RCCG SOD Five: The Purpose Of Disciple’s Life

RCCG SOD Five: The Purpose Of Disciple's Life




As a pregnant woman becomes aware of the life within her, certain questions begin to arise. Will the baby be a boy or girl? Am I carrying a set of twins? Whom will he resemble, the father or me? What name shall we call him?’


In the same manner, now that you are becoming more and more aware that God is dwelling in you, that the power of God is within you, that His anointing is upon your life, questions shall also begin to arise. Why am I in the world? What has God got for me to do? How can I achieve the plan of God for my life? Every disciple who comes to the awareness that God is dwelling in him, will normally at one time or the other, begin to ask questions. Often, you may not get an answer immediately, you may not even get an answer directly. But gradually, God will reveal all to you, step by step. He will reveal what is His purpose for your life.


Example of Joseph:

In the case of Joseph, it started with dreams. In Genesis 37: 5-11, he dreamt about his brothers and even his fa-ther. In his first dream, his brothers were bowing down to him. The second dream showed that even the parents were bowing down to him.


In Genesis 37: 18-24, when they threw him into the dry pit, the dream he had before, kept him going. He knew he would not die in the pit. “Ah my brothers are yet to bow down to me. My father has not bowed down to me”.


In Genesis 39: 1-9, when he began to prosper in Portiphar’s house, he knew that he may prosper now but this is not according to the dream he had. Something deep within him told him that he had not yet arrived and that it was God only, who could fulfil His promise for his life, and take him to his destiny. He knew he must never offend that God.


I am sure some of you have had some prophecies. Something deep within you has told you that you are going to be great. It does not matter what may be happening now, that original dream is there and the only fellow who can bring it to pass is God Almighty. That is why you must never offend that God. Because if you offend Him, that might be the end of the dream. If you do not offend him, it does not matter what anybody may say, you will still make it.

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In Genesis 39:20-23, when Joseph ended up in jail because of his loyalty to God, he could not even understand why he had to be in prison. ‘Ah, I was trying to be holy and I landed in prison’, but somehow he knew that there was a goal ahead of him. He remained close to God. Somehow he became a prosperous prisoner. Even in prison, God was with him.


In Genesis 40:1-4 the fire of awareness in him was getting stronger, that he was going to be great, and that somehow he knew that his destiny was going to be linked up with that of Egypt. That is why he told Pharaoh’s cup bearer, When you are restored, don’t forget me. I have a role to play in the life of Egypt?’


Brethren, many of you have a mighty role to play in the life of this nation. In fact, many of you have a great role to play in the whole of the continent of Africa, and beyond. God has a purpose for your life. Whatever may be happening now, God is taking you step by step to the ultimate goal.


Two years had passed, two years that must have seemed like eternity to Joseph. He was in prison, God was silent, no new dream, the cup bearer had forgotten him. Nothing seemed to be happening, but the clock of destiny was ticking on.


God has a time table for your life, He has a time table for my life. One day will be one day, the D’day, the day of your appointment with God, the great day will arrive. Today could be your day.


In Genesis 41:1-4, Pharaoh had a dream. Note that it was Pharaoh and not Joseph who dreamt. Joseph had no new dream as soon as he had the two original dreams. But as soon as he had the original dreams the journey of faith was irresistibly guided from heaven. The one who was pushing him forward, was the one who gave him the original dreams. Meanwhile Joseph had grown as a result of his constant fellowship with God.

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He had grown from a dreamer to an interpreter of dreams. He had grown from hearing to knowing God. He now knew the mind of God according to Genesis 41: 25-28. As a result of his growth, he had reached the point of perfection. It was now time for God to put him on the throne of Egypt. He became Prime Minister of Egypt. Greatness had come, prosperity had come, not as a slave now, not as a prisoner, but as the Prime Minister of Egypt.


But then he must have thought, “is this the end of the purpose for my life? There are certain parts of the dream that are yet to be fulfilled. Where are my brothers, falling down before me? Where is father, falling down before me?” Seven years of plenty passed. Seven years of famine started.


In Genesis 41:38-44, the brothers came and they fell before him. Very soon after that, the father also came. Now the dream has completely been fulfilled. They all came and bow down before him. But then the real purpose for Joseph’s life was yet to be fully understood. Read Genesis 42, 43, 44 and 45.


Many years passed, daddy died. Then the real purpose for Joseph’s life came to pass and you find that in Genesis 50: 15-20. The brothers became afraid and said, “our father is dead now, this man is going to revenge on us, of all the evil we have done to him.” Joseph said “no, God sent me here, not you. You were instruments in the hands of God. God sent me, so that I can preserve life. You meant it for evil but God turned it for good. Don’t worry, I have nothing against you. God was just fulfilling His purpose for my life.”


Brethren, God has a purpose for your life. In 1997, December 24th, at about 2:00pm, God said certain things to me. He said, “Son, I will build you an army”. That was the first thing He said and then several other things. In fact, that day, He said twenty eight things.


I am believing that you are part of that army which the Almighty God will use for the last day revival. You may not see anything great happening yet, but one thing is certain, God has a purpose for my life. And your life somehow is linked with my life.  Together God wants to use us for something extremely great, something that the world has not seen before. But it is up to you, whether you will remain in that army of the Lord, because it is not all who started that will finish.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year Three. The Privileges Of A Disciple. Part One



Will you talk to God now? Please Father, I don’t want to drop out. Uphold me Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


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About Adeniyi Salau 1561 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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