RCCG SOD Year Six: Preparing For Miracles

preparing for miracles

RCCG SOD Year Six: Preparing For Miracles


The human flesh is like rubber. If you keep it too long near fire, it will begin to melt. That is why when God gives anointing to people, he makes it in small doses so that the body will not just dissolve. I remember one night when I ministered all night during the convention under very high anointing. Throughout the following day, my body was like rubber. I could not even get up from bed. It was only towards the evening time when it was time for Holy Communion that I was able to manage to get out of bed.


How To Charge Your Spiritual Battery

When you are charging a battery n preparation for use, it has to stay in one place apparently out of action for a period of time but its connected to electricity and it is being charged. Anybody looking at the battery will say it is idle but it is being loaded with power.


Now if it does not stay long enough, when you put it into use, it will not even function. Alternatively, it may run down quickly. So when God wants to use a man or a person for a miraculous ministry, He will take him apart for battery charging. He will take him away from where people will see him and charge him.



#1 Moses

Because God wanted to use him for forty years, He took him aside for forty years. According to Exodus 3:1,God put Moses in the backside of the desert for forty years.


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#2 Elijah

Because God wanted to use this man to bring down fire from Heaven, to call down rain and raise the dead, He isolated him beside a brook for several months, according to 1Kings 17:1-7, And again after that ,He locked him up in  the house of a widow for years, according to 1 Kings 17:8-15.


And then you will remember the time when he was calling down fire on soldiers in 2 Kings 1:1-15, He was on the hilltop. What was he doing there? He was recharging his battery.

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