Data Packets In Network Security: Understanding The Nitty Gritty Of How It Works

Data Packets In Network Security


In my previous article, I have looked at all that you need to know about networking basics. In this article, I want to look at all that you need to know about data Packets in network security.


Data Packets In Network Security

After you might have established a connection with the network through cables or wireless methods, the next thing will actually be to send the data. in doing this, you have to identify where you want the data to be sent.

It should be noted that all computers have an IP address. This is a series of four numbers between 0 and 255 that is separated by dots. A good example is

The second part is for than to format the data for transmission. All data are in binary forms (1s and 0s). This binary data is placed into packets, roughly less than 65,000 bytes.


The first few bytes consist of the header. This header state where the packer is going, where it comes from and how many packets are coming as part of the transmission.

There is actually more than just one header, but for now, I will discuss the headers as just one entity.

Some attacks such as IP spoofing may try to change the header of packets in order to give false information. Other methods of attacks simply try to intercept packets and read the contents, thus compromising the data.


A packet can have multiple headers. In fact , most packets will have at least three headers. The IP header has information such as the IP addresses for the source and the destination, as well as what protocol the packet is.

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The TCP header has information such as the port number. the Ethernet header has information such as the MAC address for the source and the destination.


If a packet is encrypted with Transport Layer Security, it will also have a TLS header.

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