Top Class Education for Students with Disabilities 

Qualification: Students having over 40% inability are qualified. They should Be seeking after examinations at graduate/postgraduate/recognition level in informed establishments of greatness in schooling. Their yearly family pay should be not as much as INR 6 lakh from all sources. 
Supplier Detail: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) 
Grant Detail: Tuition expense repayment, support stipend and different advantages 

Top Class Education Scheme for SC Students 

Qualification: Open for SC classification understudies who have finished Class 12. They are more likely than not to take affirmation in a full-time course in an informed establishment through broad determination models endorsed by individual organizations. Their yearly pay ought not to be more than INR 6.00 lakh from all the sources. 

Supplier Detail: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 
Grant Detail: Full educational expense and other remittance 
Monetary Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Post-Matric 
Qualification: Open for understudies whose one of the two guardians are functioning as Beedi labourers/Iron Ore Manganese and Chrome Ore Mines (IOMC) labourers/Limestone and Dolomite Mines (LSDM) labourers/Cine Workers for in any event a half year. They probably finished the last passing assessment in the primary endeavour. They probably took a crack at an ordinary course of general or specialized schooling, including clinical, designing and agrarian examinations. The month to month pay of the family should not surpass INR 10,000 from all the sources with the exception of Cine labourers where the payment should not surpass INR 8,000 every month or INR 1,00,000 for each annum. 

Supplier Detail: Ministry of Labor and Employment 
Grant Detail: Up to INR 15,000

Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships for College and University Students

Qualification: Open for Class 12 passed understudies who are over the 80th percentile of effective up-and-comers in their pertinent stream in Class 12. They should be seeking after an ordinary undergraduate or postgraduate course from a perceived college/school/organization. The yearly family pay should be not as much as INR 8 lakh from all sources. 

Supplier Detail: Department of Higher Education 
Grant Detail: INR 10,000 to INR 20,000 for every annum 
PM’s Scholarship Scheme For RPF/RPSF 

Qualification: Open for subordinate wards of Ex-RPF/RPSF workforce or widow. They are more likely than not to make sure about 60% or more checks in Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) i.e., class 12, Diploma/Graduation. They should be seeking after an expert or specialized degree course (BE, BTech, MBBS, MCA, BCA, BPharma, BEd, BBS, BCA, MCA, B. Pharma, and so on) perceived by particular government specialists like AICTE, MCI, UGC, NCTE, and so on 

Supplier Detail: Ministry of Railways 
Grant Detail: Up to INR 2,250 every month 
PG Indira Gandhi  Maha DBT scholarship Scholarship for Single Girl Child 
Qualification: Girl understudies who are under 30 years old and are the lone offspring of their family are qualified. They are more likely than not to receive confirmation in a normal, full-time first-year Master’s certificate program in any assigned college or a postgraduate school. Young lady understudies having no sibling or young ladies who are twin girls/intimate little girls are likewise qualified. 

Supplier Detail: University Grants Commission (UGC) 
Grant Detail: INR 36,200 for every annum for a very long time

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


Fact Check Policy

Some Physical Security Measures For Devices

When it comes to the security of devices, there is no length that you cannot go to in order to secure the security of your devices. In this article, I want to look at some of the physical security measures that you must consider when it comes to the security of your devices. Follow me as we are going to look at some of the measures that must be taken when it comes to the security of devices. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article. 

When it comes to layers of computer security, physical security happens to be the first layer of computer security. This involves the protection of hardware such as hardware, networks, and data from attacks that can cause loss or damages. 

Also, there are various factors that can affect the physical security of devices such as damage, theft, dust, fire, water, flood, earthquake among others. 
There are some facts that you need to know about Physical security. This includes the fact that:

  • Prevent any unauthorised access to computer systems. 
  • Prevent tampering/stealing of data from computer systems. 
  • Protect the integrity of data stored in a computer system.
  • Prevent the loss of data and damages to systems and against any natural calamities. 


