
Demon Possession. RCCG SOD Year Two.

When we talk about demon possession , there are two categories of victims :

#1 Willing victim

These are victims that cooperate with the demons. They cooperate with Demons zealously and they are happy about it.

#2 Unwilling victims

These are the victims whom the enemy compel to cooperate.

There are two categories of possessive demons.

  1. Those who are outright antichrist. They hate Christ and they don’t hide it at all.
  2. The other category is a little bit more discrete. They are called religious demons; in other words, you can even find them in churches.


This can be recognized in three major ways.

a. Direct attack

These demon tens to attack anything that has to do with the gospel (1 John 2:22).

Any demon that says that there is no God the father and God the son is an antichrist. I am sure you know a religion that says ” God has no son, neither was He born”. You can easily discern which kind of demon is controlling that religion. That is why they are all out to be against anything that has to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. They cant tolerate anything that has to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. Examples are found in Mark 1:23-24 and Mark 5:1-7. Jesus was coming to the temple and this possessed fellow said to Him: ” What do you want ? What have we to do with you .” This is a direct attack.


B. Indirect Attack 

There is also the indirect Attack method. ” these demon talk about Jesus condescendingly. They say he is a good Teacher, a prophet , but not the son of God, not is He God. Some even try to preach the ” Gospel of love”. They talk about the brotherhood of man, the fatherhood of God, they say God is the Father of all, that there is no hell, no judgement , that God can’t send His own children to Hell. 

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You must be aware of them and do not listen to them. 2 Corinthians 11:3 ; Eph. 6:11. 


#2 Religious demons 

How can we discern them ? Very difficult to know; 

A. They can perform miracles. In Ephesians 6, the Bible talks about their lying wonders. They are magicians (2 Timothy 2:7-9). How do they perform lying wonders. They put a sickness on a person for example, and they help to remove it, only to replace it with another. For instance , where a sick person has a problem, the witch doctor will say there is no need to worry . He will tell them what to bring and they bring it. He then give them something which apparently cures the problem they came with, but at the same time introduced something worse in the victim so that he can keep coming back. 


B. They have a form of godliness. The Bible even says according to 2 Timothy 3:5 that they begin to talk about strict morals and generosity. But when you talk about the blood of Jesus , they don’t want to hear. 

c. They compound doctrines, as we know that the devil has its own doctrines. (1 Timothy 4:1; Titus 2:7). That will indirectly corrupt people. 


d. They keep on substituting anything it anyone for Christ. For example, For example, the Virgin Mary, or saying the God of so so and so, that is, Babalola, Oshoffa , Mosee Orimolade etc. 


They can tolerate anything except the blood of Jesus because they know that the devil was overcome by it according to Revelation 2:11. 

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How do we bring these demons into manifestation 

a. The antichrist demon cannot stand the presence of Jesus. So if you want to bring them into manifestation , begin to worship God, worship Jesus and praise him. Begin to song about the blood of Jesus and tell of his Power. As soon as you begin to worship: Jesus will come down and this will cause the demon to manifest. 


The religious demons can even begin to sing the choruses with you, in fact , they will sing the loudest . But when the anointing of the Holy Spirit is present, they will surface . Why not worship God fervently? You can never tell, there might be a demon in the person beside you. Worship so that the bound can be set free. 


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