Devotional Songs
Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving
253. O God arise and protect me from mysterious attacks in the name of Jesus
254. My father show me the way out of my battles in the name of Jesus
255. O lord help me to overcome every affliction assigned against me in the name of Jesus
256. Everything the enemy is using to fight me shall frustrate him in the name of Jesus
257.I refuse to be defeated by the forces of evil in the name of Jesus
258. Any power assigned to use charm to ensnare my destine receive the judgment of death in the name of Jesus
259. Every voice commanding me to carry evil load my father’s house be silenced in the name of Jesus
260. O God arise and make me a prayer warrior who fights and wins battles in the name of Jesus
261. I use the blood of Jesus to separate myself from any form of effigy used against my life in the name of Jesus
262. Every dirty covenant speaking against my destine be destroyed in the name of Jesus
263. Every curse pushing me backward anything I want to move forward die in the name of Jesus
264. The battle of thou shall not be congratulated you are a liar die in the name of Jesus
265. Anything that I have waited for till now shall be miraculously delivered to me this year in the name of Jesus
266. Every grave cloth fighting me destine I tear you of in the name of Jesus
267. Every grave of a good thing in my life be frustrated by fire in Jesus’ name
268. Lion of the tribe of Judah arise chase affliction out of my destine in the name of Jesus
269. The power that wants me to offer the wrong sacrifice to God and die in the name of Jesus
270. Lord let your fiery and violent angels surround me and my family in the name of Jesus
271. My season of victory shall not give room to defeat in the name of Jesus
272. Dark power saying even if I climb or escape, I shall be pulled down and die in the name of Jesus
273.Violent men who have vowed to deal with me deal with your self in the name of Jesus
274. Any seed of wickedness planted in my childhood holy ghost fire destroy it in the name of Jesus
275. Power using the graveyard to imprison me destine you are liar die in the name of Jesus
276. The power that snatched the garment of the glory of my parent you cannot snatch my glory die in the name of Jesus
277. Stranger powers perform strange things against me your time is up die in the name of Jesus
278. Blood of Jesus arise in your cleansing power; wash my root in Jesus’s name
279. Battle from the dead hunting my life you have missed your way expire in the name of Jesus
280. Power assigned to drive me out of my promised land die in Jesus’s name.
The Lord God will restore to me the year that the locust has eaten the cankerworm the caterpillar and the palmworm have eaten in the name of Jesus. With the blood of Jesus, the lord will flush my hand and wash my palm and possession in the name of Jesus. The world may decide against going wide with evil flowing like a flood. The enemy in his evil machination may decide against me. The earth may choose not to tremble whatever may be or happen I refuse to be shaken in the name of Jesus.
- Any battle of life that has refused to let me go I command you to perish in the name of Jesus
- Anti-deliverance power I bury you today in the name of Jesus.
- The finger of God arises, disgrace every medication working against me in the name of Jesus
- O God arise and give me wonderful testimonies that will glorify your name in the name of Jesus.
- Every strong house that is holding onto my divine blessing to me now in the name of Jesus.
- Altars of darkness that are hosting my testimonies and blessing command you to catch fire in the name of Jesus.
- I decree that the answers to my prayer shall no longer hang in the spirit realm. I received an immediate answer to my prayer now in the name of Jesus.
- Doors of failure and depression be forever shut in my life in Jesus’s name.
- I decree that any satanic personality that attempts to shut my open door shall be disgraced in the name of Jesus.
- Every force of darkness assigned to my spiritual life caught fire now in the name of Jesus.
- Satanic
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