The Disciple Lifestyle. RCCG SOD Year Two

The Disciple Lifestyle. RCCG SOD Year Two


THE disciple is a pilgrim, a stranger In Hebrews 11: 13, the Bible concerning the disciple, “They all died in faith, having received the promises but having seen then afar off, and were persuaded of them, embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” 


According to 1 Peter 2:11, our city is in heaven This world is not our own (Philippians 3:20; Hebrews 13:13 world is need to know that we are through this world. The disciple is a man on a journey who will still return home. He is a ‘strange’ creature Why? Because he is in the world but not of the world Why? B5:199.). We are a different people even though we re living with others in this world.

The disciple is a soldier, always on the warfront is not a civilian. He is always ready for action. Ephesians 6:13).

The disciple has an order to be ready for battle always. I Timothy 6:12-14. He is commanded to fight and resist the devil steadfastly (James 47. 1 Peter 5.8-9).

At the same time, the disciple is a priest in the temple and a king on the throne. In the olden days, if you were a priest, you could not be a king or vice versa But the disciple is both a priest and a king. That is why he is called Royal Priesthood. Royalty talks about kingship and priesthood talks about being a priest. As a priest, he has to worship God constantly. Revelation 1:5-6.


The disciple is a forever man.’ He is for eternity (I Thessalonians 4:17). The disciple is always conscious of time, Ecclesiastes 3:1-20. He knows the value of time. The disciple must be aware that there is a time for birth and a time to die. Immediately a child is born, he begins to grow, or he begins to die. That is why in relation to age, a baby is referred to as a day ‘old’ and not a day ‘young.’

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You must know that day to day you are getting closer to the grave, and thus closer to the day of judgement. Hebrews 9:27 says, “it is appointed unto man to die once and after death is judgement, “The disciple is a man in a hurry, because he knows that time is against him. Any opportunity that goes is gone forever. A disciple is careful on how he uses his time. He is not a time-waster, because he has eternity in mind.


Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

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PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year 2: The Disciple and Time.


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About Adeniyi Salau 1563 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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