Jesus Betrayed and Crucified. AG Adult Sunday School Teachers



He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (kjv).



Jesus was betrayed and crucified for our sins.


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Appreciate the personal price Jesus paid for our salvation.
2. Worship God for the love He displayed through Jesus’ crucifixion.
3. Consider and positively respond to God’s offer to trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

1. Betrayed by a Disciple
a. Preparations (Mark 14:10-16)
b. Betrayal (Mark 14:17-21, 43-45)
2. Arrested and Tried.
a. The Trial (Mark 14:53-59)
b. The Sentence (Mark 14:60-65)
3. Humiliated
a. Mocked and Abused (Mark 15:15-23)
b. Chastisement of Our Peace (Mark 15:24-29)

Where you ever guilty of something that someone else received the punishment for? Did you feel relief that you escaped the punishment or guilty that someone suffered unjustly in your place? Perhaps you have been punished for something you were not guilty of doing. Did you feel angry? Some people have become embittered and unwilling to forgive those involved in such instances.
Today’s lesson can cause us to contemplate what Jesus suffered to obtain salvation. He was innocent, yet He sacrificed himself willingly because of His love for us. We must consider how we are going to respond to this selfless act of love.

*Mark 14:10-65*
10. And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them.
11. And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.
12. And the first day of unleavened bread, when they kill3d the passover,his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?
13. And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them,go ye into the city, and there shall meet yee a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow Him.
14. And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the good man of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
15. And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.
18. And as they sat and did eat, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me.
43. And immediately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.
44. And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, and lead him away safely.
45. And as soon as he was come, he goeth straightway to him, and saith, Master, masteer, and kissed him.
46. And they laid their hands on him, and took him.

*Mark 15:34*
34. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Which is, being interpreted, My God, My God, why hast this forsaken me?.

*A. Preparations*
Mark 14:10-16
Jesus and His disciples had gone to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. To be prepared for their celebration of Passover, Jesus sent two of the disciples into the city, telling them to watch for a man carrying a jar of water (verses 12, 13). That was something unique then, for generally only women carried water. This man would lead them to a house where they could as the owner about a guest room, a large upper room that could be made ready for the sacred supper (verses 14, 15). The disciples followed Jesus’ instructions and found things just as He had said, so they prepared for the Passover meal (verse 16).
Jesus was aware that the time of His suffering was that hand. He had forewarned His disciples what was to come, but they did not seem to be able to grasp what he had told them (lesson 11 dealt with this).
As Jesus faced the most difficult time of His life, one of His twelve disciples was preparing to betray Him for money (Mark 14:10). Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests in order to turn Jesus over to them. He watched for the best time to hand Jesus over to them (verse 11).

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Magnify Our Incomparable Lord. AG Sunday School Teachers Manual.

*Question for Application*
*What motivated Judas Iscariot to choose to betray Jesus?*

Some have speculated that greed was Judas’ motivation (see John 12:4-6). Judas’ choice should make us examine our own hearts. Could our choices cause our hearts to become so hardened that we would deny Jesus? Let us pay attention to the instruction of Hebbrews 3:12, 13: “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (KJV)

*B. Betrayal*
Mark 14:17-21, 43-45
The act of betrayal may well be viewed by the majority of the world as the vilest crime one can commit, for it is done against one who trusts the betrayer. On the night of the Passover, Jesus arrived with His disciples at the room that had been prepared for them. They ate, as people often did during that time. Jesus stated that one of them would betray Him (Mark 14:17, 18).
The disciples were troubled by His statement. One by one they questioned Jesus, wanting to know for sure they were not the one (verse 19).
All but one of them was unable to believe someone could do something so hurtful to their Master and Teacher.
Jesus confirmed that one of the Twelve in the room would be the betrayer (verse 20). The Son of Man would die just as it was written about Him, most likely a reference to Isaiah 53. But it is better for the betrayer never to have been born (Mark 14:21).
After eating Passover together, Jesus and His disciples headed to Gethsemane. Jesus went there to pray and to wait for His betrayal. The Sanhedrin sent armed guards to bring Jesus in. Usually a sign of respect and love for a teacher, Judas’ kiss became an act of disloyalty. The Son of God was betrayed by a false act of love and taken away to be tried.