Using locks for physical security measures…

Locks acts as the primary method of controlling the physical access of the information, information systems, and removable storage devices.
Locks provide a different level of security depending on their design and implementation. Locks are always used to: 

  • Restrict others from using a computer room. 
  • Protect the computer from unauthorised access by locking the doors and Windows on the computer premises. 
  • It also locks the CPU and Monitor in order to prevent them from being stolen. 

Another security measure that you can also use for the physical security of the device is the use of biometrics. When it comes to the use of biometrics, it involves the use of:

  • FIngerprinting 
  • Retinal scanning
  • Iris scanning
  • Vein structure recognition
  • Face recognition
  • Voice recognition

There are some physical security measures that you can take to prevent fire outbreaks. Some of these measures include: 

  • Make sure all emergency doors are kept clear
  • Use good quality wiring, tools and equipment
  • Avoid using equipment that gives a mild electrical shock
  • Keep the room dust-free and remove all scrap as possible
  • Ensure trash is emptied regularly
  • At the end of the day, always unplug the appliances
  • Make sure the user knows who to call in an emergency
  • How how to use a fire extinguisher


HVAC Considerations…

HVAC ( Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) is the technology developed for indoor environmental comfort. 
HVAC can be used for: 

  • Controlling the temperature. 
  • Adequate ventilation
  • Indoor air quality


Facts To Know About Internet Security

There are many of us that are surfing the web but we can less about our safety online. You would have seen some surfing the internet and they do not have a good anti-virus to start with. This is a very bad idea. In this article, I want to introduce you basically to what you need to know about internet security. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article. 
Internet security practice includes protecting users’ data from unauthorised access and damages that can happen when they are connected to the internet. 

Most times, when your browsers are properly configured, it can help in preventing malware infection, preventing personal information from falling into the wrong hand and limiting the damages that can happen through a cyber attack as well. 
 Also, you need to know that there are many ways that online attacks can happen. It can be through :

  • Emails
  • Instant messaging
  • Chat rooms 
  • File sharing 

On a general note, you need to be very careful when you are surfing the web or you are making use of social media platforms. You must not disclose personal information to people that you come across on social media. You also must not click on any link sent to you through social media platforms and you also have to scan all files that you have downloaded through email or social media platforms. This is due to the fact that some of these files can be used to introduce viruses to your device. 



Ways Of Securing Laptops From Thefts

I don’t know if you have ever been a victim of laptop theft, it is really a bad experience, Most times when laptops are stolen, as a tech guy, the most painful part of it is that you are going to lose your data. It might have taken a lot of years to gather all the data together. In this article, I want to show you some of the ways of securing laptops from theft. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.
First and foremost, laptop theft leads to the disclosure of information such as usernames, passwords, confidential data, and other networking details related to connecting the laptop to a corporate or internet environment. 

Here are some of the things that you should do to prevent laptop thefts…


  • Note the laptop serial number and keep it safe
  • Choose a laptop skin in order to recognise it easily
  • Make sure that you report laptop theft immediately. 


Some things you should not do…

  • Do not leave the laptop unattended for a long time. 
  • Do not forget your password and avoid sharing your laptop password with others.


There are some other steps that you should take…

#1 Third Party Privacy Protection

One of the measures that you need to take is to add third party privacy protection for your sensitive data. You can actually purchase software of programs in order to make sure that unauthorised users do not have access to your sensitive data.

#2 Laptop insurance

Although this might come at an extra cost, it is always advisable for you to purchase laptop insurance. At times, when one lost his or her laptop, it might be very difficult to raise money to buy a new one. You can transfer the cost to a third party by buying PC insurance.

#3 Hardware-based security

As part of the effort to secure your laptop from theft, you have to make use of a hardware-based security device. If you have a computer room where your laptops are kept, you have to make sure that you use heavy locks. You have to also ensure that you make use of physical security when it comes to securing your devices. 

#4 Encrypt sensitive data 

Apart from having a backup of your data at all times, you have to make sure that you encrypt your sensitive data at all times. You need to make sure that all those data are encrypted. Encrypting your data will guarantee that those data are rendered useless when they fall into the wrong hard. 

