RCCG SOD Year One: Know Yourself. Part Six

RCCG SOD Year One: Know Yourself. Part Six


You must be like your Father. Your father is a creator He is the creator of heaven and earth. 


In John 5:17. Jesus Christ said:



“My Father worketh hitherto and I work”

Like Father like Son. Your Father is a Creator so you too must create. He created man in his image. 


In Genesis 1:26, He said: 

“Come let us make man in our own image”.

You too must create others like yourself. In order words, you must win souls to Christ and make them disciples like yourself. You must love these people like God loves you. When He was creating man, He gave of himself. After He formed man out of the dust of the earth, according to Genesis 2:7, He breathed into that mud the breath of life. He gave to Himself. He poured out of Himself that clay and man became a living soul.


So, when you win a soul , in order for that soul to become a disciple like yourself, to serve God like you serve Him, to do things to God the way you are doing them, it will cost you something. You have to give of yourself to that person. You have to follow up the Fellow. Many a times you have to pay for the transportation of that fellow to come to School of Disciple lectures and Programmes. When the fellow wants to give one excuse or the other you go ahead and meet the need of that person so that he can become like you. 


In Romans 9:1-3; the Bible says: 

” I say the truth in Christ, I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost. That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my head for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh”.

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This is Paul taking, He said ” If only my people can be saved, If only my people can come to Christ, , If only my people can become disciples of Christ. I can almost say God, you remove my name from the Book of Life and put their own.” Now we are not asking you to pray that prayer. We are saying , pray, do everything to make sure that your relatives and your friends become disciples like yourself. 


By next year for example, there is nothing wrong if you alone come with 20 people. It will cost you your time, energy, money but will be worth it because your father is the Creator. He created light, you too should create light around you. Not only that, love yourself. We have already said that because God loves you, you must also love yourself. However,do not be satisfied with yourself , you can be better still, you can improve . Paul the Apostle, this man who has achieved tremendous things for God , said in Phil. 3:12-14, 


“Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect, but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus”. 


Paul said:

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press forward toward the mark for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”.


Paul said , I keep pressing on. I forget the things of the past, past failures , past successes, past glories, I move on. I keep pressing forward. That is what you should do as a disciple. You must always keep on improving yourself. You must never give up. There are no problems without solutions. Remember there is nothing too  hard for you to do. Oh, I thought it was God who can do all things , but the Bible say in Phil. 4:13; 

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year One. Know Yourself. Part One.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” 

As a disciple, somebody that is so loved of God like you, somebody as important to God as you, there is nothing you cannot attain. The only thing is that you must not step down where you are, dont approve of yourself as you are, don’t be satisfied with yourself , move on keep improving , keep on getting better, closer to God, pray more , study the Bible more, memorise more passages win more souls, serve God the more, give Him more, praise Him more. 


Improve on a daily basis, and then remember, you must never fail God because God is counting on you. You might be the only person God is looking for. He said” I look for a man, just one man who will stand in the edge between me and the nations”. You might be that one man. He is counting on you. Maybe God saved your soul for a time like this. May be that is why He gave you all the opportunities you have.


Remember what the Bible says in the Book of Esther 4:13-14, when the nation of Israel was in trouble and Mordecai sent to Esther, He said, ” Esther, if you keep quiet at this time, God will bring salvation to Israel from another source, but you and your father’s house will perish” And he said, “Who knows, may be it is because of of a time like tbis that you came into the kingdom. Maybe God brought you to salvation because of a time like this so that you can defend this nation against the enemy , so that you can win souls, so that you can rescue this nation from the devil”. Remember the Bible Says, 

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“Come now let us reason together”.

Maybe you want to go to God to discuss with Him; 

Father, how can I create?

How can I save more soul so that they become light? 

How can I win more souls?

How can I press forward?

How can I get more dicsiples?

How can I improve?

How will I not fail you?

Look what do I do? Please tell me”.


God said in Isaiah 1:18;

“Come now and let us reason together”.


Why don’t you accept His invitation? Why don’t you spend minutes now in discussing with the Lord? He said ,

Come, let us reason together. 


Say to Him: 


He will talk with you. Go ahead and talk to Him. 

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