*A. The Trial*
Mark 14:53-59
Jesus was rejected by those who knew the Law, by those who should have welcomed Himas the Messiah. Be was rejected by men so powerful that even His closest friends were afraid to stand up for Him. In His rejection, He dlsto9d alone.
The member of the Sanhedrin, made up of the chief priests, elders and teachers of the Law had rejected Jesus and were now waiting for Jesus to be brought to them for trial (Mark 14:53). Peter had followed, but at a safe distance, until he found himself alongside the guards of the high priest by the fire (verse 54).
The Jewish leadership opposed to Jesus did not have the authority under Roman rule to order someone’s death, so they sought to discredit the Lord through false witnesses until they could find a way to get rid of him. The statements of two or three witnesses had to agree. Many were willing to testify against Jesus, but their statement did not agree (verses 55,56). The Trial was a mockery of justice. The Jewish leaders opposed Jesus because of His popularity and His authority, but He had done no wrong so they could not rightfully accuse Him.
One by one false witnesses tried to discredit Jesus. At one point they tried to use His own words against Him. In John 2:19, Jesus had reffered to His body as the temple, saying that if they destroy it, He would raise it again in three days. He had been misunderstood, for those who heard Him thought He was referring to the temple Herod had built. But the statements of the false witnesses at Jesus’ trial about this did not agree, so this evidence could not be used in court (verses 57-59).
There may be times when Christians are falsely accused. Often those in the world do not understand why Christians act or think as they do, for they do not know the standards and values commanded in the Bible that Christians try to follow.

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*Question for Application*
*What are Christians to do when falsely accused?*

Jesus suffered because of the false accusations of others. As Christians, we may also be falsely accused. Jesus is able to help us extend grace and mercy even to those who have wronged us. Only through God’s love are we able to rise above the evil of this world.

*B. The Sentence*
Mark 14:60-65
*Question for Application*
*What should be the desire of a judge and jury when someone is brought to trial?*

Ideally, to see that justice is done should be the desire of every judge and jury. A fair trial for any, whether rich or poor, hopefully would be sought by all involved. However, just as in Jesus’ day, justice can be corrupted and bias affect the course of righteousness.
At jesus’trial, the high priest began to question Him to see if He would respond to the accusations of false witnesses (Mark 14:60). Jesus did not answer their false accusations (verse 61). The high priest pressed Him further. This time the question he asked would compel Jesus to respond concerning His identity. According to Matthew’s account, the high priest preceded the question with a legally binding oath, “I adjure thee by the living God” Matthew 26:63, KJV). H3 asked Jesus if He was the Christ.
The time had come for Jesus to again openly state that the was indeed the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One. Jesus’ declaration was straightforward. “I am: and yee shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heavens” ( verse 62, KJV).
The high priest tore his robe, an action that signalled his shock at what he considered to be blasphemy (verse 63). No more witnesses would be needed, for the One they held on trial had blasphemed (verses 63,64).
Blasphemy, the act of defaming the name of God was the one charge they now held against Jesus. Leviticus 24:16 states that those who utter blasphemy must be put to death. Now they were all in agreement to kill Jesus.with the mock trial nearly over, they began to spit on the Lord, blindfolding Him and striking Him, scoring His proclamation by asking Him to prophesy about who had hit Him (verse65).
As Christians, we may suffer unjustly. If it happens to us, 1 Peter 2:20-23 teaches us that we can choose to follow Christ’s example in how to respond. If we patiently endure and entrust ourselves to God’s care, we will be commended by Him.

