RCCG SOD Year Six. The Disciples and Mountains
Many believe that every mountain we come across must be removed, because of Mark 11:23-24, which says: “If you have faith and you doubt not, speak to the mountain and say mountain, be thou removed, be cast into the sea and it shall obey you”.
But that is good, it is the Word of God but as disciples in Year 6, you need to know things that the children don’t know because there are mountains and all mountains have their usefulness. Some mountains are for climbing, some mountains are for sitting upon. Some mountains draw you nearer to God. You remember Jesus Christ said in this world, you will have tribulations, He said:
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”- John 16:33.
The word of God says,
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all”. Psalm 34:19.
So for genuine Christianity, everything is not always bread and butter. There are some wars that we have to fight but for every war we fight, God has a purpose. When you are born again, the difference between you and sinners is that for sinners, when their problem comes, when their mountain comes, they are completely devastated but for us who are born again, our victory is certain. In fact for every mountain that comes our way, we know that one way or the other, we will reach the top.
Some People that sat On Mountains and what happens to them on the Mountain Top
#1 Abraham
You will remember in Genesis 22:1-8, God ordered Abraham to go to the Mountain top, to go and do what? TO go and sacrifice his only begotten son. Abraham climbed this mountain and when he got there, he met blessings, tremendous blessings that many of us are still enjoying today.
What happened to Abraham on the mountain?
i. Total Surrender
He surrendered his only begotten son to be slaughtered to God. The mountain allows us to demonstrate our absolute surrender to the will of God. When problems come, mighty problems, we will then be able to find out whether we are one hundred percent for God or not. Many people when real mountains come, run to places they thought they would never go again. But those who surrendered to God completely always say,
“Even though He slay me, I will trust Him”.
ii. Miracle of Supply
On that same mountain, Abraham met a miracle of supply and deliverance, because there, God provided a ram for sacrifice and He provided deliverance for Abraham, deliverance from loss because he would have lost his son but God delivered him from death. This means that mountains give us opportunities to receive miracles, miracles of divine deliverance.
iii. Total blessings
The kind of blessings he had not received before, he got on the mountain top. It is there that God said, “I swear by myself because there is nobody higher than me to swear by”. He said, “In blessings, I will bless you, I will bless your children. I will bless your seed after you”.
You see, God gives opportunities for blessings in the form of mountains. There are some problems, which if solved by another person for you, may rob you of your blessings.
2. Moses
In Exodus 19:20, God called Moses to the Mountaintop. When he got there, God told him to fast for forty days and forty nights. He told the other people to stay away and they stayed in the valley. It was Moses alone who went to the mountain. Moses received a lot of blessings on the mountaintop, as follows:
I. Total sanctification
He got total sanctification. The mountain gives us opportunities for total separation from God and total separation from evil, which is sanctification. Many of us don’t pray hard unless a problem comes. If your child will not sleep because of serious sickness and you have no car, no phone to call the doctor, you don’t even have the money to hire a taxi, you will pray all night, all night long. Not only will God heal your son, but you will also develop spiritually. Believe me honestly, during those forty days that Moses was on the mountain, you can be sure he did not sin.
If you are fasting for forty days, for mountains to be moved out of your life, there will be no sin at all. There is the story of a brother who was asked to fast for three days so that he would not get into trouble. He said, “You want to commit murder?” Then the civil war came. He ran home and then two armies were converging on his village, and he ran into a trench where one soldier had just vacated. He was there for seven days as bullets were flying over his head. He could not even sleep not to talk of eating. During those seven days, I am sure he did not think of girlfriends. When he came out of the hole, he became a better Christian than ever before. Some mountains are sent to purify you.
ii. Mouth to mouth Discussion with God
On the mountaintop, Moses had a mouth-to-mouth discussion with God. In other words, mountains at times provide you with an opportunity to have intimate discussions with God. When there are no problems in your life you are asked to pray, and you only pray as the pastor directs, but when you face a big problem, even your sigh will be a prayer to God.
iii. Glorification
On the mountain, Moses was glorified because, by the time he came back, his face was shining like the sun. So some mountains bring the glory of God to the lives of believers. People see you and they say “Ah, we glorify God. How are you able to survive that? ” People will look at you and they will marvel.
iv. Visions
And when mountains come at times the invisible becomes visible because in Exodus 20:18: , the Bible say:
“The people saw lightning and thunder”.
We could see some lightning but do we see thunder? It is only on special occasions when something special is happening when there is a big mountain and you pray and you fast, you do night vigils and all kinds of praises; suddenly you begin to see visions of the other world, angels, visions of heaven. If you don’t know what am talking about, try it. Just try it, maybe for fourteen days without food at all, I can guarantee that you will see visions, glorious visions too. So you can see that mountains can be very useful.
