RCCG SOD Year One : Know Yourself. Part Two.

RCCG SOD Year One : Know Yourself. Part Two.


The question is, why does God need you? God needs you because one of you will chase 1,000. But two of you according to His word can chase 10,000 of his enemies. One of you , just one disciple will chase 1,000 enemies of God, but the moment you are two, you will be able to chase 10,000. 


That means if there are three of you , you can deal with 100,000 of His enemies. The moment you can chase 1,000,000 of His enemies.


So, you can see how important you are in the army of God. As soon as He gets one additional disciple, He is Happy.


This is what what He says in Joshua 23:10 and Deuteronomy 32: 29-31. He talks about one of you chasing 1,000 and two of you chasing 10,000.


God does not need you just as a servant.or slave of God. You are a child of God. In fact, He loves you. He loves you tenderly , for several reasons . In fact, we can give you 12 reasons to show you that God loves you specially.


#1 He calls you son.

He doesn’t call you a slave, or a servant or a creature even though we are creatures of God.


The Bible says in 1 John 3:1 

” behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God; therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not”. 


I am a child of the Living God..

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#2 You are.going to be like Him one day.

The Bible says, one day, we are going to be exactly like Him at His appearing.


In John 3:2a, the Bible says,

” Beloved, now are we the sibs of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we hall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is”. 

We are going to be like Him when he appears. Oh Yes, that is tremendous love. When Jesus appears, we are going to be like him. That is the Word of God based on the Authority of the Word of God that cannot change.


I am going to be like Jesus one day and I believe I will see you at that time.


#3 You are going to see God and live


The Bible Says, one day we are going to see God and live. Remember one time when Moses said ” God I want to see you” and God said, ” No man can see me and live”. We shall see Him as He is. ” We are going to see God Alleluia”.


One day we are going to see God and we ate going to live. In fact not only are we going to live, but we are also going to become like Him.


So God loves you, I am sure He loves me especially. He calls you son. You are going to see Him, you are going to be like Him.

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