RCCG SOD Year Eight

RCCG SOD Year Eight: Spiritual Victory Part Two.


Focus: The Importance of Unity


There are more lessons to be learnt from Matthew 12:24-28.

  1. The kingdom of Satan is not divided and this should be known by every disciple. We should know for example that there should be no division also in the kingdom of God. Because God said one of us will chase a thousand and that two of us will put ten thousand to flight. This means that there is tremendous power in unity.

Now let us ask ourselves some questions. Why is the kingdom of Satan united? Is there love in the kingdom of Satan?


Love is not even in the dictionary of Satan. There is no love because God is love, and anything godly is not to be found in the kingdom of Satan. So in spite of the fact that there is no love at all in the kingdom of Satan, yet we discover that they are united.

The Bible now says to us who are in the kingdom of God in 1John 4: 7-8,

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”

Now if love is not in the kingdom of Satan and believe me every demon hates another demon and every witch hates the next witch. In fact, if there is anything that is common to all demons in the kingdom of Satan, it is hatred. Then how come they are united? They are united because they have a common goal and what is their goal? To kill, steal and to destroy. They all love to do evil, they love to steal, they love to kill, they love to destroy and this common goal keeps them together, according to John 10: 10 which says:

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:” As they say among the elders, “conspiracy united them.”


You saw what happened during the Gulf War. All kinds of people joined together against Sadaam Hussein. Who could ever believe that America and Russia would be fighting together in the same camp? All kinds of people just ganged together because of something. One goal, one conspiracy joined them together. When there is a common purpose and a common enemy, there should be unity.

So we, the disciples of Jesus Christ should realise that at least we have one common enemy and that is the devil. We should unite against this common enemy. In other words, even if there is no love among us, the fact that we are fighting a common enemy should unite us.

But then how can we be the children of God if we don’t have love? After all, our Father is love, and like Father like son. If God is love, His children should be love.

The Bible tells us in Mark 16: 17-18, it spelt out for us a common goal.

“These signs shall follow them that believe…”

These signs shall follow all believers.

“In my name, they will cast out demons.”

At least we have a common goal to cast out demons, to destroy the kingdom of Satan, because we are all believers.



  1. Another point to note is that: the kingdom of Satan is still standing and we are the ones who will pull down that kingdom. How do we know that the kingdom is standing? The Bible says in Psalm 110: 1


“The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”


God told Jesus Christ to sit down at His right hand until He makes His enemies His footstool and Jesus Christ is now seated on the right hand of God, waiting for us to make the enemies of Jesus Christ become His footstool.

How are we going to do that? How are we going to pull down this kingdom of Satan that is still standing?

In 2 Corinthians 10: 4, the Bible says,

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.”

We have the weapons; weapons that are not carnal, weapons that are mighty through God, to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan. His kingdom is standing but we will pull down this kingdom in the mighty name of Jesus. Now how do we do it?

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year One. Know Your Enemy. Part 4

(i) First of all, you must pull down the strongholds of Satan in your life. Get rid of anything that Satan may be interested in, in your life.

(ii) Secondly, unitedly we must pull down the strongholds of the enemy in the life of every disciple.




So we must start with ourselves and then with other disciples and of course, we now face the kingdom of Satan as a free united army. Unitedly, we will pull down the strongholds of the enemy.

  1. Yet there is another lesson from the scripture (Matthew 12: 22-28). The title given to Satan here is Beelzebub, which means “the father of flies.” This should tell you something. Every demon is like a fly in its ac-tivities. For example, look at the characteristics of a fly and see if you can compare them to the characteristics of a demon.



Flies has five common characteritics:

1)      A fly is a carrier of diseases and death. This is what demons do.

2)      Flies come in uninvited and that is what demons do. You do not need to           send for them before they come.

3)      Flies are attracted by dirt and uncleanliness. In the same manner,   spiritual uncleanliness attracts demons. Also, immoral thoughts, dirty jokes and bad music do same.

4)      Flies always only want to stay in either cool or lukewarm places and           demons are always to be found in congregations that are either cold or           luke-warm.

5)      As soon as you turn on the heat, flies will fly away.



If you want to get rid of the flies, you can do two things.

Either clean the top of the cooker or set fire to the cooker. As soon as the cooker begins to heat up, the flies will disappear. This will tell us the secret of victory in order to get rid of demons from your life, so that you have victory all the time.

  1. You must constantly seek revival. You must be hot all the time. You must be so revived that even your heat will cause a revival for other disciples.
  2. In order to have permanent victory, we must be together in hotness. If you are hot and I am hot, by the time we combine our heat, the fire we get becomes bigger and remember, the bigger the fire, the farther away will be darkness.

Remember the name of our God is the Father of Light, so when we are together in love and in unity, and we are all hot for Jesus, our victory will be eternal. It does not matter how hot you are, you can be hotter.

          I want you to spend some minutes to pray in tongues.

Invite the Holy Spirit in and get a little more heat. When you have done that, link hands together and pray together and let fire catch fire, and the enemy will be put to flight.

Go ahead now and do that and God will bless you.






