The Framework For Scrum. A Critical Review


The SBOK™ Guide is broadly divided into the following three areas:

  1. Principles covered in chapter 2, expand on the six principles which form the foundation on which Scrum is based.
  2. Aspects covered in chapters 3 through 7 describe the five aspects that are important considerations for all Scrum projects.
  3. Processes covered in chapters 8 through 12 include the nineteen Scrum processes and their associated inputs, tools, and outputs.

How to Use the SBOK™ Guide?

The SBOK™ Guide can be used as a reference and knowledge guide by both experienced Scrum and other product and service development practitioners, as well as by persons with no prior experience or knowledge of Scrum or project management methodology.

The contents are organized for easy reference by the three Scrum Core Team roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Scrum Team.

The chapters covering the six Scrum principles (chapter 2) and five Scrum aspects (chapter 3 through 7) include a Roles Guide. This guide provides direction regarding the relevance of each section in the chapter to the Scrum Core Team roles.


In order to facilitate the best application of the Scrum framework, the SBOK™ Guide has clearly differentiated mandatory inputs, tools, and outputs, from non-mandatory or optional ones.

Inputs, tools, and outputs denoted by asterisks (*) are mandatory while others with no asterisks are optional. It is recommended that those being introduced to Scrum focus primarily on the mandatory inputs, tools, and outputs, while more experienced practitioners should read the entire process chapters.


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The General Purpose Of Sbok Guide. What You Should Know


 In recent years, it has become evident that organizations which use Scrum as their preferred project delivery framework consistently deliver high Returns on Investment. Scrum’s focus on value-driven delivery helps Scrum Teams deliver results as early in the project as possible. In this article, I want to discuss the General Purpose of Sbok Guide. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.



The SBOK™ Guide was developed as a means to create a necessary guide for organizations and project management practitioners who want to implement Scrum, as well as those already doing so who want to make needed improvements to their processes.


It is based on experience drawn from thousands of projects across a variety of organizations and industries. The contributions of many Scrum experts and project management practitioners have been considered in its development.


The SBOK™ Guide is especially valuable:

° Product Owners who want to fully understand the Scrum framework and particularly the customer or stakeholder-related concerns involving business justification, quality, change, and risk aspects associated with Scrum projects.

 ° Scrum Masters who want to learn their specific role in overseeing the application of Scrum framework to Scrum projects.

° Scrum Team members who want to better understand Scrum processes and the associated tools that may be used to create the project’s product or service.

  • As a comprehensive guide for all Scrum practitioners working on Scrum projects in any organization or industry.
  • As a reference source for anyone interacting with the Scrum Core Team, including but not limited to the Portfolio Product Owner, Portfolio Scrum Master, Program Product Owner, Program Scrum Master, Scrum Guidance Body, and Stakeholders (i.e., sponsor, customer, and users).
  • As a handbook for any person who has no prior experience or knowledge of Scrum framework but wants to learn more about the subject.

The content of the SBOK™ Guide is also helpful for individuals preparing to write the following SCRUMstudy™ certification exams:

  • Scrum Developer Certified (SDC)
  • Scrum Master Certified (SMC)
  • Agile Expert Certified (AEC)
  • Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC)
  • Expert Scrum Master (ESM)


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Analysing A Brief History Of Scrum Methodology

Brief History of Scrum

In the mid 80’s, Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka defined a flexible and all-inclusive product development strategy where the development team works as a unit to reach a common goal. They described an innovative approach to product development that they called a holistic or “rugby” approach, “where a team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth.” They based their approach on manufacturing case studies from various industries.


Takeuchi and Nonaka proposed that product development should not be like a sequential relay race, but rather should be analogous to the game of rugby where the team works together, passing the ball back and forth as they move as a unit down the field. The rugby concept of a “Scrum” (where a group of players form together to restart the game) was introduced in this article to describe the authors’ proposal that product development should involve “moving the Scrum downfield”.


Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland elaborated on the Scrum concept and its applicability to software development in a presentation at the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA) conference held in 1995 in Austin, Texas.

Since then, several Scrum practitioners, experts, and authors have continued to refine the Scrum conceptualization and methodology. In recent years, Scrum has increased in popularity and is now the preferred project development methodology for many organizations globally.

 Why Use Scrum?

Why Use Scrum?

