Warning Signals Of Backsliding. RCCG House Fellowship Manual

Warning Signals Of Backsliding. RCCG House Fellowship Manual

1. I love this family of God,
So closely knitted into one,
They have taken me into their arms
And am so glad to be
A part of this great family

2. I bless this family of God,
So greatly prospered by the Lord,
They have taken me into their arms
And am so glad to be
A part of this great family

3. I know this family of God,
So deeply rooted in the word,
They have taken me into their arms
And am so glad to be
A part of this great family

4. I see this family of God,
So highly lifted above all,
They have taken me into their arms
And am so glad to be
A part of this great family

5. Come, join this family of God,
So highly favoured by the Lord,
They have taken me into their arms
And am so glad to be
A part of this great family.


OPENING PRAYER: Father, remove in me every signal of backsliding.

MEMORY VERSE: “O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name’s sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee” Jeremiah 14:7.


ISAIAH 31:6-7
6. They helped everyone his neighbour; and everyone said to his brother, Be of good courage.

7. So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

15. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Be Holy, For You Are The Temple Of Holy Spirit.

17. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

18. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.


LESSON INTRODUCTION: Backsliding is turning away or turning back from the LORD. It is falling from the spiritual level one has attained Revelation 2:5. It is putting one’s hand to the plough and looking back. Luke 9:62, Proverbs 26:11, Matthew 5:13.

i. You are either cold or hot.
ii. Backsliding is just like going back to your vomit.



1. SPIRITUAL PRIDE: This is when one begins to focus on one’s works and not the works of Christ on the cross. Our works are not the basis of our repentance by God. Pride goes before destruction Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Luke 22:33.

2. LACK OF HUNGER FOR THE WORD OF GOD: Luke 4:4, Acts17:11, Job 23:12.

3. A SICK OR NON-EXISTING PRAYER LIFE: When a Christian doesn’t pray privately as much as he used to do, he is backsliding. Jesus says man ought always to pray and not to faint. Luke 18:1, Matthew 6:6.


5. CONTROL BY THE FLESH: When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, your life will produce these evil results: serial immorality, impure thoughts, Idolatry, an outburst of anger, selfish ambition, envy etc Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Timothy 5:6, Proverbs 21:17, 1 Timothy 6:10.

6. LIVING A HYPOCRITICAL LIFE: When a Christian begins to live a double life – he flows with sinners while pretending a form of godliness among believers Ma15:7-9, Mark 7:6-10.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Restitute Your Ways Before It’s Too Late.

7. WITHDRAW FROM FELLOWSHIP WITH SAINTS: Psalm 122:1, Psalm 84:10, Hebrew 10:25 says Christians should not be forsaken assembling together of fellow Christians.



1. Watch and pray Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:38, and Luke 22:46.

2. Walk in the Spirit and embrace holy living Luke 4:1-13, 1 John 3:9, 1 John 2:4, Romans 13:10.

3. Do regular self-examination 2 Corinthians 13, 1 John 1:9-10, Revelation 2:5-6.

4. Pray for one another and fellowship with others. 1 Corinthians 12:26, Luke 22:31-32, Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:25, Hebrew 10:25.

ACTIVITY: Discuss why believers still backside.

SUMMARY: Backsliding just going back to your vomit.

CONCLUSION: There is restoration for the backside if he repents and returns to God. Confess and forsake sins, and return to God. He’ll is real, don’t die in your sin. “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings” Jeremiah 3:22.

1. Thank You Father for having me in mind.

2. Father, have mercy on me and restore me to Yourself in Jesus’ Name.

3. Father, please let my first never become last in Jesus’ Name.

4. Pray for the rapid growth of RCCG In all areas in Jesus’ Name.

5. Pray for Daddy G.O and his family that they will finish well in Jesus’ Name.



MONDAY: Ask for fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23

TUESDAY: Pray for God’s mercy

WEDNESDAY: Total reliance on God. Philippians 1:11

THURSDAY: Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

FRIDAY: Observe the operation win a soul for Christ. Proverbs 11:30

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Helping The Youth To Grow Spiritually. RCCG House Fellowship Manual

SATURDAY: Have faith in God. Psalms 20:6-8.

SUNDAY: Be thankful to God Almighty. Psalms 150:1-6.


Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be thrilled to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria, and Phillips Consulting among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might disagree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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About Adeniyi Salau 1554 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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