Relationship and Readiness. It Matters Who You Know


Key Verse: Matthew 7:22-23
Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy In your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (NIV)

Sometimes it feels like if you’re going to get anywhere in life, you’ve got to know the right people-have the right connections, be an insider. Of course, as a Christian, you know that God is ultimately in control. In fact, the Bible cautions against worrying about what others think or what they can do to you. And yet, in the end, it really does come down to who you know -especially where God is concerned. Your people connections are not necessarily the issue. Your “God connection” is what really matters.

Regardless of what you do in life, great or small, it will amount to nothing if you don’t know Christ. It is not enough just to know Him, or know how to work for Him. A loving, sincere, personal relationship with Him, is the only thing that will give you access to eternity in heaven. Jesus warned that some will stand before Him and make great claims regarding their earthly and spiritual accomplishments. But many will be banished from God’s kingdom because their acts weren’t founded on a relationship with Jesus.

Examine your own life. Do you put in more effort and energy on serving Him than you do knowing Him? God wants the relationship to come first, so that everything you do flows out of love and gratitude for what Christ did for you. As you present this week’s study and proceed through this entire unit, be sure the emphasis is not simply on Jesus’ expectations, but on His invitation-to know Him.

>>The Basic Message: Explain to students…
• WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? In the end, knowing Jesus is what really matters.
Actions and appearances can be misleading; only a personal relationship with Christ will prepare you for the final judgment.
Above all, make time to strengthen your relationship with Jesus and sharpen your response to God’s direction.

>>Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers…
• How some things that influence and impress people don’t matter to God.
• How a sincere personal relationship with Jesus is what matters in the end.
• How we demonstrate our love for Jesus by strengthening our relationship with Him and by following God’s commands and directions for our lives.

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>>Inform and Discuss

a). Great Acts and Grand Appearance
1. Read or ask a volunteer to read Matt 7:13-14.Does God intend it to be difficult to find eternal life? Why is it easy to miss the way to heaven?[Hint: God wants people to respond to His free offer of eternal life, but there are lots of distractions in this life. Some of these things are even more deceptive because they come from sources that appear to be righteous or reliable.]

2. Read or ask a volunteer to read Matt 7:21-23. Why would people act like they are living for God when they really aren’t? [Hint: They may be trying to impress others or get people to follow them. They may enjoy the appearances of being righteous, or even think they are fooling God.]
>>Note: As crucial as it is to guard against deception in the last days, the most important evaluation we can make is not about others’ actions, but about our own relationship with God.

3. Do you think people can sincerely believe they are pleasing God when they really aren’t? How could this happen? [Hint: Even people who start out trusting God can get careless or prideful. Some may regard apparent success in life or ministry as a sign of God’s approval.]

4. How could a person be involved in seemingly powerful spiritual things without actually knowing Christ? [Hint: One of the easiest ways for Satan to deceive people is to masquerade his work under a guise of righteousness. But there are also reasons why God sometimes allows powerful ministry to take place through unlikely – even unworthy-Individuals.]

>>Teacher Hint: Here are a few quick lessons we must learn: “don’t equate apparent success with God’s blessing or approval. | *Don’t base your faith solely on spectacular or supernatural experiences. |*Don’t try to fool others or worry what they think. | *Don’t be more attracted to object or personalities than to God. | *Always measure the soundness of teaching and experiences by what God’s Word says.

b). No Substitute for Knowing Jesus
1. Read or ask a volunteer to read Matt 7:23. How could a person be deeply involved in church and ministry and still not know Jesus?[Hint: People who are around ministry and other Christians can become complacent in their spiritual lives, fooling themselves and others. Some think that if they simply believe and do the “right” things, they will be okay spiritually.]

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2. Why would Jesus call them evil doers? [Hint: People’s motive can be prideful, deceptive, and selfish. Those who pretend to serve God in this way do spiritual harm by giving people the wrong impression of godliness and leading them toward destruction.]

3. Discuss some of the ways we can truly get to know Jesus.[Guide: Remind students that while prayer and Bible study are key. God doesn’t want the relationship to become a routine chore. He wants us to enjoy it- like having time with a best friend. Ask them to list some practical, creative ways to develop and enhance their relationship with God.]
>>Note: A part of getting to know God comes through exploring and experiencing what He wants us to do with our lives every day.

c). Loving Means Living
1.Read or ask a volunteer to read John 12:42-50. According to this passage, why will some people be condemned when they stand before God?[Hint: They rejected Jesus and didn’t accept or live by His words.]

2. Read or ask volunteers to read Matt 7:21.In general, what is God’s will? What do you think He wants from us above all else? [Hint: He wants us to receive and develop a personal relationship with Him-to love Him as He loves us.]

3. Read or ask volunteers to read John 14:15, 21-24.Can a person truly love Jesus without doing what God asks? How do we truly demonstrate that we know and love Jesus? [Hint: We cannot claim to truly love Jesus if we ignore what He wants us to do. We must take time to develop our relationship with Him and live as He desires-following His teaching. Obeying His Word, and following His plans for our lives.]

>>Guide: Explain that Jesus doesn’t love us because of what we do; for we cannot earn His love through good works or fulfilling duties. However, those who truly love Jesus will desire to do good in response to His love. Jesus promised to reveal Himself to those who love and obey Him.

>>Involve Them: Play the song” I Will Follow You” by Kristine DiMarco from the album Mighty (Live). You can access it via this link: Discuss how a passion to know God includes following Jesus in obedience, no matter what happens.

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>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study(pg 52),even as you explain WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>>Ministry Activity: Ask students to think for a moment about how they would answer God if He were to ask them this question: “Why should you be admitted into heaven? “After a few moments, remind them that God doesn’t make it difficult for people to receive eternal life. It’s not based on anything great or spiritual we do. We can’t know enough or be good enough. An active, sincere, personal relationship with God is the only ticket to heaven.

>>Invitation Option: Provide opportunity for students who want to receive or renew a personal relationship with God to do so. Invite them to pray with you, asking God to forgive their sins and take leadership of their lives.

Conclude the study by reminding students that Christian life isn’t about religious rules; it’s about a loving, personal relationship with Jesus.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself…
1. Do the students understand that extraordinary spiritual experiences may impress people, but they don’t necessarily mean someone has a relationship with God?

2. Do they realize that church involvement or “success” in life or ministry won’t guarantee God’s approval?

3. Do they understand that although a relationship with Christ isn’t about what we can do, love for Jesus should still inspire us to obey Him and follow His plans?

>>Daily Dew Drops
Mon: Walk Worthy – Col 1:9-10
Tue: Go for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation – Eph 1:15-23
Wed: Be Filled With His Fullness – Eph 3:14-19
Thu: Take Every Though captive – 2 Cor 10:3-6
Fri: When You Know God -Dan 11:32
Sat: What a Love – 1 John 3:1-3

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About Adeniyi Salau 1554 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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