*A. Mocked and Abused l*
Mark 15:15-23.
The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, eventually consented to crucify Jesus, though he found nothing I the Jewish accusations to Sentence someone to death. He first had Jesus flogged (Mark 15:15). This would have been done with a whip made of leather, bone, and metal fragments. Victims of Roman flogging often died from this torture, but Jesus would not yield His life just yet.
A whole company of Roman soldiers humiliated Jesus by their cruel treatment and mocking (verses 16-19). They placed on Him a purple robe and a crown of thorns. They yelled out, “Hail, King of the Jews!” They struck Him and spat on Him and fell down before Him in mock praise.
After this humiliation mockery, the soldiers led Jesus away to b crucified (verse 20). The brutal beating had weakened Jesus, so the Romans forced Simon, a man from Cyrene in Libya, to carry His cross (verse 21). Mark described Simon as the father of Alexander and Rufus. This may have been the Rufus who was mentioned by Paul (Romans 6:13) and thus known by the Roman Christians to whom this gospel was likely written.
Jesus was led to Golgotha named either for the skull-like appearance of the place or because of the many executions that had taken place there.
Even in His pain, Jesus would not accept the wine mixed with myrrh that would have eased His suffering. He probably rejected the wine because He wanted His mind to b clear when he spoke from the cross, and He wished to b our perfect substitute-enduring with full consciousness all the pain on our behalf.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  God: The One and Only. AG Adult Sunday School Manual.

*B. Chastisement of Our Peace*
Mark 15:24-29.
At the third, nine in the morning, Jesus was crucified (Mark 15:25). Only the worst criminals received this horrible punishment, and it was only for those who were not Roman citizens.
Jesus’ only possession was His outer garments, for which the solders gambled (verse 24). Above His head they placed the charge against Him, “The King of the Jews,” perhaps meant a mockery, yet declared for all to see (verse 26).
They placed the perfect Lamb of God between two thieves, fulfilling Scriptures concerning the Messiah ( verse 28, see Isaiah 53:12). The crowd around Him mocked and insulted Him, demanding that He come off the cross if He was the Messiah (Mark 15:29,30). The Jewish leaders also mocked Jesus, ridiculing Him for being able to save others but not himself (verse 31). They falsely claimed they would believe in Him if He would only come down from the cross (verse 32).
From noon till about three in the afternoon darkness cameover the land. This likely was a sign fulfilling Amos 8:9,10.
Six hours after being nailed to the cross, Jesus called out in Aramaic, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34, KJV). These words are found in Psalm 22, a prophetic psalm that des ribes crucifixion before it was used as punishment. The cry was mistakenly heard a call to Elijah, at which point Jesus was given wine vinegar from a sponge for His thirst (Mark 15:35,36).
Jesus cried out again and gave up His life, at which time the curtain separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies was ripped from top to bottom (verses 37,38). The centurion standing near the cross declared that Jesus was certainly the Son of God (verse 39). What he saw in Christ was enough proff for him.

*Questions for Application*
*Why was it necessary for Jesus to die on the cross?*

Jesus’ death on the cross was tragic, but it was not a tragedy. It was tragic in that He who was innocent of sin died for the sins of the world. It was not a tragedy, for His death on the cross made it possible for our sins to be forgiven. Let us worship Him, for “the chastisement of our peace was upon him” (Isaiah 53:5, KJV).

Throughout history no one has suffered more than Jesus Christ. Both the brutal physical nature of His suffering and the painful spiritual and emotional torment are beyond human comprehension. His suffering was not endured in vain, for through Christ’s sacrifice we have salvation. Salvation changes one’s mind, heart and body (see Isaiah 53:5). If we will trust Jesus as Saviour and Lord, we will find that our lives are changed forever.
Studying the crucifixion of Jesus is something we cannot do without its profoundly affecting us. Consider the love of God expressed through Jesus’ sacrificial death. How does the way we live reflect how much we love God and appreciate what He has done for us? Let us grateful surrender our lives to Him who died for us that we may live.

*Ministry in Action*
How many friends, coworkers, or neighbors do you know who have suffered without knowledge of Christ’s suffering and salvation? Reach out to just one of them this week with Christ’s love. You can make a world of difference as you tell others about Jesus, who died on the cross to save sinners.


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