#5 Set BIOS Password

Another layer of security that you can go for is to set a BIOS password. When you set a password for your BIOS, it will become extremely difficult for someone to make changes to your BIOS setting without your consent. This will assist in securing your information. It will also make it difficult for anyone to format your computer without your consent. The negative side of it is that you will lose access to your BIOS if you forget the password. 

#6 Tracking

Another way of preventing or mitigating the impact of laptop theft is to install a tracking device on your laptop. You have to make sure that these tracking tools are installed so that it will be very easy to trace the laptop when it falls into the wrong hand. With it, you can know where your laptop is at any given time. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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How To Secure Backup Data With Encryption

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about how to go about online data backup. I want to say that apart from keeping your data safe, you should also consider one other thing that can go wrong. You need to make sure that your data are encrypted so that your valuable data does not fall into wrong hands. In this article, I want to talk about some of the ways that you can secure data with encryption. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

Encryption can be seen as the process of converting data to a format that is nor recognisable. If you encrypt data and it is now being hijacked by a third party knowingly or unknowingly, it will be very difficult for a third party to make sense of such data. 

Please note that backing up data makes it safe and reliable but you have to be very careful when you are backing up data, you might be in serious trouble when such data fall into the wrong hand. That is why it will make a lot of sense if you go a step further and encrypt your data as well. 

You can always encrypt your data on your storage device. In doing this, you can always make use of USB devices. This will make a lot of sense. With encryption of your data on storage devices, it will ensure that the data does not make any sense when it falls into the wrong hand. 

I will recommend that you make use of Truecrypt when you need to encrypt your data and keep your data safe from third parties and hackers who might want to access such data. 


Facts To Know About Online Data Backup

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about the elements of computer security. In this article, I want to talk about some of the facts that you need to know about online data backup. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article. 

Online backup or remote backup is a method of offsite data storage where the content of a hard drive is regularly backup to another computer on the internet or a remote server that are not in the same location. 

This process is very important because it can help to prevent the loss of data in case something happens on-site. Most organisations prefer to store a copy of their data in another location so that they will not lose their data when there is a fire incident. 

When it comes to having an offline storage facility, it is an expensive venture. Because of the cost implication, it becomes very difficult for a small organisation to embark on such a venture. On the other hand, it is very good as it allows the organisation to prevent file corruption and damages that might happen because of fire engulfed an organisation.

Also, with this kind of practice, It is very easy to restore lost data after any damage has occurred. All that you need to have your data back is a strong internet connection. You can just copy your data back to the main site after such destruction or theft has occurred. This ensures that an organisation that has just suffered data loss returned back to normal operation in no time.

It is advisable that you only back up an important file when you are using an offsite storage facility. This will also reduce the cost of storing your files in an offsite storage facility. If you don’t have much cash to use for such an endeavour, you can not afford to store all your files in an offsite storage facility.

3 Types Of Data Backup In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the reasons why you should take data backup serious. I said it in that article that, when you backup your data, it will prevent a situation where you will lose precious data to hackers and viruses. In this article, I want to look at three types of data backup in computer security. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.

Now the types…

#1 Full/Normal Data Backup

This type of data backup copies all the files when backing up data. This includes system files, application files, user files and the entire operating system as well. 
This types of data backup copy all this data into an external media that serves as a backup for the files. This ensures that the files are still available in case anything happens. 

#2 Incremental backup

This only copies the files created or changed after the last backup exercise was done. Incremental backup takes less time and space but makes the job of restoring files difficult for users. 

#3 Differential Backup

This copies only the files changed or created that has been changed from the last incremental or normal backup. This process takes less time and space and it is very good at restoring data quickly.

6 Types Of Data Loss In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about all that you need to know about data backup and restore in computer security generally. In this article, I want to talk about all that you need to know about different types of data loss in computer security. Follow me as we will look at this together in this article. 

#1 Natural Disaster

Natural disasters at times can lead to loss of data. When there are earthquakes, winds, and other natural phenomena that are beyond human control, it can destroy data centres and other devices that hold data, This can lead to loss of data for the organisation. 

