Facts About Metaverse: Everything You Need To Know About The Technology


Facts about Metaverse

The Metaverse is more than just the future of virtual reality. It’s also a decentralized blockchain, which means that it’s built and maintained using the same technology as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and its token, ETP, can be bought and sold through cryptocurrency exchanges like Kraken or Bittrex.

Here are five facts about Metaverse that will blow your mind!

#1 Metaverse is building its blockchain

Did you know that Metaverse is building its blockchain? That’s right – the team behind Metaverse is hard at work developing a blockchain that will power the next generation of digital assets and applications. What are some of the other mind-blowing facts about Metaverse? Keep reading

#2 30+ million users have already created identities

Did you know that over 30 million people have already created identities in the Metaverse? That’s a lot of people! And it’s only going to grow. The Metaverse is a virtual world that is constantly expanding and evolving.


Facts about Metaverse

The Metaverse is more than just the future of virtual reality. It’s also a decentralized blockchain, which means that it’s built and maintained using the same technology as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and its token, ETP, can be bought and sold through cryptocurrency exchanges like Kraken or Bittrex.

Here are five facts about Metaverse that will blow your mind!

#1 Metaverse is building its blockchain

Did you know that Metaverse is building its blockchain? That’s right – the team behind Metaverse is hard at work developing a blockchain that will power the next generation of digital assets and applications. What are some of the other mind-blowing facts about Metaverse? Keep reading

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#2 30+ million users have already created identities

Did you know that over 30 million people have already created identities in the Metaverse? That’s a lot of people! And it’s only going to grow. The Metaverse is a virtual world that is constantly expanding and evolving.

There are no limits to what you can do or where you can go. It’s a place where you can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do. With so many users joining, you’re bound to find new friends and people with common interests.

While most video games keep players confined to one game, Metaverse allows gamers from all around the world to play together on its vast network of connected worlds. Whether they’re exploring fictional realms, learning new skills, or just hanging out with friends – gamers will always have something fun to do in the Metaverse. And for those who prefer being physically active, Metaverse offers plenty of opportunities for exercise as well.



Endless possibilities are waiting for you inside the Metaverse.

3) Metaverse has launched its test network

The Metaverse test network is now live! This means that developers can start building on Metaverse and experimenting with its features. For those interested in testing out the new platform, you can download the wallet here and get started.


#4 You can own and sell land in the

In the metaverse, land is a valuable commodity that can be bought, sold, and traded. Unlike the physical world, there is no limit to the amount of land that can exist in the metaverse. This makes it a great investment for those looking to cash in on the virtual real estate boom.

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All transactions are transparent and recorded on an immutable ledger, so you always know who owns what. Because property rights don’t stop at national borders, ownership of land in the metaverse doesn’t stop at national borders either.


You could own land in France from your home country and start a business there as well as own property from your couch. As long as the border between two nations exists in cyberspace, people will want to trade with each other.


The Internet has already made a big impact on how people trade internationally and internet-based economies will likely grow more powerful over time. Countries around the world should anticipate this and prepare themselves accordingly because their current systems may not work when governments are not present to enforce regulations or monitor things like taxes.


#5 Things in the metaverse will cost as well as generate money

In the metaverse, things will cost money just like they do in the physical world. But unlike the physical world, the metaverse will also generate revenue. This means that businesses and individuals will be able to make money by participating in the metaverse.

In addition, creators of 3D content can earn royalties when their creations are purchased or used in someone else’s project.


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