Understanding Brand Promise In CRM
This heading is self-explanatory enough. The brand promise is just what customers should expect from your product. It is what customers expect your product to do for them.
It should be stated from the onset that, what you expect your product to do will determine how you invest in your employees, your business, your product, technology and delivery channels.
Therefore, brand promise lies at the core of the customer strategy.
Loyalty depends on how the customers view your brand and other organisations that produce the same goods and services that you are producing.
Customers are loyal to you because they believe that, that is the best decision to make at any given time.
They might likely consider what it will cost them to switch over to a competitor such as time, effort, money or all three.
This is telling us that if you want your customers to remain loyal to your organisation, you must go the extra mile.
Do more than your competitors will do for them. It has been observed that when an organization does more than its competitors will do, its customers will remain loyal until one of the competitors raise the bar.
That is why a customer-centric enterprise must have a consistent customer relationship strategy. With time, loyalty becomes an attitude.
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The customer finds it very difficult to shift to another brand. He will also gladly accept the higher price which might be perceived as higher value by the customer.
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