Focus: The Importance of Unity


There are more lessons to be learnt from Matthew 12:24-28.

  1. The kingdom of Satan is not divided and this should be known by every disciple. We should know for example that there should be no division also in the kingdom of God. Because God said one of us will chase a thousand and that two of us will put ten thousand to flight. This means that there is tremendous power in unity.

Now let us ask ourselves some questions. Why is the kingdom of Satan united? Is there love in the kingdom of Satan?


Love is not even in the dictionary of Satan. There is no love because God is love, and anything godly is not to be found in the kingdom of Satan. So in spite of the fact that there is no love at all in the kingdom of Satan, yet we discover that they are united.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  The Disciple As A Creator Part Two. RCCG SOD Year Four

The Bible now says to us who are in the kingdom of God in 1John 4: 7-8,

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”

Now if love is not in the kingdom of Satan and believe me every demon hates another demon and every witch hates the next witch. In fact, if there is anything that is common to all demons in the kingdom of Satan, it is hatred. Then how come they are united? They are united because they have a common goal and what is their goal? To kill, steal and to destroy. They all love to do evil, they love to steal, they love to kill, they love to destroy and this common goal keeps them together, according to John 10: 10 which says:

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:” As they say among the elders, “conspiracy united them.”


You saw what happened during the Gulf War. All kinds of people joined together against Sadaam Hussein. Who could ever believe that America and Russia would be fighting together in the same camp? All kinds of people just ganged together because of something. One goal, one conspiracy joined them together. When there is a common purpose and a common enemy, there should be unity.

So we, the disciples of Jesus Christ should realise that at least we have one common enemy and that is the devil. We should unite against this common enemy. In other words, even if there is no love among us, the fact that we are fighting a common enemy should unite us.

But then how can we be the children of God if we don’t have love? After all, our Father is love, and like Father like son. If God is love, His children should be love.

The Bible tells us in Mark 16: 17-18, it spelt out for us a common goal.

“These signs shall follow them that believe…”

These signs shall follow all believers.

“In my name, they will cast out demons.”

At least we have a common goal to cast out demons, to destroy the kingdom of Satan, because we are all believers.



  1. Another point to note is that: the kingdom of Satan is still standing and we are the ones who will pull down that kingdom. How do we know that the kingdom is standing? The Bible says in Psalm 110: 1


“The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”


God told Jesus Christ to sit down at His right hand until He makes His enemies His footstool and Jesus Christ is now seated on the right hand of God, waiting for us to make the enemies of Jesus Christ become His footstool.

How are we going to do that? How are we going to pull down this kingdom of Satan that is still standing?

In 2 Corinthians 10: 4, the Bible says,

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.”

We have the weapons; weapons that are not carnal, weapons that are mighty through God, to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan. His kingdom is standing but we will pull down this kingdom in the mighty name of Jesus. Now how do we do it?

(i) First of all, you must pull down the strongholds of Satan in your life. Get rid of anything that Satan may be interested in, in your life.

(ii) Secondly, unitedly we must pull down the strongholds of the enemy in the life of every disciple.




So we must start with ourselves and then with other disciples and of course, we now face the kingdom of Satan as a free united army. Unitedly, we will pull down the strongholds of the enemy.

  1. Yet there is another lesson from the scripture (Matthew 12: 22-28). The title given to Satan here is Beelzebub, which means “the father of flies.” This should tell you something. Every demon is like a fly in its ac-tivities. For example, look at the characteristics of a fly and see if you can compare them to the characteristics of a demon.
PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year Four: Victory Over Satan Part One



Flies has five common characteritics:

1)      A fly is a carrier of diseases and death. This is what demons do.

2)      Flies come in uninvited and that is what demons do. You do not need to           send for them before they come.

3)      Flies are attracted by dirt and uncleanliness. In the same manner,   spiritual uncleanliness attracts demons. Also, immoral thoughts, dirty jokes and bad music do same.

4)      Flies always only want to stay in either cool or lukewarm places and           demons are always to be found in congregations that are either cold or           luke-warm.

5)      As soon as you turn on the heat, flies will fly away.



If you want to get rid of the flies, you can do two things.

Either clean the top of the cooker or set fire to the cooker. As soon as the cooker begins to heat up, the flies will disappear. This will tell us the secret of victory in order to get rid of demons from your life, so that you have victory all the time.

  1. You must constantly seek revival. You must be hot all the time. You must be so revived that even your heat will cause a revival for other disciples.
  2. In order to have permanent victory, we must be together in hotness. If you are hot and I am hot, by the time we combine our heat, the fire we get becomes bigger and remember, the bigger the fire, the farther away will be darkness.

Remember the name of our God is the Father of Light, so when we are together in love and in unity, and we are all hot for Jesus, our victory will be eternal. It does not matter how hot you are, you can be hotter.

          I want you to spend some minutes to pray in tongues.

Invite the Holy Spirit in and get a little more heat. When you have done that, link hands together and pray together and let fire catch fire, and the enemy will be put to flight.

Go ahead now and do that and God will bless you.



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