#3 Moses
There is another instance in the life of Moses in Exodus 17:8-14 which says:
“Then came Amalek and fought with Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said unto Joshua, choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek; tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.
So, Joshua did as Moses had said to Him, and fought with Amalek; and Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the Hill. And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed, and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.
But Moses hands were heavy, and they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat thereon, and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.
And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. And the Lord said unto Moses. Write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven”.
Moses went to the mountain only when the Amalekites came, and they wanted to destroy the children of Israel. When the leader suddenly saw that everybody following him was about to be destroyed, he went up quickly to the top of the mountains.
Maybe you a father and suddenly, you see your children all perishing or you are a Pastor and you see your church dwindling or you are a businessman and thew work is going down in such a way that very soon all your employees will be gone. You are not to run. Climb the mountain.
When Moses got there, he lifted his two hands. Remember we said mountains give an opportunity for total surrender and because he lifted up his two hands, he received special anointing from God, that caused the battle below to be won. So, mountains give you an opportunity to surrender, opportunity to receive anointing, opportunity for absolute victory.
#4 Elijah
In 1 Kings 18:36-46, 1 Kings 19 and 2 Kings 1:1-12, here again and again, we find Elijah on the mountain top; Mount Carmel, Mount Horeb and other mountains. What is Elijah doing on the mountaintop? Why is this man always a man of the mountaintop?
I. Well in the first time, he challenged the 450 prophets of Baal. Mountain gives you an opportunity to demonstrate the power of your God and how much faith you have in your Almighty God and of cource your surrender to His will. If God has failed Elijah that day, Elijah would have died. Glory be to God who never fails.
II. Each time he was on the mountaintop, he kept on calling fire down from heaven. The mountain allows answered prayers. Then again he called down rain from heaven. The mountain gives an opportunity for showers of blessing.
III. He wiped out the prophets of Baal. In other words, the mountain gives you the opportunity for victory. Victory over sin, victory over demons and victory over agents of the devil. And right there on the mountain, because Elijah called down fire from heaven, a whole nation bowed down to God. There was a great revival, so mountains allow a great revival to a person. Maybe you are facing a big problem now, God is saying you are sleeping, wake up my son, wake up my daughter. The problem will not overcome you; you are going to overcome and then you will be revived. And because of the victory God will give you, because of your testimonies, several people will come to your God.
IV. When Elisha was coming down from Mount Carmel, he had supernatural powers and supernatural strength and he was able to run faster than a chariot drawn by horses. Why? Because a mountain top allows you to wait upon God and the Bible says,
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”
5. Elisha
In 2 Kings 4:1-27, when the son of the Shunamite woman died and she wanted to go and look for Elisha, she headed for the mountain. She knew that Elisha would not be found in the valley.
She said, “I know where to find him”. She went to the mountaintop and when he followed her down, the dead child came back to life. Mountain makes men vessels unto honour. In other words, the bigger the problem you are facing, the bigger the vessel unto honour you are going to become at the end of it all.
#6 Deborah
We have been mentioning men. Let us mention a woman; Deborah in Judges Chapter 4. (Read the whole story, its a beautiful story). God wanted the children of Israel to go to war against their enemies but there was no man willing to lead them, so God called Deborah and she said she would go.
When they got to the battlefield, God told Deborah to tell the children of Israel to stay on the mountaintop and to allow their enemies to remain in the valley below. And the enemies were wondering, “Aren’t these people foolish standing on the mountain where we could see them clearly, where we can get them with arrows?” But they did not know what God wanted to do. Very soon there was a thunderstorm that brought a great rain and very soon the valley was full of water and the water swept away the enemy of the people. You see mountains are for victors. When you have mountains, know that God is saying you are a victor.
#7 The Lord Jesus Christ
“And after six days, Jesus taketh Peter. James and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, and was transformed before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his rainment was as white as light.
And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him.
Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord it is good for us to be here: If thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: one for thee, and one for Moses and one for Elias. While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.”
The Lord took three people to the mountaintop when he was to be transfigured before them. Why? Because mountains are for selected people, people of the inner circle of God. It is on the mountain of God that you see the transformation and the glory of God.
So when you see mountains, don’t feel sad. Rather, feel happy and before you begin to command the mountain to move you better check, may be God wants you to climb the mountain, maybe He wants to talk to you over there, maybe amid the problem, the glory of God is going to be revealed in your life.
Whenever you come across a mountain, ask God what He wants you to do with the mountain. When he says climb, then ask Him for grace and I can assure you, He will give you the race to climb. But at times He will just give you wings to fly like an eagle.
So today, I want you to talk to God and say:
Talk to him now.
He will hear you and He will bless you.
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