Memory Verse: Psalms 86:5 – For thou, LORD, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Psalms 86 and 146
Lesson Central Truth:
There is no god like the Lord God.
Throughout this unit, we have explored many facets on what it means to worship the Lord. It is fitting that the unit ends with a focus on magnifying the Lord–lifting high our allegiance to Him above everyone and everything else in our lives. In Psalm 86 and 146, we find an emphasis on mercy followed by a declaration that He will reign forever. May our joy over these realities flow freely from our lives in both our worship and in our declaration of the Lord to the world around us.
A. Call Upon The Lord – Psalm 86:1-7
B. No Other God’s Are Like Him – Psalm 86:8-10.
A. “Teach Me Your Ways” – Psalm 86:11-13
B. “Have Mercy On Me” – Psalm 86:14-17
A. “Let All That I Am Praise The Lord” – Psalm 146:1-2
B. Have Confidence In God – Psalm 146:3-10.
Psalm 86:1-10
️ Psalm 86 opens with a prayer similar to what we studied in Psalm 113:6, as God is said to stoop low to engage with his people. Here, the Psalmist pleads, “Bend down, O LORD, and hear my prayer.” Such a request recognizes God’s exalted position as well as the Psalmist’s desperate need to hear from Him. This is similar to the place we often find ourselves when we go to prayer. we can see from the prayer of Psalmist (David) who has a proper perspective by looking unto God during his troubles.
While he finds himself in a difficult situation he remains confident that God hears and is able to save him. He is sure that even though his situation is dire, his God is bigger and desires to show mercy to those whom He loves. David believes that God hears and answers prayers. Despite the fact his enemies continued to threaten him, David maintained his confidence in the unchanging righteous character and loving mercy of the Lord.
The psalmist is still in distress, but his thoughts turn again to the greatness of his God. Note that the psalmist lived in a day when the nations round about Israel each worshipped its own national gods — Baal, Asherah, Bel, Dagon, etc. These so-called gods are nothing compared to the true God; non of their supposed works are anything like our great God deeds.
Now the psalmist declares that all the nations that once served these false gods will come to worship before the true God and bring Him glory. David declared that our God does “wondrous things” ie an act that go beyond human understanding and reason.
Still today, miracles testify to the reality of our God. They reveal a God who is able to do even the unimaginable on behalf of His people. As believers, when we declare our incomparable God to an unbelieving world around us, we can do so knowing He will do great things, and even miraculous, as we place our trust in Him.
Psalm 86:11-17
️ Because David knew who God is and his natural reaction was to submit himself to this great, gracious God and to ask Him to teach him.
David’s desire was to be taught God’s way. Could this be our desire cum request on a daily basis? Oftentimes, when we pray, we are concerned about deliverance, help, guidance, financial breakthroughs, and so much related issue. But we are not nearly as concerned to be taught God’s way and to be helped to serve Him with an undivided heart.
This determination to teach God’s way gave integrity to David’s request. He wanted to be taught so that he could live and then walk in God’s truth. This David’s request to teach God’s way and to walk in His truth wasn’t merely to satisfy intellectual curiosity or to win arguments; it was to live for Him in all ramifications.
Many people today, study God’s word just to win arguments and nothing more. Let our desire be like that of Psalmist: “Teach us Your ways, O Lord, that we may live according to your truth! Grant us purity of heart, that we may honor you.”
️ David thought about God’s past deliverance in his life. The merciful God who rescued him before would rescue him again. David encountered numerous life threatening challenges from his enemies and the victory he got was as a result of God’s mercy.
As believers, we must know that the life battles are too fearful and our victory can only come through God’s mercy–not by our strength, not by our technical know-how and not by who we know. Through all that David went through, he never approached God on the basis of what he deserved. Anything he received from God, he would receive on the basis of mercy.
David appeals to God’s mercy, grace, and steadfast Love to deliver him. God’s mercy and grace is essential to the salvation of all men. Without it, we would have “no hope” of being saved. God gave David the strength to deal with his challenges and overcome them.
With God’s grace he could have victory each day. We can have this same assurance today because we trust and serve the same God that was with the Psalmist. By His mercy, we are victorious in Christ!
Psalm 146
️ The Psalmist made a declaration of praise to God: “Praise the Lord! Let all that I am praise the Lord.” David called upon his own soul to give God praise, and others to give praise as well.
When we praise God, we vocalize our appreciation to God. We adore Him, verbally, for who He is, what He
has done and what He is yet to do. At the centre of our praise is Jesus – He must be the focus of our adoration.
The Psalmist went on to caution us against confidence in man. “Do not put your trust in princes.” God is to be praised and not man. No man is worthy of praise. We are sure to be disappointed when we put our trust in a man for whom there is no help.
This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:5). Only our matchless God deserves our total praise.
️ “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help.” Men are full of disappointment, but God never disappoints the one who hopes in Him.
The singer gives us more reasons for confidence in God. When we trust in the LORD as the Creator of all things, we realize He has the power to help us and deliver us that even great men do not have. God can also be trusted because He is a moral and upright God.
He champions justice for the oppressed and also cares for those who are in need. For the hungry He provides food and for prisoners He provides freedom.
God shows great love and compassion to the poor, afflicted, and needy. Yet the Lord also brings justice against the wicked and turns their way upside down.
In all this, we see a God of power, holiness, and love. This is our God who can be trusted with full confidence. The LORD shall reign forever, even to all generations. Praise the Lord!
Lesson Action Word:
We are duty-bound to magnify our incomparable Lord and trust in His character.
Lesson Prayer Point:
Father, we magnify and lift Your Name high above all other gods.
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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