RCCG SOD Year Three. The Privileges Of A Disciple Part Two

RCCG SOD Year Three. The Privileges Of A Disciple Part Two



Because the disciple knows how to visit with God, how to enter into the holies, how to be locked in with God in the privacy of His room (because when you are alone with God in His private room you can talk to Him plainly), the disciple does not only get victories in His battles, he can also obtain victory for others (Intercession)


An example is in I Kings 17:17-24, when Elijah was staying with a widow and her only son died. Elijah took the boy with him into the room where they could be alone, and locked the door behind him. Remember what he said – “O Lord my God, why have you done this?”. This was a challenge to God. You can only say that to God in private. You can’t say that to God outside but when you are alone with God you can talk plainly with him. At the end of the day the boy was restored and the widow’s sorrow vanished.


Now if you go into the private room of God and say, “I am not here to ask for anything of my own but I’m here to ask on behalf of somebody else,” and God says, “Why not mind your own business?”


You as a disciple armed with Luke 11:5-8, can intercede. This verse is the basis of intercession. You can tell God that the person is a special person who needs help but you cannot help him on your own. According to Philippians 3:10, it is with Christ alone that we can do all things.


John 14:13-14 says if you ask anything in the name of Jesus it will be done. Tell Him there is no other way out than for Him to help. Refuse to leave till you get an answer (Matthew 15:26-27). This is the story of the woman with a possessed daughter. She knew that only Jesus could help her daughter. She knew that only Jesus could help her and she went to meet him saying, “Master, have mercy on me!’ Jesus refused to answer, but she kept on following. By INSISTENCE and PERSISTENCE, she received her miracles. This is what intercession is all about. The woman eventually got her requests.

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Another thing you can tell God is that if He helps you now to help your friend, not only your friend will be blessed but so will you; because you will rejoice at being able to help another (John 16:24). Your friend will also rejoice and bless you for aiding him. Thus he would be able to help you do the same in future. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says that two are better than one. When one falls, the other will help him up, but woe unto him that is alone when he falls.

If God now says, Present your case, show me why your friend should be helped.’ (Remember, this is plain talk between Father and son.) You now list out your reasons to Him.



  1. You will talk of the goodness of God and the unrighteousness of your friend (even if you think your friend is good, don’t mention it at all) – Matthew 19:16-17. Whenever you are interceding for someone, do not mention that the person deserves help. There is no good man. If he were good, would he be in the trouble that he is in? But tell God that He is a good God, a merciful God, whose mercy endures forever. It is because of His mercy that you can even intercede.
  2. Tell Him that His name, His glory and His justice are involved.
  3. Whenever you are interceding, do not use personal pronouns like ‘my’. Rather, use your?’ For example, your people, your children, your church, etc. Not my church, my people, etc. Tell Him not to allow the enemy to laugh.
  4. You must also be persistent, very persistent without being rude.
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  1. For example, if an elder wants to intervene and plead the cause of a disobedient child with his father, he does so with wisdom, not rudely.


  1. In Daniel 9:3-16, we see Daniel speaking first of the goodness of God and the weaknesses of himself and his people.


  • When Abraham was interceding for Sodom in Genesis 18:23,26, he said “will God of the whole earth not do that which was just?” He called God a just God. Who would not kill the righteous with the unrighteous.


  1. When Moses was interceding for Israel (Exodus 32:11-14; Deuteronomy 9:18-26,29), he kept saying, These are your people, do not let the enemy laugh at them, do not let them say that you could bring them out of Egypt but could not bring them into the promised land. You are the Almighty, the merciful God …


That is how to intercede. It is the one who can do this that knows how to visit God in the privacy of his room. This is the privilege of every disciple, washed in the blood of the Lamb. As they become locked in with God, they can intercede for their friends, families, countries, etc.



Why don’t you start interceding for someone now?


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