#2 Human error

At times, human error can also lead to the loss of data. There have been instances where people mistakenly lose data and they are not able to undo the mistake. Most at times, these mistakes are so fatal that they will find it difficult to bring back the data once it is lost in a controversial circumstance. 

#3 Corrupt File System

One instance that can lead to the loss of data is a corrupt file system. When viruses or other elements have tampered with your documents, it might lead to a situation where the files are corrupted and it becomes difficult for the files to open properly. This might lead to a situation where important documents are lost forever. 

#4 Software corruption

Another major cause of data loss is software corruption. Most times, when the software that housed that data refused to work the way it is supposed to work, it can lead to loss of data for the user. That is why, no matter how reliable the software is, you should make sure that you always back up your data. 

#5 Hardware failure

I do not know if it has happened to you before but it has happened to me. I have lost so much important data in the time past. A few days ago, my system crashed and I lost all my data. Someone had advised me to buy a hard disk and keep my important file but I was unable to keep my important files. This has made me lose data worth millions. I cannot do anything about it. Hardware failure happens from time to time. 

#6 Computer Virus

A virus can do more damage and it can make one lose lots of data. Even if you have the best of antivirus, you have to make sure that you still back up your data. This will prevent a situation where users will lose a lot of important data to viruses. You need to make sure that you are saving your important data to avoid any losses. 


Understanding Data Backup In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the elements of computer security for users generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to know about data backup in computer security. Follow me as we are going to look at some of the facts that you need to know about it in this article. 

There are times that many of us have lost vital information in the past. Some of those data are data that are very useful to us. At times, when the loss happens we always find it difficult to replace those data. One thing we could have done to prevent those fatal losses is to have data backup in place. In this article, I want to look at all that we need to know about data backup in computer security. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

What Backup is…

Backup is the process of making duplicate copies of critical data on backup media such as CD/DVD, USB, external hard disk among others. The main purpose of having a data backup in place is to restore critical data or files when they are accidentally deleted or stolen. This will ensure that the incidence does not affect day to day running of the business. 

You also have to note that it is very easy and cheaper to back up data compared to restoring data after a disaster. That is why most times, you do not need to backup your full data every time. This takes a lot of time. 

Aside from having an antivirus on your system, data backup should be your next priority. This is due to the fact it ensures that you have your data intact after any major or minor disaster has taken place. This is why you should not take this exercise with levity. 

What file to backup?

When you need to backup your data, you have to first decide on which of your data is critical. This will allow you to determine the amount of your data that you need to backup.  Some of the data that you need to backup include: 

  • Operating System files
  • Important office documents
  • Software downloaded or purchased online
  • Contact information and emails
  • Photos, music and videos
  • Other critical files

How Often?

  • It is always recommended that important files are backed up regularly. 
  • You have to back up when you make changes to your file or there are new additions so that such changes will be available when there are losses or damages to your files. 
  • You also have to back up on a pre-determined day. You can choose to back up your files every Monday or any other pre-determined date that you have chosen.
  • Back up only the modified files on a daily basis.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.



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Tips On How To Sell A Used Car Online

Doing a transaction can come in two ways. Either you buy or sell a product. A used car is an example of such a product. In this article, we would highlight how to buy or sell a used car online.



#1 Cost

       Whether you are selling or buying, considering the cost is important.
Buying: How many cars can you afford at the moment? If you have a flexible budget, it is best to buy a used car. A used car might need little to extra attention as it is used constantly. Try to look towards your budget and keep in mind miscellaneous funds for extra repairs after buying a used car.
Selling: Know the car market demand. How easy is your car going to be sold? Is it in popular demand? How much price would it preferably go for and hit sales? Try to consider these things. Keep in mind the various prices other car dealers may have. SUVs, sports cars are in high demand. Depending on weather conditions, convertibles might be in vogue during summer periods. So consider all these factors before setting a price.



