Customer In CRM: Real Reasons Why You Ended Up With No Sales

customer in CRM
CRM Customer Relationship Management for business sales marketing system concept presented in futuristic graphic interface of service application to support CRM database analysis.

At the end of this article , readers should be able to understand:

  •     Who a customer is,
  • What it means to treat customers like a king
  • The act of knowing your customers and the relationship that they keep can help an organisation to retain its customers for life.

Let us first clarify some points about a customer.  It is widely agreed that a customer is a person who has come to experience the product or services that you have to offer. 


He is interested in the products and services that you have to offer and would likely move to another organisation that produces similar products and services if you are no longer satisfying his or her needs. 


Therefore the following point must be well noted.



Customer is king
Have you ever been to a palace?  If your answer is no, you need to visit one.  It’s also very imperative for you to study Royalty. 


A king is treated with respect.  He commands, in Yoruba land, for example, it is not proper for kings to make suggestions, they give orders.



When we say that a customer is a king, all we are saying is that you have to treat them with respect and honour. 


You don’t need to argue with them about whatever they are doing.  That is why it is often said that “A King does no wrong”



It always amazes and baffles me the way some organisations and small businesses treat their customers. 


They treat them as if they are doing them a favour. 


This is with the wind of privatization that is blowing in the government sector, customers will dictate the way they want to be served.


Organisations that are not ready to abide by the rules of the game should prepare to go out of the market.  It is as simple as that.



On the other hand, every organisation; most especially the customer-centric enterprise, treat customers as an asset.


When we say something is an asset, we mean that such things are capable of generating more wealth.


You should know that the first thing that drives vent customers to vent life Cycle is because you have goods and services that can satisfy their needs.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  VIDEO: Evolution of Customer Relationship Management (+Examples)


You should also know that you are in a competitive environment. If another organisation is able to produce superior goods and render services at a cheaper rate.


There is a high tendency that your customers will move to their Life Cycle.


That is why customer-centric enterprise always finds every opportunity to delight their customers.


They treat their customers with dignity and respect. They treat them like Royalty and retain them for life. This xviii force the customer to introduce the product to another customer.

A  Scenario

There was a time when I was so much delighted in using Dudu-Osun as my bathing soap. I will buy twelve at once as if I am going to use them all at once.


I started using the soap because of the scent and name. It got to a stage where I forced my wife to be using the soap, even though it is not really good for her.


The company producing the soap has increased the price many times over but still continues to use the soap, along with my wife.


That means I am one of their assets and if they failed to meet up with my expectation, it can force me to start using another soap.

Know your Customer

I want you to take the time to ask this question from many organisations in Nigeria.


It will surprise you the kind of result that you will get from them. Ask giants like MTN, and GLO. First Bank of Nigeria Plc. Zenith Bank Plc, Oando or any other organizations in Nigeria to tell you the exact number of customers that they have or who their customers are: many of them cannot answer those questions correctly. They don’t know their customers.



Many organizations in Nigeria today just open shops and start selling, they don’t take into consideration who their customers are, who are the end-users. 



How many of their products does a particular customer need?


As a customer-centric enterprise, you must endeavour to know the person that is actually responsible for the settling of the bills.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: WeListen: The Ultimate Customer Feedback Solution


Don’t just assume that the person using the line is also the person making the recharge.


As a boss, I will compel my staff to open a salary account with GT Bank Plc. If the bank is no longer meeting my expectations as the boss, I might be forced to move them to another organisation.

It is very sad that organizations in Nigeria do not really understand the potential of CRM. If you ask an average business person, they thought it is all about opening a call centre with multiple touchpoints.


But CRM involves almost every department in an organisation. Part of it is what we called Partner Relationship Management where you let your partners and distributors understand the position of your organisation as far as the relationship with your customers is concerned


This will ensure that you are not misrepresented by them.



Knowing your customers goes beyond giving out a form to fill out. It goes beyond KYG in banks.


It involves looking in-depth into those forms and deducing some facts which you can use in retaining those customers for life.



Some scholars have argued that it is more profitable to do business from a customer perspective than a product perspective but many organisations in Nigeria still prefer to do business from a product perspective. Discuss the factors that are responsible for this.

  • Many Customer Care units in many organisations in Nigeria attend to customers’ issues as if they are doing them great favour and this is affecting the perspective of the organisation from the aspect of the customers and management seem to be helpless. As a CRM Consultant, how do you think Management can address this issue on the ground?



In this chapter, we have learned that:


  • A customer should be treated as a King. That is, you should allow them to determine what you produce and how you produce them. Never argue with them.


  • Knowing your customer should go beyond getting data about your customer. You should be able to ascertain the kind of relationship that they keep and how you can use such a relationship to your own advantage.
PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Components of Customer Loyalty: What You Never Knew About Your Returning Customers

Brainstorming Session



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Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on individual and corporate levels, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups. They are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you could drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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About Adeniyi Salau 1554 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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