Promiscuity: A Doomed Lifestyle. AG Teen Sunday School Manual

Promiscuity: A Doomed Lifestyle.


Text: Prov 7:7-23; John 8:3-11; 1 Cor 6:15-20; 1 John 1:9

Key Verse: 1Thess 4:7
For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. (NIV)


Sex is a sensitive and uncomfortable subject to discuss. Unfortunately, Christians often avoid the topic altogether because they are embarrassed. Yet, teens need to know the biblical view of sex and how to navigate the very dangerous waters of their sexually charged society. Also, teens need to understand the risk they take when they get involved in any level of sexual activity; for all sexual activities have consequences.

As you prepare for this study, remember to be sensitive to students who may be struggling with guilt or shame. Use Christ’s example with the woman caught in adultery as your guide to treating them with understanding and compassion rather than condemnation and judgment. Also pray that God helps you overcome any awkwardness so you can teach your class how God wants them to live a pure life.

The Basic Message: Explain to students…
God wants us to live sexually pure lives.

Promiscuity can destroy our walk with God and our relationships with others.


Ask God to forgive you for any sexual promiscuity in the past and commit to avoiding sexual sins in the future.

Activity Option: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN

Read the following words and the three definitions under each one. Ask students to vote on the definition they believe is the right one. (The correct answer is in italics.)
• Promiscuity is: (a) the Greek goddess of fertility

(b) casual sex with many people

(c) a promise made in a large city.


• STDS are: (a) School Tent Depots, (b) South Trans Dept. (c) Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
• Abstinence is: (a) a workout for your abdominal muscles, (b) choosing not to have sex before marriage, (c) an illegal drug.
Discuss what students know about promiscuity and how it affects people’s lives. Point out that abstinence is the only 100% foolproof way to avoid the negative consequences of sexual activities.

Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers…

• How promiscuity destroys people.
• How God feels about sexual purity.
• God’s willingness to forgive sexual immorality.

Inform and Discuss

a). Promiscuity Destroys Us
Teacher Hint: While talking about sex may make you and some of the students in your class uncomfortable, it is important that you remain open and honest with students, while maintaining modesty, as you talk about this topic.

1 Read or ask volunteers to read Prov 7:7-20. Why do you think people choose to live a promiscuous lifestyle? [Hint: Many people choose promiscuity to fill a void in their lives. Perhaps they are looking for love and acceptance or popularity. Maybe they experienced a past sexual trauma and promiscuity is their way of dealing with it. Some teenagers choose to be promiscuous in an attempt to take control of their lives and assert their independence.

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Note: Promiscuity does not solve problems; it only brings about more problems.

2. Read or ask a volunteer to read Prov. 7:21-23. Name some of the physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of promiscuity. [Hint: Include in the list sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancy, guilt, shame, and regret. All these grieve the heart of God, and separate us from Him and His purpose for our lives.

Guide: Explain that a life of promiscuity is seductive and appealing at first, but comes at a high price. When the tumult of that misguided passion subsides, contrary extremes will set in, turning desire into distraction; love into self-detestation; and the sweetness of pleasure into bitterness of soul.

3. How does promiscuity affect a person’s relationships? [Hint: It can cause a person to feel used up and worthless. This can keep them from having healthy relationship with others. It can break up relationships and strain friendships. It can give a persona bad reputation.

b). God Calls Us to be Pure
Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Cor 6:15-17. Explain that God designed sex to unite two people both physically and spiritually. Christians are already united with Christ in spirit and are part of the body of Christ. When a Christian chooses to take part in sexual immorality, he or she damages that relationship.

1. How can knowing that you are a part of the body of Christ affect your choices when it comes to sex? [Hint: It should cause us to ask how our actions affect our relationship with God and our witness to others. When we ask that question, it is easy to see that promiscuity is not a choice a Christian should make if he wants to serve God.

2. Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Cor 6:18-20. How does sexual sin differ from other sins? [Hint: Sin such as lying, cheating, and stealing are committed against another person. But sexual sin is a misuse of the body God created. It exposes the body to harm – abuse, disease, and emotional pain.]
>>Guide: Explain that by disrespecting our bodies – the temple of the Holy Spirit-we show disrespect to God Himself and the sacrifice Christ made for our redemption. Christians should consider all aspects of their bodies as sacred to be used to glorify God.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Ready For Christ's Return. AG Teen Sunday School Manual

c). God Will Forgive
1. Read or ask a volunteer to read John 8:3-11. How would you describe Jesus’ response to the woman’s sin? [Hint: Compassionate, forgiving caring, protective, kind.

2. What does this incident tell us about how God responds to those who make sexual mistakes? [Hint: God offers forgiveness to anyone who asks for it. However, He does ask that we stop sinning.]
>>Guide: Explain that through God’s forgiveness, people who have lived a promiscuous lifestyle can be used to bring Him glory. Jesus offers freedom from the guilt and condemnation of sexual sin. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome that sexual sin, hence He said to that woman, … go, and sin no more”.
Read or ask a volunteer to read and summarize 1 John 1:9. [Guide: Explain that the first step to overcoming promiscuity is to ask for forgiveness. When we admit our sin and ask God to forgive us, He promises to do that. It doesn’t matter how bad you think the sin is; God will forgive you of it when you come to Him in humility.

Involve Them: STEP BY STEP

Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each groupa sheet of paper and pen or pencil. Ask each group to make a list of things a person can do to overcome promiscuous lifestyle. (Here are samples: 1. Realize that promiscuity is sin. 2. Admit that sin to God and ask for His forgiveness and help to overcome it. 3. Accept God’s forgiveness and learn to forgive yourself. 4. Determine not to fall into the trap of promiscuity again. 5. Make yourself accountable to someone you trust in order to

help keep yourself pure.) Allow the groups to share their answers. Have the class determine which answers represent the best strategy to overcome promiscuity.


>Guide: Explain that it is much better to choose to avoid situations that might tempt a person to take part in sexual activities (e.g., being alone in a house with someone, going to a party with alcohol or drug that might impair your judgment, situations that might include taking off of clothes, etc.). Encourage students to set personal boundaries to protect themselves from sexual temptation.


Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 40), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Authority To Deal With It. AG Teen Manual.

Ministry Activity: SECOND CHANCE

Invite the students to sit in silence for a moment reflecting on any mistakes they’ve made in the past. If they’ve made no mistakes, they may think about how they plan to remain pure in the future. Lead in a time of prayer. Ask God to forgive the students who have made mistakes and to help them forgive themselves and empower them to remain pure. Also pray with students who desire God’s salvation.

Conclude the study by challenging the students to tell a friend or family member about their decision to remain sexually pure. Encourage them to ask those people to help them make the wise decision that will help them do that.

Teacher Hint:Ask Yourself…

1. Do students understand why God wants them to live sexually pure lives?
2. Can students explain what sexual promiscuity does to their walk with God?
3. Have students been given an opportunity to ask God for forgiveness?
4. Did students make commitment to avoiding sexual sin in the future?

Daily Dew Drops
Mon: Walk by the Spirit – Gal 5:16; Col 3:5
Tues: Managing Freedom – Gal 5:13
Wed: Your Body is for the Lord – 1 Cor 6:12-13
Thu: Honour His Temple – 1 Cor 6:15-20
Fri: Controlling the Eye gate – Job 31:1; Matt 5:28
Sat: Your Sanction is God’s will – 1 Thess 4:3



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