#2  Pricing

     Pricing is another factor to keep in mind either during buying or selling of a used car.
Buying: Checking and comparing the prices of the used car brand you have in mind is important. You can find the used cars section online on some websites where private-party sellers advertise their cars. It is important to know that private party sellers always have low selling prices than car dealers. It is left for you to decide which car pricing matches your budget.

Selling: Try to price your vehicle to be competitive enough with other similar car brands. To do this, you need to, first of all, find out your car’s worth and what other dealers sell it. You can list your price as a private party dealer. You can use various online car dealing sites to accomplish this. Ask for a little more money than you can accept. This will ensure that if the buyer negotiates for less, you can still sell your car for a suitable amount.


#3  Advertising

 The only way to buy or sell a car is through ads. Sellers advertise their cars, buyers view appealing ads.
Buying: An easy way to find out what used car to buy is through ads online. To get exactly what you want, you can search for specific features and pricing in car dealing websites. Various ads on this will come up and you can choose which best match your budget.
Selling: Creating an ad is vital because this is how your prospective buyer can get to contact you. When creating an ad, try not to use many words. Write specific features of your car, it model and trim level. Also write it the colour, condition, your contact and price. Add catchy phrasing and selling abbreviations like ‘Must sell, asking prices and firm’. Carefully choose which to use when putting an ad for your car.



#4 Contact

    A prospective buyer contacts a willing seller so a deal can be struck soon.
Buying: After finding the car that suits your budget, try to contact the seller. Ask for important information about the car. The seller may say something not added in the ad, this can affect your decision. It is also advisable to see the car first instead of negotiating over a call. If the conversation runs smoothly, you can set up an appointment to test-drive the car
Selling: It is not easy to sell a used car. Not all buyers are reasonable. So when any contacts, evaluate them. It is easy to sell a car to a reasonable buyer than a harsh one. If you don’t feel uncomfortable inviting buyers to your house, you can arrange to show them your car at a park or complex. The buyer may also be evaluating you so try to keep them at ease. If they wish to test drive the car, allow them. Give them a maintenance report on their request.



#5 Maintenance

   The appearance and maintenance of a used car are important. Buyers appreciate a presentable car, while sellers should try to maintain their car.
Buying: Buy a car that looks neat and is maintained. Test driving is important to know more about this. Doing this will enable you to know more about the car and if it is in good condition. Check if the seats are comfortable or adjustable. Check out the tires and other parts. You can also ask the owner to hand you a service record so you know how well maintained it is.
Selling: Before placing a car for sale online, be sure to give it a clean and attractive look. Make sure it is also mechanically sound. Do some low-cost repairs and have it serviced. Keep service records handy so you can show buyers on request.



#6 Negotiation

    Negotiation is an almost last stage in closing a deal.
Buying: If you are reasonable and have a set budget, this should be easy. Start your negotiation with a little less of your set budget. Then the seller might decide or not to increase it. Before you finally chip in your set price.
Selling: Some buyers are uncomfortable negotiating so may use less convincing wordings or direct questions. Whatever form this takes, be sure to prepare ahead. At first, it is important to retain your original pricing except if it took time to get buyers, then you can be flexible.



#7  Finalize the deal

Finally, a deal has been struck. So, ensure a good deal closing.
Buying: If you are buying from a private owner, you do well to make sure the seller transfers all documents to you. If it has insurance, be sure to get that too. Make sure all paperwork is fully and duly completed before you celebrate your new car.
Selling: Payment through cash is preferable but in case of a higher price, the buyer could offer a cheque. To avoid cheque scams, you can choose to follow the buyer to cash the money at the bank. Hand over all titles and documents to the new owner. You can choose to cancel insurance or transfer to a new owner.

Whether you buy a used car or sell it online, ensure that your deal takes place in an orderly manner. At the end, both buyers and sellers benefits.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


Fact Check Policy


Top Branded Women Winter Collection Designer Suit!