Some of the key benefits of using Scrum in any project are:

  1. Adaptability—Empirical process control and iterative delivery make projects adaptable and open to incorporating change.
  1. Transparency—All information radiators like a Scrumboard and Sprint Burndown Chart are shared, leading to an open work environment.
  1. Continuous Feedback—Continuous feedback is provided through the Conduct Daily Standup, and Demonstrate and Validate Sprint processes.
  2. Continuous Improvement—The deliverables are improved progressively Sprint by Sprint, through the Groom Prioritized Product Backlog process.
  3. Continuous Delivery of Value—Iterative processes enable the continuous delivery of value through the Ship Deliverables process as frequently as the customer requires.
  1. Sustainable Pace—Scrum processes are designed such that the people involved can work at a sustainable pace that they can, in theory, continue indefinitely.
  2. Early Delivery of High Value—The Create Prioritized Product Backlog process ensures that the highest value requirements of the customer are satisfied first.
  3. Efficient Development Process—Time-boxing and minimizing non-essential work leads to higher efficiency levels.
  4. Motivation—The Conduct Daily Standup and Retrospect Sprint processes lead to greater levels of motivation among employees.
  5. Faster Problem Resolution—Collaboration and colocation of cross-functional teams lead to faster problem solving.
  6. Effective Deliverables—The Create Prioritized Product Backlog process and regular reviews after creating deliverables ensures effective deliverables to the customer.
  7. Customer Centric—Emphasis on business value and having a collaborative approach to stakeholders ensures a customer-oriented framework.
  8. High Trust EnvironmentConduct Daily Standup and Retrospect Sprint processes promote transparency and collaboration, leading to a high trust work environment ensuring low friction among employees.
  9. Collective Ownership—The Approve, Estimate, and Commit User Stories process allows team members to take ownership of the project and their work leading to better quality.
    1. High Velocity—A collaborative framework enables highly skilled cross-functional teams to achieve their full potential and high velocity.
    2. Innovative Environment—The Retrospect Sprint and Retrospect Project processes create an environment of introspection, learning, and adaptability leading to an innovative and creative work environment.

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Overview Of Scrum Methodology: An Insight

A Scrum project involves a collaborative effort to create a new product, service, or other result as defined in the Project Vision Statement. Projects are impacted by constraints of time, cost, scope, quality, resources, organizational capabilities, and other limitations that make them difficult to plan, execute, manage, and ultimately succeed.


However, successful implementation of the results of a finished project provides significant business benefits to an organization. It is therefore important for organizations to select and practice an appropriate project management methodology.



Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. Scrum ensures transparency in communication and creates an environment of collective accountability and continuous progress.

 The Scrum framework, as defined in the SBOK™ Guide, is structured in such a way that it supports product and service development in all types of industries and in any type of project, irrespective of its complexity.

A key strength of Scrum lies in its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide their work into short, concentrated work cycles called Sprints.


Scrum Cycle

The Scrum cycle begins with a Stakeholder Meeting, during which the Project Vision is created. The Product Owner then develops a Prioritized Product Backlog which contains a prioritized list of business and project requirements written in the form of User Stories.

Each Sprint begins with a Sprint Planning Meeting during which high priority User Stories are considered for inclusion in the Sprint. A Sprint generally lasts between one and six weeks and involves the Scrum Team working to create potentially shippable Deliverables or product increments.


During the Sprint, short, highly focused Daily Standup Meetings are conducted where team members discuss daily progress. Toward the end of the Sprint, a Sprint Review Meeting is held during which the Product Owner and relevant stakeholders are provided a demonstration of the Deliverables.

 The Product Owner accepts the Deliverables only if they meet the predefined Acceptance Criteria. The Sprint cycle ends with a Retrospect Sprint Meeting where the team discusses ways to improve processes and performance as they move forward into the subsequent Sprint.


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Critical Overview Of The Scrum Body Of Knowledge

A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide) provides guidelines for the successful implementation of Scrum—the most popular Agile project management and product development methodology.


It provides a comprehensive framework that includes the Principles, Aspects, and Processes of Scrum. Scrum, as defined in the SBOK™ Guide, is applicable to the following: · Portfolios, programs, and/or projects in any industry · Products, services, or any other results to be delivered to stakeholders · Projects of any size or complexity.


Scalability of Scrum To be effective, Scrum Teams should ideally have six to ten members. This practice may be the reason for the misconception that the Scrum framework can only be used for small projects.


However, it can easily be scaled for effective use in large projects. In situations where the Scrum Team size exceeds ten people, multiple Scrum Teams can be formed to work on the project. The Convene Scrum of Scrums process facilitates coordination among the Scrum Teams, enabling effective implementation in larger projects.


Large or complex projects

Large or complex projects are often implemented as part of a program or portfolio. The Scrum framework can also be applied to manage even programs and portfolios.


The logical approach of the guidelines and principles in this framework can be used to manage projects of any size, spanning geographies and organizations.


Large projects may have multiple Scrum Teams working in parallel making it necessary to synchronize and facilitate the flow of information and enhance communication. The Convene Scrum of Scrums is the process ensuring this synchronization.


The various Scrum Teams are represented in this meeting and the objectives are to provide updates about progress, discuss challenges faced during the project, and coordinate activities. There are no set rules regarding the frequency of these meetings.


The factors determining the frequency are the amount of inter-team dependency, size of the project, level of complexity, and recommendations from the Scrum Guidance Body.



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