“Why Growth Hacking Is Better Than Digital Marketing”- Bossmeek Media

growth hacking


In this interview, Ojo Emmannuel , a Blogger and a Growth Hacker discuss some of the ways that Growth Hacking is better than Digital Marketing. Read what he has to say to the very end.


CEHNIGERIA : What’s your name
EMMANUEL: Ojo Mayowa Emmanuel
CEHNIGERIA: Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself?

EMMANUEL: I’m a growth hacker, with a bit of passion for public relations. I’m an experienced digital marketing specialist and with my trainings I have consulted for about 110 small businesses. I own a lifestyle blog and also run a digital marketing company in Lagos.


CEHNIGERIA: Can you tell us some of the organisations you have consulted for ?
EMMANUEL: My consultations has been majorly across different industries like Fashion, logistics, ecommerce, procurement/furniture, real estate etc.
CEHNIGERIA: Can you tell me what a Growth Hacker does ?
EMMANUEL: Marketing Growth Hacker is a marketing professional specialized in profitably scaling traffic via content and distribution channels.
A growth hacker’s main responsibility is to expand the development of a business intelligently and quickly.
This means doing whatever it takes—implementing marketing strategies such as advertising campaigns, SEO or emailing, data and traffic analysis, and product design such as adding a feature or improving customer experience.

CEHNIGERIA: What does it takes to become a Growth Hacker.

EMMANUEL: More than anything, growth hackers are self-taught web enthusiasts, the most-valued qualities are the right mindset and variety of skills.
Because of their backgrounds, growth hackers are versatile and creative, and possess excellent analytical and critical-thinking skills. More specifically, their technical skills in web development mean they can work independently, thereby reducing the cost of certain hacks by doing their own coding.

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Finally, knowledge of marketing, SEO, content/community management, or project management are just a few of the tricks they have up their sleeves to rapidly increase the growth of a company.

CEHNIGERIA: Why is Growth better than Digital Marketing?
EMMANUEL: Growth hacking is a popular term, but many business owners are unclear about what it means and how it differs from marketing and digital marketing
Growth hacking and marketing share the same fundamental principles, and can even share the same metrics; increased engagement, increased conversion, increased retention.


The key difference between the two is the scope of their goals.
A marketer could use engagement rate to analyse an overall goal of building brand awareness. A growth hacker, by comparison, could set a goal of increasing social sharing by 50%.


To put it simply, marketing activities can have a broad focus that encompasses any part of the funnel, whereas growth hacking depends on setting highly defined, achievable goals in order to reach a specific, singular outcome… growth, in case it wasn’t obvious enough!


CEHNIGERIA: What is you blog address ?
EMMANUEL: www.bossmeek.com.ng
CEHNIGERIA: Your advice for upcoming bloggers
EMMANUEL: Just stay focused and consistent. Consistency with everytime.
CEHNIGERIA: Thanks for your time
EMMANUEL: I really appreciate the opportunity.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained includes staffs of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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