Winter is around the bend and ladies are generally up for winter attire shopping, and exploiting the shopping shortcoming of our ladies, the originators have dispatched their uncommon women winter assortments, these ladies’ colder time of year assortments convey class and special cuts. Winter season days Women are in the race so they could tell which planner they are wearing, Pakistani originator plan a dress as per what a lady needs their dresses to convey stylish stuff, there are a ton of online sites which they offer you to purchase unstitched women winter assortment, best case scenario, limited cost purchase, yet individuals living here or abroad knows the value of requesting something from us since believability and legitimacy of this store are inimitable. 


khaddar Suits in Winter Collection

We are serving in ladies’ attire for over 50 years and our clients trust us, we generally deal with their clients like family and we generally need to expand our family by offering them unique fashioner suits by their unique creators, we don’t bargain in reproductions and any duplicates. Here at the site, you’ll locate a total assortment of khaddar suits, summer yard suits, creator Kurtis all under one rooftop.


Pakistani style planners never neglect to delight us with their season to prepare assortment, Winter Collection the design business has taken an unheard-of level, this year generally marks centre around the flower prints and ribbon broad to give a more stylish and tasteful look, originators utilize an excellent mix of light and dull shadings with botanical and mind-boggling prints. 


Pakistani Fashion Suits For Women

Ladies love to wear texture as per the season winter Pakistani fashioner plans garments by utilizing the texture of khaddar, silk, material, and chiffon, recent years were difficult to make due for a design architect in Pakistan since ladies living in Pakistan or around the globe they simply inhale and dream garments and it is no big surprise then that not exclusively is there an endless interest for garments each time they need uniqueness and polish which is anything but a simple assignment for anybody. We have the total scope of women’s unstitched winter assortment from top Pakistani Designers. 



Your Love for Winters 

On the off chance that you love winters, you will positively cherish our fine assortment of attire this season. You can feel innovative and discover ladies’ fall dresses that are a genuine impression of you. Our Pakistani winter garments for young ladies will cause you to feel certain that you are dressed flawlessly consistently. Winter Collection your ideal mindset of the day by looking over the praiseworthy scope of warm suits with creative plans. You spruce up to discover encouragement in the delight of design and the possibilities that the colder time of year season carries with it. 



Trendiest Women Clothing for Winters 

The vast majority of the clients anticipate winters since they need to purchase in-vogue winter wear which is related to the season. In vogue, comfortable garments with a pleasant hotter wrap are the mark of winter design. This season, the winter season brings to you the coolest patterns in warm dresses. You don’t have to make do with the old clothing types when you have the smart winter attire of 2020 hanging tight for you. 



Shading blend Utilized in winter Suits 

The present design is exceptionally befuddling and one requirements to think a ton before choosing any shading for their new dresses in case you’re stressed over which shade of the dress you should wear in winter at that point continue perusing it J as of now there are more dull tones that are utilized now, not just dim there are splendid tones too that gives you the more calm look, while picking a dress for winter you should pay special mind to colours that you haven’t pick prior, if you have a hazier composition, at that point don’t go for light shading tones like white or infant tones, you can go for more obscure shades, yet on the off chance that your appearance is reasonable, at that point you can go for both light and dim tones. 



Winter Unstitched Assortment

Well dress ladies are regularly at a misfortune about where to go to get a correctly cut shirt or suits, finding a decent tailor in Pakistan is definitely not a simple undertaking yet not present, we give you a web-based sewing office where you can get greater limits on women suits and have your garments customized to fit before they even get to your home.



Winter Collection here at we have a group of gifted expert tailors so they can deal with the entirety of our cutting and sewing. Select the style you need and stroll through our winter season customization cycle to ensure you get a suit or set of garments that truly coordinate your style and shape. Tweaking your dress on the site will give you a few advantages like reasonable fitting and customization alternative, and above all, their boss fit and solace once you got your request.



Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Top Casual Shoes For Men Online In Pakistan!

Casual shoes for men Having the alternative to present a cleaned appearance is a huge central capacity that every gent should have in his shoe store. Whether or not you’re dressing for a planned worker meeting, a legitimate limit, or even a date, having the choice to seem as though it is basic for progress. While your articles of clothing are ordinarily a huge bit of how you present yourself, your shoes are comparatively as huge. A man’s shoes state an extraordinary arrangement concerning him on the off chance that he needs them to, so nailing your footwear choice is basic for envisioning the right picture.


