Day 14: 2022 MFM 70 Days Fasting and Prayers

2022 MFM 70 Days Fasting and Prayers

Devotional Songs 

Praise and Worship

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving 


85. From every ocean of failure, mercy of God, bail me out, in Jesus name.

86. Evil words from the mouth of men against my life, mercy of God, cancel them, in the name of Jesus. 

87. By the mercy of God, all my captured blessings, be released, in the name of Jesus. 

88. O Lord, take over my destiny to give my life a new meaning, in the name of Jesus. 

89. O Lord, let your finger arise and stop all manipulations in my life, in the name of Jesus. 

90. O Lord, let Your Power of fulfilment possess my life, in Jesus name. 

91. O Lord, by Your Great Power, take my destiny out of evil pit, in the name of Jesus.

92. Bitter writings of the enemies against me, be cancelled, in Jesus name.

93. O Lord, let my dreams bring angels to speak to me, in Jesus name. 

94. O Lord, take away sleep from those who try to hurt me, in Jesus name.

95. Anyone fasting in order to harm me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

96. Anyone that has taken an oath against my life, be destroyed , in the name of Jesus.

97. Father, destroy any wicked power sitting in my home, with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. 

98. Father, remember what the enemies have done against my family and deliver us, in the name of Jesus. 

99. My father, handle the battle raging in my family, in the name of Jesus. 

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Day 4: 2021 MFM 70 Days Fasting and Prayers.

100. O Lord, use me to be the solution to my family, in the name of Jesus. 

101. I refuse to be a servant of sin and darkness, in the name of Jesus. 

102. Every secret hand pushing me to do things that are not right, wither by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

103. Every dragnet of evil around my life, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

104. Lord, release endless blessings into my life, in the name of Jesus. 

105. Tears and sorrow that evildoers intend to use to destabilize the journey of my life will never materialize, in the name of Jesus. 

106. O Lord, crush the spiritual battle that can make my eyes or any part of my body cease working, in the name of Jesus. 

107. The intention of darkness to make me waste my finances will not succeed, in the name of Jesus. 

108. O God, overturn whatever the devil and the realms of darkness are using to afflict me or my source of joy and erase every form of bitterness from my life, in the name of Jesus.

109. The evil that I did not plan will not obstruct my good plans, in the name of Jesus.

110. Any satanic power raised from the grave to cut my life short, be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

111. My God, cut off the spiritual hand that is obstructing my glory, in the name of Jesus. 

112. My Father, heal me and my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  MFM 2021 Fasting And Prayers: Prayers For Church, Missionary Activities and Christain




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