The Thought That Counts

The Thought That Counts. AG Teen Manual


TEXT: Gen 9:6; Exo 20:13-14; Prov 18:21; Matt 5:21-28; 1 Cor 6:9, 13-20


KEY VERSE: 2 Timothy 2:22

Flee evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (NIV)

In recent years, there is an increase of spiritual curiosity among young people. However, that doesn’t necessarily translate to Christianity, but many teens and young adults are open to “religion.” Religions, however, are laden with outward rituals, routines, and practices. But Christianity is about a true relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, following God’s commands is a heart issue, having more to do with what happens on the inside than the outside actions.


The Sixth and Seventh Commandments covered in this session deal with clearly defined actions. But Jesus goes deeper, linking our respect for these commands to our thoughts and words. As you prepare, look deeper into your own life. You may be keeping God’s commands outwardly, but are you: relying on His help to keep them inwardly? Use this study as occasion to recommit your mouth and mind to God-pleasing purposes.


The Basic Message: Explain to students…

When it comes to keeping God’s laws, thoughts can be as important as actions.


People often break God’s laws inwardly, If not outwardly; and sinful thoughts typically lead to sinful actions.


Depend on God for help In keeping your thoughts toward others loving and pure.

Activity Option: THOUGHTS & ACTIONS

Write the following headings at the top of two columns on the board: 1) Thoughts Matter, 2) Actions Matter. Ask students to first describe situations In which thoughts or feelings matter more than actions (e.g., giving gifts, praying). List the responses on the board. Next, ask students to describe situations In which actions matter more than thoughts or feelings (e.g. taking needed actions In spite of being afraid, finishing your homework), Then discuss the following questions:


Guide: Explain that when it comes to following Christ, faith without action is useless (James 2:14-26). But thoughts affect actions. That’s why thoughts are critical. In fact, Jesus often put more emphasis on thoughts and attitudes of the heart than on outward actions.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  What is Reality. AG Teen Sunday School Manual.


• Why do actions matter? Why do thoughts matter? [Hint: Intention without actions don’t accomplish anything. But doing things for the wrong reasons or with a bad attitude can lead to trouble.


Study Overview:Explain that today’s study considers how.

• Thoughts and words can inflict death and destruction in people’s lives.
• Sexual sins start in the heart and mind.
• Depending on God to guide our thoughts and actions brings true freedom.

Inform and Discuss

a). Murder and the Mind


Teacher Hint: Read or have a volunteer read Exo 20:13. Explain that most people take this law for granted without any inclination to break it. But in the New Testament, Jesus says something about this issue that brings it closer to home.

1. Read or have a volunteer read Matt 5:21-22. How does this passage relate attitudes and actions to murder? [Hint: Anger to the point of hatred is worthy of God’s judgment. This doesn’t mean that being “mad” at someone is the moral equivalent of taking his or her life; for there is a place for righteous anger regarding wickedness or injustice. But the passage does indicate that harbouring deep, vindictive anger toward another individual can destroy you.]

2. Why would contempt or hatred toward someone be this serious? [Hint: Physical murder isn’t the only way we “kill” other people. By harsh words, attitudes, and actions, we may be guilty of character assassination. This kind of cruelty can bring death emotionally and spiritually to all people involved (Prov 18:21). And ultimately, spiritual destruction is far worse than physical death.]

3. Read or have a volunteer read Matt 5:23-26. What is your responsibility as a Christian if you’ve been hurt by someone or if you have hurt another?

Guide: Explain how hurtful words that aren’t reconciled block fellowship with God. We must make things right before worshipping or asking God for things. Doing right is more important than proving who’s right. Remember, Jesus reconciled us to Himself. He initiated the relationship even though He is innocent and we are guilty.

4. Read or have a volunteer read Gen 9:6. What reason does this passage give for the seriousness of murder? [Hint: People are made in God’s image. Abusing another human being, physically or verbally, can destroy the image of God within him or her.]

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Ready For Tough Times. AG Teen Sunday School Manual

b). Adultery and Attitude
>Teacher Hint: Read or have a volunteer read Exo 20:14. Explain that the more comprehensive nature of this command indicates that any sexual act outside of a biblical marriage relationship is forbidden.

*>>Note:* Sex is an intense desire that God has placed in each person, but IT IS NOT an uncontrollable need. The One who gave us the desire for sex has also given us the ability to control ourselves and express our sexual desires in appropriate ways.]

1. Read or have a volunteer read Matt 5:23-26. Discuss and list some of the things that can lead to lust. [Hint: e.g., pornography, dirty jokes, sexual images or innuendos in movies and television.]

2. What is the difference between temptation and lust? Hint: Temptation usually appeals to natural desires. We can’t always control being tempted, but we can control what we continue thinking about. When we choose to dwell on the desires for things we shouldn’t have, we lust.

Guide: Explain that entertaining temptation quickly leads to lust, and allowing your mind to fantasize about people who aren’t your spouse is wrong because desire is meant to lead to action. The challenge is to stop this process before it starts to get away from temptation in the first place.

3. Read or have a volunteer read 2 Tim 2:22. What advice does this passage give regarding lust? How should it affect our actions?
Note: Never try to prove how spiritually strong you are by constantly exposing yourself to tempting situations. The Bible instructs you to be wiser than that-FLEE!


4. Read or have volunteers read 1 Cor 6:9, 13-20. Discuss and list some consequences of ungodly sexual activity. [Guide: Sort responses into three categories: physical (e.g., pregnancy, disease); emotional (e.g., degrades and makes objects of those involved, brings guilt and regret); and spiritual (e.g., separation from God, won’t enter His kingdom).

Guide: Explain that God gave rules regarding the use of the human body’s sexual drive because He didn’t want it to be ruined or used to hurt and destroy people. Disobeying God’s laws and misusing our sexuality has both immediate and long-term consequences.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Here I Am. AG Sunday School Teen Manual

Inspire Them: Remind students “The Basic Message” of this study (pa 61). explain WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters: and HOW we can live the lesson captured in the study.


You are almost certain to have students in class who are currently experiencing the pain of destructive words or guilt of sexual misconduct. Remind them that peace and purity can be difficult goals for anyone and may seem impossible for those who don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Assure students that God offers complete healing and absolute forgiveness, whether people have hurt them or they have hurt themselves. Allow time for personal reflection, then offer prayer for those who need emotional, physical, or spiritual healing. Invite those who haven’t made Jesus the Forgiver of their sins and the Leader of their lives to do so now.

*>>Conclude* by challenging students to settle any unresolved conflicts or hurtful situations by forgiving or asking forgiveness of others. Remind them that Christ expects this type of grace and humility in His followers.

Teacher Hint: Ask yourself

1. Have students considered the connection between their thoughts and actions?
2. Do students understand how we can break God’s commandments In thoughts and words as well as in actions?
3. Have students considered how to avoid hurtful actions toward others and in their own lives?
4. Have students had opportunity to resolve past issues by receiving God’s forgiveness or extending forgiveness toward others?

Dally Dew Drops

Mon: Guard Your Heart – Proverbs 4:23
Tue: Put On the New Self – Ephesians 4:22-24
Wed: Watch What You Say – Ephesians 4:29
Thu: Trust Him – Proverbs 3:5-6
Fri: Switch On to the Higher Life – Colossians 3:2-5
Sat: Don’t Despise His Word – Romans 1:28


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