We have assembled new style shoes best men’s dress shoes that each man should guarantee. Fairly less unpredictable in the arrangement, in any case, Derbys features an open restricting system, unlike oxford shoes that have the lower piece of the coupling fragment sewn shut. 



Casual shoes for men

The pleasant style is fitting for most ordinary occasions and can without a very remarkable stretch be joined with a suit. While standard calfskin combinations of Derby shoes are ideal for a masterpiece, cleaned look, changed sorts, in materials, for instance, relaxed cowhide, are ideal for a to some degree more nice look. Strong Amies are extensively expressed.


“It is totally hard to be sharp glancing in unobtrusive shoes.” So follow his proposal, placed your spending dollars in quality footwear, and secure your theory with the fitting thought and backing. Shoes, pocket squares or watches, and even ties are similarly as charming as the canvas on which they have appeared – your men’s dress. Casual shoes for men, as you put assets into quality shoes to get the best yield on your dollars spent, it’s wise to bring in a comparable cash related commitment to your coordinating suits and shirt,s and various pieces of clothing. 



Best Shoes For Men

Right when basically the best will do, various men wind up going to the experts at Montagio Custom Tailoring. Plan an individual meeting for a storeroom makeover today. You’ll be cheerful you did! The current pool of nice shoes for men. They are also dependably well known among sneakerheads! For all of these men’s sneakers, new style shoes have evaded making a copy of past models. Taking everything into account, they solidify segments from the Micro Pacer, Ultraboost, and Primeknit models!



Discovering some sort of agreement of significant worth materials with premium workmanship, Casual shoes for men commensurate to their look and are constantly stretching imaginative boundaries. The difference between an Oxford and a Derby is the closed restricting structure – the lower some portion of an Oxford shoe’s coupling fragment is sewn closed. 



Moccasin Style Shoes

The shoes should be made of box calf cowhide and it should not have any broguing. Oxfords are the best worn with coordinating suits and master garments, anyway not fitting for agreeable occasions with jeans or khakis. Recollect that the Oxford is a dress shoe – purchase a couple with cowhide soles and make sure to shimmer your Oxfords totally to shield them from dulling. Whether or not you are wearing a tux to a dim tie event or a coordinating suit, these shoes will enhance and add a segment of the show to your attire.



Loafers are laceless shoes now and again featuring a Moccasin-style improvement. The pleasing slip-on shoe is ideal for adding a wonderfully relaxed up touch to formal outfits. Notwithstanding the way that loafers can work with a couple of looks, they pair exceptionally with suits, especially those battered with flare. 


Men Loafers Shoes

Pick between combinations, for instance, excellent Penny loafers and embellishment loafers in cowhide for a noteworthy and shrewd look. If you really need to astonish, in any case, a debased pair of velvet loafers will point in fact take care of business. Buy shoes that suit your current storeroom:



What incredible does it do to buy the latest ‘exposure’ style if it now and again misses the mark for your style? Do whatever it takes not to bob on the example train since it’s experiencing. Pick shoes that supplement what you starting at now have, not shoes that anticipate that you should repurchase your entire wardrobe. We’re looking at you, Yeezy sweethearts. Wear them to the right occasions (don’t go unnecessarily nice): Sneakers are inconceivably versatile, anyway, they’re not a suitable trade for dress shoes. 



Polish For Your shoes

You can pull off sneakers with any off-the-clock outfit new style shoes, unstructured suits – yet they’re not inferred for every occasion (for instance weddings). The rule for decorated rather than underdressed. Keep them clean: It doesn’t have any kind of effect on how cool your sneakers are, the effect will be lost in case they’re not great. Authentic sneaker help fuses washing the groups, Casual shoes for men forgoing aromas, brushing the outsoles, and using shoe trees and sneaker shields.



