Computer Security Checklists : Here Are The Checklists For Device Safety

Computer Security Checklists For Safety


In my previous articles, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about computer security generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the computer security checklists that you need to follow you need to confirm whether your devices or network infrastructure are secured or not. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article.

Now the checklists for Computer Security…

#1 Strong passwords 

One of the key components of computer security is strong passwords. You have to use strong passwords in order to keep your devices secured.


There is no device or password that cannot be cracked but using strong passwords will make it somehow difficult for hackers to have access to your device. 

#2 Antivirus updates 

Other key components of computer security awareness are the habit of updating your anti-virus regularly. You have to make sure that you always update your anti-virus and most importantly your plugins and themes.


Software developers always release patches in order to cover security loopholes. That is why you also should cultivate the habit of updating your anti-virus and themes as well as plugins regularly. 


#3 Update your Operating System

You should also cultivate the habit of updating your Operating System and all other components.


Most of the software developers are in the habit of rushing to market without completing work on the Operating Systems.


They always release patches to cover up and update the OS. that is why you should not joke with these patches because hackers can capitalise on these lapses to attack your device and steal sensitive information.

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#4 Back up important files

I don’t know about you, but I have lost important files before. Some of this loss came through laptop theft and virus attacks among others.


Some times I wish I had backed up those files. You should learn to always back up your files regularly.


This will also allow you to return back to normal business during a serious catastrophic attack. You should never joke with system backup at any time.

#5 Use of encryption techniques

As part of your security awareness checklists, you should always learn to use encryption techniques when you are transmitting data from senders to receivers.


Encryption ensures that data can not be understood when they are hijacked while it is being sent from senders to receivers. This will ensure that sensitive information does not fall into wrong hands.

#6 Firewall

A major component of your computer security checklist is the use of firewalls. Firewalls prevent or allow some types of data or processes to come in or go out of your devices based on pre-defined rules that are set.


You can make use of firewalls to explicitly deny or allow some processes and actions to take place on your device. You should always learn to set up firewalls to block unwanted processes.

#7 Standard guidelines

It is also expected that organizations will have guidelines concerning what is permitted or not permitted on the corporate network.


It is a well-known fact that most of the attacks on a corporate network will be coming from the internet.

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That is why organisations need to set up internet policies and make sure that all employees and stakeholders are following the rules.


#8 Physical Security

One of the major aspects that should not be taken for granted is the physical security of your devices. You have to make sure that it is only an authorised person that has access to those devices.


You should also learn to keep your devices away when they are not in use. Sometimes, you need to make sure server rooms are transparent enough so that you will know what is going on in those rooms. Besides CCTV can be installed to monitor activities around your devices at every point in time.

#9 Hackers are evolving

Believe me, hackers do not use the same method over and over again.


They are evolving. There are always devising new methods of attacking devices and network infrastructure.


That is why the Network Security Expert should also keep himself abreast of new methods of attacks and come up with counter-measures. He also needs to enlighten stakeholders on how not to fall victim of those attacks as well.

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