Read How And Why Cannabis Affects Different Sexes

Cannabis Affects Different Sexes

Cannabis is mainly associated with psychoactive effects but also has its power in the therapeutic area too. Compounds sourced from this plant can normalize various health conditions, including depression, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia and inflammatory problems. If you are particularly looking for euphoric effects, they are also available with cannabis.
Many researchers have shown that specific elements are involved in how cannabis shows it’s influence over a body. It includes how old you are, your height and weight, your metabolic rate, tolerance level and responsiveness to such plants, there concentration level, consumption manner and dosages.


It has been seen that the gender of a human also plays it’s part in how cannabis takes effect. We will delve into this finding and see how and why cannabis affects both men and women distinctively.


Before we dive deep into it, we want to apprise you that the research on this topic is still underway. But we know that females reveal a substantial sensitivity to cannabis when measured up to males.


To put it neatly, a woman will require fewer CBD-infused drugs to sleep better than men who need more to experience a similar result.
We have outlined a few points in which cannabis affects both differently.



Famishing Desires

It was studied that men are more likely to get hungry or crave food than women who smoke or intake cannabis. The hedonic effects of food are enhanced by cannabis consumption, which activates your appetite after just looking or thinking about the food.


The advantage of this plant is that you can have a herb to relieve yourself of nauseating feelings and fight against appetite loss. In contrast, it can also cause an uncontrollable urge to eat that causes weight gain.
You will also find hyperactive weed users who take pleasure in calorie-burning performances, like exercise.



Emotional & Mental Roller Coaster

There is also a difference in how mentally and emotionally you get affected by cannabis. A woman goes through emotional equilibrium, whereas a guy experiences mental and emotional imbalance after consuming cannabis. It means that a guy will get more irritable and anxious relatively, while a girl would display increased control over her emotions.


Do not think that menfolk are more sensitive to weed. It is just that ladies are slightly better at regulating their emotional and even mental steadiness.

You should get adequate packaging to preserve the potency and efficacy of your cannabis. You can try Impression Ville for a free quote to confirm if it aligns with your requirements.



We will share all the verified and notional logic behind how cannabis affects both sexes in a different manner.


It is obvious that men smoke or intake more pot compared to women, and it is also evident that you develop a higher tolerance for a product with which you are more familiar. It explains why men have an increased tolerance for this herb, making them less sensitive and more tolerant of it. In contrast, females are more sensitive and less tolerant of cannabis.

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Higher sensitivity accounts for enhanced reaction time, whereas enhanced tolerance accounts for, apparently, less reaction rate. That is why ladies experience more potency with the same dose.


The Tendency with Other Drugs

It has been seen that many other drugs, like tobacco, are easily prevalent among male users who consume cannabis. But the cannabis performs better when taken alone, and using them with other drugs will adversely impact how the cannabis is consumed in your body.
This is why you will see guys increasing their weed quantities compared to women when naturally smoking cannabis without the inclusion of another drug.


The Already Known Unknown

Many researchers also believe that cannabis intensifies the deficiencies in the male genome. Guys are known to have fewer genetic material relatively and have a slower reaction rate, due to which they are more susceptible to ailments.
It has also been seen that cannabis improves our endocannabinoid system (ECS) and suggests that the weed outlines the restriction of YY gender.


Should Men Avoid Using Cannabis?

We have seen that the cannabis plant has more advantages for women but the herb still holds countless pros for both sexes. It can fight numerous health conditions specified by chronic aches, like arthritis, migraines, stiffening of muscle tissues and several other issues.
The five anxiety syndromes:

  1. Social Anxiety Disorder
  2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  4. Panic Disorder
  5. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

These are also healed with the help of cannabis. Similarly, it is also useful in issues like cancer and neurological problems, namely seizures and gastrointestinal like nausea. You can control and heal all of the problems with the cannabis plant. Do not start off with a more potent dose but develop your tolerance with a low shot.
This is how and why cannabis affects both genders differently.


Smart Ways to Hide Cannabis Smell From Others

The take on cannabis, especially marijuana, has seen a dramatic shift in the past couple of years. It has seen the light of legalization in many states, whereas the stigma around weed still persists. Your face might not reveal it but the pungent smell of weed gives you away. There are many ways to mask the odour of marijuana, whether you are smoking it, stashing or carrying it on you.
Read the following points to avoid the lingering smell of cannabis:



Let’s start with hiding the smell of stored cannabis. We will advise you not to use plastic bags as they are susceptible to tearing and do not conceal your product’s smell. The plastic bags are porous and can pull moisture out of your stuff, which makes it stale faster than you can imagine. Moreover, storing weed in such bags will also become prone to bacterial growth.

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Glass jars are the best to store your cannabis. Glass is a natural material and will not have synthetic substances oozing into your product’s moisture. Also, you will not suffer from mouldy or bacterial problems with it.


These jars conceal the potent smell of marijuana and do not make your place smell like a dispensary. You can also get portable glass jars to carry your buds in a secured and odourless manner.

You can also avail of great packaging to protect the potency and efficacy of your product at


You can neutralize the smoke smell at home with the help of just a hot shower. Let the steam fill the room as you smoke your stuff out of the window. You can shower normally after smoking weed, as the scent of your soap, shampoo and steam nullify the pungent smell of weed.

Make sure that you have a fan in your bathroom for the circulation of air. No one will ever know that you just smoked one up in your room.

Similarly, you can always have a scented candle to balance any strong, stubborn odour of cannabis.



The smoke has a bad habit of clinginess, just like the first partner you made in your teens. It clings to whatever you are wearing along with your hands if you are smoking a rolled-up bud. You can always change your wears or wear a jacket or blazer to be secretive about your smoking endeavour.


It would be great if you do not put your changed clothes with the rest of them to avoid any sort of smell. For example, if you are smoking in your car with a jacket or a hoodie on, put it away in the trunk of your vehicle rather than the backseat. Likewise, keep it in your closet instead of on the hook near your entrance.

You have to be mindful of your clothes while smoking and get rid of smelling clothes.



Just like your clothes, your weed smoke can also linger on your fingers and breath. That is why you have to ensure that you are fulfilling your hygienic practices to avoid getting caught.

You can thoroughly wash your clothes, in the same manner, the World Health Organization (WHO) showed in the COVID-19 pandemic, or just a hand sanitiser, which is also very common in today’s time.

Furthermore, you can also use the smell of alcohol to mask the little smell of weed on your hands.
Moreover, you should either brush your teeth, chew a mint or flavoured gum or use a mouthwash to avoid making your smell stink like cannabis. In these times, you can also use the facemask to go unnoticeable.

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Rest, you can use eye drops for your red eyes. These hygienic practices are essential to remove any sort of abrasive smell from your body.



It is not alien to people who smoke that the scent of marijuana will linger no matter where you are smoking, be it your office or bedroom, you and others can easily smell it. Fighting your smell with another smell is the best way to mask it. You can generally use perfume to avoid smelling like a high person.


There are also scented candles and incense available, particularly made to fight against such odours. But make sure you are getting a product that is not overpowering your weed but complementing its aroma. Trying too hard will obviously give you up.
It would be advised to buy pine or hops-smelling products. You know you can also purchase weed-scented products.


Else, you can use some essential oils to combat it. They are a great choice as they purify the air in your environment, balance the substances and remove any promising toxins. You can get sandalwood, rosemary and such aromas.
These are a few ways that you can use to mask the odour of your psychoactive products.



Action Point
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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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