If your dress shoes are cowhide, you’ll need to start by cleaning any excess soil up with a sensitive texture. By then apply cleanly in an organizing concealing, and use a horsehair brush to buff excess clean away. Get extra shimmer by applying a drop of water to the calfskin and cleaning enthusiastically with a texture, new style shoes repeating all wrapped up.



Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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Reviewing iPhone 12 Pro Max Smartphone

iPhones and Apple products are generally in their class of their own. It is one smartphone that you can have and you will be happy that you are holding a smartphone.


You might have gathered the money and you are thinking of buying a new iPhone. At the end of this review, I will have successfully convinced that you should still go for the product.

I want to look at some of the unique features of the reasons why you still step up your game with an iPhone 12 max.

When looking at the censors, the smartphone has a Face ID recognition which makes it someone for an unauthorized person to access your phone. It also has an accelerometer for speedy actions.


It also has a proximity compass as well as barometer. The iPhone 12 max also comes with iMessage, a threaded view SMS that allow you to distinguish different messages.


It also comes with MMS, Email as well as Push Email features.


Looking at the Battery of this phone, It comes with Li-ion mAh, non-removable (14.13 Wh) battery. In terms of the charging speed, the phone has fast charging, 20W, 50% in 30 minutes.


That means you can have a fully charged phone in an hour. It also include USB Power Delivery 2.0. When you are watching videos, you can use the phone for at least 20 hours.


If you decide to go with music alone, your phone can be up for about 80hours without charging.


The new iPhone 12 max comes in four different colours that you can choose from.


It has Silver, Graphite, Gold and Pacific blue colour. We also have four different models that you can also choose from. These are A2411, A2342, A2410, and A2412.


AnTutu: 638584 (v8)
GeekBench: 4240 (v5.1)
Contrast ratio: Infinite (nominal).
Loudspeaker: -2.38 LUFS (very good).
Battery life: Enduring rate 95hrs

Other features

Capacity: 128GB, 256 GB, 512 GB
Size and Weight: 8.3 ounce (228grams). Height: 6.33 inches. Width: 3.07 inches. Depth0.29 inches.

  • Super Retina XDR Display.
  • 7 inches (Diagonal)
  • All screen OLED Display.
  • 2778 x 1284 pixel resolution at 458 ppi.
  • The iPhone 12 Pro Max display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 6.68 inches diagonally factual viewable area is less).

Please note that the phone is also splash, water and dust resistant.


  • A14 Bionic chip.
  • Next-Generation Neural Engine.



In terms of the camera features, iPhone 12 Pro max comes with Night mode for both the Wide and Ultra Wide cameras., and its better than ever at capturing incredible low-light shots. LiDAR makes Night mode portraits possible.


And the Wide camera lets in 27 percent more light, for greater detail and sharper focus day and night. The smartphone also has a wide camera with f/1.6 apperture captures 27% more light.


It also has the new 7-element Wide lens for edge-to-edge sharpness. It also has the new OIS makes 5000 adjustments per second.



The camera also has LiDAR that delivers up to 6x faster autofocus in low light. The bigger iPhone 12 Pro Max makes out the Pro Max camera system.


It has a 47 percent larger sensor and larger pixels that dramatically increase the amount of light gathered on the wide camera.


A new OIS stabilizes the sensor instead of the lens so that your shots are steady-even when you are not. And the new 65mm Telephoto camera leys you zoom in tighter on portraits as well.


Also, even with a small light source, LiDAR and the A14 Bionic can render every pattern and texture in the foreground along with realistic colour throughout the room.



The camera also has Smart HDR 3 which automatically refines highlights, shadows and colours.


Even at midday, you can effectively see the details of the pictures and shadows that appear on the images.



Other features

  • 87% better low-light photos
  • 5x optical zoom range
  • Bigger 1.7 um pixels
  • New sensor-shift optical image stabilization.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


Fact Check Policy

CRMNIGERIA is committed to fact-checking in a fair, transparent and non-partisan manner. Therefore, if you’ve found an error in any of our reports, be it factual, editorial, or an outdated post, please contact us to tell us about it.


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