Is Shotzon Safe? A Review Of The URL Shortener

Is Shotzon Safe


The creator of shotzon claims that it’s the most popular URL shortener around, and if you go to the site’s homepage, you can see that it certainly has plenty of users!


However, are they all being protected? Many internet users are concerned about whether or not using shotzon puts their privacy at risk, so let’s take a closer look at its website to see what information we can find.


What is Shotzon?

Shotzon is a URL shortener that has been around for a few years and does not require you to register or provide any personal information.


Shotzon also offers an analytics dashboard so you can see how many clicks, impressions, shares and visits your links are getting. Shotzon is safe because it doesn’t require any registration or personal information from you.


How Does It Work?

Shotzon is a custom shortizer that can be used to shorten URLs. It is free and open-source, so no login or registration are required. Shotzon was created by David Shotton in 2013.


The service has been around for a number of years now, and it remains one of the most popular URL shorteners on the web today. In total, there have been over 1 billion shots saved since its inception.



If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to shorten your links, Shotzon may be what you’re looking for. That being said, we don’t recommend using this service for anything other than basic URL shortening.


You should never save passwords or banking information using Shotzon due to lack of encryption.

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Is Shotzon Safe?

URL shorteners are a great way to share links on sites like Twitter and Reddit, where there’s a limit on character length. But are they safe? Shotzon is a safe URL shortener that also provides analytics for each shortened link.


If you’re looking for a safe, user-friendly option, then Shotzon is worth checking out. It has a pretty simple interface with no bells and whistles or distractions. You can use it without any hassle, which is nice if you don’t want to get too many features in your way when it comes to sharing links.



There are two options available: Shotzon Mini with limited features, or Shotzon Pro which offers more powerful analytic capabilities. Shotzon Mini is free while Pro costs $8 per month (no ads).



With Shotzon Pro, you’ll be able to see click statistics such as traffic sources, engagement rate and conversion rate for every link. The data is aggregated from all the links shared by users who have chosen to upgrade their account.


One thing about Shotzon was how few customization options were offered. But if you want a no-frills URL shortener with an affordable price tag, this might be perfect for you!



The Pros and Cons of the Service 

The cons to Shotzon are that the shortened URLs are not very trackable and you are likely going to see a lot of spammy ads when browsing.



The pros to Shotzon is that it’s free, fast, and easy to use. If you want your visitors to share more content, then this might be a good option for your blog post. It also doesn’t take up much space on your browser so no one will have trouble scrolling down their screen.

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It’s quick and easy to shorten any url without too many bells and whistles like other url shorteners offer. While you won’t get analytics with this service, if you’re looking for a quick way to shorten urls without being bothered by extra features like analytics, this could work for you.



In conclusion, if simplicity is what you’re looking for in an url shortener app then Shotzon is worth checking out!




Although Shotzon is a reliable and safe URL shortener, it’s important to be aware that there are still some other risks associated with using a third-party service. If you’re running a site with sensitive data, it’s better to find a solution on your own.



However, if you’re just looking for an easy way to shorten links without any need for additional services or plugins, then Shotzon is worth checking out.


Action Point
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About Adeniyi Salau 1563 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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