3 Reasons Why Organisations Need Service Management (With Practical Examples).
3 Reasons Why Organisations Need Service Management
If there is any concept or ideology that is committed to the idea of service management, it is ITIL 4. In summary, ITIL is built on the ideas of customers and other stakeholders working together in order to deliver value to customers. In this article, I want to talk about why service management is needed in organisations.
First and foremost, technology is advancing more than ever before. Development such as cloud computing, infrastructure as a service, machine learning and blockchain has opened fresh opportunities for value creation and led to becoming an important business driver and a source of competitive advantage.
Now, you don’t have to wait for customers to come to your organisation before they can have access to your service. Organisations are now looking for ways whereby customers, whether they are coming to the office or interacting with them online are getting the same benefits.
Now I want to look at the benefits of service management to organisations.
Now the benefits…
#1 Service
First and foremost is a service organisation. Whether it is a government organisation or a private organisation. They are created to provide services. Without their customers enjoying their services, they will actually look for an alternative elsewhere.
#2 Organisational capabilities
Also, developing specialised organisational capabilities mentioned in the definition required an understanding of the nature of value, the nature and the scope of stakeholders involved as well as how value creation is enabled through services.
#3 Perceived benefits
Also, value can be considered as the perceived benefits or usefulness of something. At times, the kind of service that satisfied a particular customer might be seen as a non-value-adding service to others. That is why service has to be personalised for each customer.
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