Notations For Projects

Standard Schedule Diagramming Notations For Projects


I have talked about all that you need to know about the work breakdown structure for projects. In this article, I want to talk about Standard Schedule Diagramming Notations for projects. Follow as we will look at them together in this article.



Now the notations…

#1 Early Start

This denotes the earliest time an activity can start. usually, the ES of the first activity in a network diagram is zero. The Early Start of all other activities in the latest Early Finish of any predecessor activities. 

#2 Early Finish 

This denotes an Early Finish. The earliest time an activity can finish. The EF for the first activity is the same as its duration. For all other activities, EF is the latest EF of all the predecessor activities of an activity plan and its duration. 

#3 Late Finish

This denotes Late Finish. It is the latest time an activity can finish. The late Finish for the activity is the same as its Early Finish time. The LF for any predecessor activity is the earliest Late Start of any of its successor activities.

Late Start

This is the latest time an activity can start. The LS for the last activity is its Early Finish minus its duration. The Late Start for any predecessor activity is its Late Finish minus its duration.


This is the number of work periods required for the completion of an activity.

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Adeniyi Salau

Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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