RCCG SOD Year Four. The Examiner.

RCCG SOD Year Four. The Examiner.


Without Satan, God would have a problem. Many people wonder why God has not destroyed Satan? It is because God needs him to perform a certain duty for him. God needs someone to examine His children before they are promoted. God does conduct the examination Himself as seen in James 1:12-13 where the Bible says that God never tempts any man with evil. All God does is to prepare his children for the examination, according to John 16:33.


It is Satan God uses to conduct the examination. God wants us to be promoted but this is not possible without an examination. That is the reason why he allows Satan to examine you.


However, it is God who fixes the examination date, according to I Peter 3:13-18. It is he who prepares you for the examination and it is he who promotes.


If the examiner comes knocking at your door, you should know that promotion is around the corner. Do not be surprised, especially if you are living a holy life. The bible tells us in I Peter 4:12-17 not to be surprised when the examiner brings the examination (I Peter 1:7; 2:20)


Whenever you face examination, there is a divine purpose behind it. It is important also to note that the higher you are in divine hierarchy and estimation by God, the tougher the examination will be smaller. For example, primary grade student would not be given the same examination as a University graduate. In other words, the higher you are, the higher your examination will be, as seen in Acts 5:40-41 and 2 Corinthians 11:23-28.

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Note that you are free to do the examination; you are also free to defer or postpone it. God will no object as seen in Hebrew 11:24-27. You need to know that whether you like it or not, you will write your examination. You must also be aware that your Captain and Master passed through His own examination and he passed (Hebrews 2:9-10), and he is an example you must follow (I Peter 2:21-22)


You are not going to be of much use to the Almighty until you have passed your examination. You will not even be as of much use to other fellow disciples. The bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4,

          “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of all mercies and the God of comfort; who comforeth us in all tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”


Why do we need to through examination? It is so that when we pass, we might be able to comfort those who are passing through the same thing.


You need to know that the power of His resurrection is interwoven with the examination you need to do. The examination you need to go through is interwoven with the power of his resurrection. When Paul was speaking in Philipians 3:10 saying, “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection,” He immediately followed it by saying “… and the fellowship of his suffering.” Both his power and his sufferings are interwoven.

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Whether or not you share in his glory when he manifests will be determined by whether or not you pass you examinations (Romans 8:16-17; 2 Timothy 2:11-12). Unless you suffer with him, you cannot be glorified with him. If you do not pass your examinations, you are not likely to share in his glory


Another point to note is that the examination never lasts for long (I Peter 5:20). It is only for a short period of time. When you read the account of job, all his sufferings and woes seem as if they lasted for a whole life time, but it was only for nine months. And after nine months, the result of the examination was out. God gave him 140 years to enjoy the result.


So what is your choice? Will you do your examination now or are you going to postpone it? Be informed that whether you like it or not you will write your examination. God said when you pass through the fire , He will be with you. He did not say “IF”. It is a question of “when” All you need is the grace to pass through the examination successfully.



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