How To Secure Backup Data With Encryption

How To Secure Backup Data With Encryption

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about how to go about online data backup. I want to say that apart from keeping your data safe, you should also consider one other thing that can go wrong. You need to make sure that your data are encrypted so that your valuable data does not fall into wrong hands. In this article, I want to talk about some of the ways that you can secure data with encryption. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

Encryption can be seen as the process of converting data to a format that is nor recognisable. If you encrypt data and it is now being hijacked by a third party knowingly or unknowingly, it will be very difficult for a third party to make sense of such data. 

Please note that backing up data makes it safe and reliable but you have to be very careful when you are backing up data, you might be in serious trouble when such data fall into the wrong hand. That is why it will make a lot of sense if you go a step further and encrypt your data as well. 

You can always encrypt your data on your storage device. In doing this, you can always make use of USB devices. This will make a lot of sense. With encryption of your data on storage devices, it will ensure that the data does not make any sense when it falls into the wrong hand. 

I will recommend that you make use of Truecrypt when you need to encrypt your data and keep your data safe from third parties and hackers who might want to access such data. 


Facts To Know About Online Data Backup

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about the elements of computer security. In this article, I want to talk about some of the facts that you need to know about online data backup. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article. 

Online backup or remote backup is a method of offsite data storage where the content of a hard drive is regularly backup to another computer on the internet or a remote server that are not in the same location. 

This process is very important because it can help to prevent the loss of data in case something happens on-site. Most organisations prefer to store a copy of their data in another location so that they will not lose their data when there is a fire incident. 

When it comes to having an offline storage facility, it is an expensive venture. Because of the cost implication, it becomes very difficult for a small organisation to embark on such a venture. On the other hand, it is very good as it allows the organisation to prevent file corruption and damages that might happen because of fire engulfed an organisation.

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Also, with this kind of practice, It is very easy to restore lost data after any damage has occurred. All that you need to have your data back is a strong internet connection. You can just copy your data back to the main site after such destruction or theft has occurred. This ensures that an organisation that has just suffered data loss returned back to normal operation in no time.

It is advisable that you only back up an important file when you are using an offsite storage facility. This will also reduce the cost of storing your files in an offsite storage facility. If you don’t have much cash to use for such an endeavour, you can not afford to store all your files in an offsite storage facility.

3 Types Of Data Backup In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the reasons why you should take data backup serious. I said it in that article that, when you backup your data, it will prevent a situation where you will lose precious data to hackers and viruses. In this article, I want to look at three types of data backup in computer security. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.

Now the types…

#1 Full/Normal Data Backup

This type of data backup copies all the files when backing up data. This includes system files, application files, user files and the entire operating system as well. 
This types of data backup copy all this data into an external media that serves as a backup for the files. This ensures that the files are still available in case anything happens. 

#2 Incremental backup

This only copies the files created or changed after the last backup exercise was done. Incremental backup takes less time and space but makes the job of restoring files difficult for users. 

#3 Differential Backup

This copies only the files changed or created that has been changed from the last incremental or normal backup. This process takes less time and space and it is very good at restoring data quickly.

6 Types Of Data Loss In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about all that you need to know about data backup and restore in computer security generally. In this article, I want to talk about all that you need to know about different types of data loss in computer security. Follow me as we will look at this together in this article. 

#1 Natural Disaster

Natural disasters at times can lead to loss of data. When there are earthquakes, winds, and other natural phenomena that are beyond human control, it can destroy data centres and other devices that hold data, This can lead to loss of data for the organisation. 

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#2 Human error

At times, human error can also lead to the loss of data. There have been instances where people mistakenly lose data and they are not able to undo the mistake. Most at times, these mistakes are so fatal that they will find it difficult to bring back the data once it is lost in a controversial circumstance. 

#3 Corrupt File System

One instance that can lead to the loss of data is a corrupt file system. When viruses or other elements have tampered with your documents, it might lead to a situation where the files are corrupted and it becomes difficult for the files to open properly. This might lead to a situation where important documents are lost forever. 

#4 Software corruption

Another major cause of data loss is software corruption. Most times, when the software that housed that data refused to work the way it is supposed to work, it can lead to loss of data for the user. That is why, no matter how reliable the software is, you should make sure that you always back up your data. 

#5 Hardware failure

I do not know if it has happened to you before but it has happened to me. I have lost so much important data in the time past. A few days ago, my system crashed and I lost all my data. Someone had advised me to buy a hard disk and keep my important file but I was unable to keep my important files. This has made me lose data worth millions. I cannot do anything about it. Hardware failure happens from time to time. 

#6 Computer Virus

A virus can do more damage and it can make one lose lots of data. Even if you have the best of antivirus, you have to make sure that you still back up your data. This will prevent a situation where users will lose a lot of important data to viruses. You need to make sure that you are saving your important data to avoid any losses. 


Understanding Data Backup In Computer Security

In my previous article, I have talked about some of the elements of computer security for users generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to know about data backup in computer security. Follow me as we are going to look at some of the facts that you need to know about it in this article. 

There are times that many of us have lost vital information in the past. Some of those data are data that are very useful to us. At times, when the loss happens we always find it difficult to replace those data. One thing we could have done to prevent those fatal losses is to have data backup in place. In this article, I want to look at all that we need to know about data backup in computer security. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

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What Backup is…

Backup is the process of making duplicate copies of critical data on backup media such as CD/DVD, USB, external hard disk among others. The main purpose of having a data backup in place is to restore critical data or files when they are accidentally deleted or stolen. This will ensure that the incidence does not affect day to day running of the business. 

You also have to note that it is very easy and cheaper to back up data compared to restoring data after a disaster. That is why most times, you do not need to backup your full data every time. This takes a lot of time. 

Aside from having an antivirus on your system, data backup should be your next priority. This is due to the fact it ensures that you have your data intact after any major or minor disaster has taken place. This is why you should not take this exercise with levity. 

What file to backup?

When you need to backup your data, you have to first decide on which of your data is critical. This will allow you to determine the amount of your data that you need to backup.  Some of the data that you need to backup include: 

  • Operating System files
  • Important office documents
  • Software downloaded or purchased online
  • Contact information and emails
  • Photos, music and videos
  • Other critical files

How Often?

  • It is always recommended that important files are backed up regularly. 
  • You have to back up when you make changes to your file or there are new additions so that such changes will be available when there are losses or damages to your files. 
  • You also have to back up on a pre-determined day. You can choose to back up your files every Monday or any other pre-determined date that you have chosen.
  • Back up only the modified files on a daily basis.


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About Adeniyi Salau 1563 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.