10 Internet Marketing Techniques For Digital Marketers
In my previous article, I discussed some of the ways that the advent of the internet has affected business generally. In this article, I want to look at some of the internet marketing techniques that a good digital marketer should have. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. I need to say that when it comes to Digital Marketing, it will be very difficult for you to be proficient in all the areas, each and every digital marketer have their own area of specialisation, you may have a general idea but there will always be an area that you are good at.
Now the techniques…
#1 Email Marketing
This is one of the areas of specialization when it comes to Digital Marketing. With email marketing, you can actually leverage email communications to reach out to your target audience. This will also allow you to engage your existing customers so that they can know more about your products and services. This will allow them to tell others about your products and services.
#2 Video Advertising
This is another area of specialization for Digital Marketers. With Video advertising, you can leverage your audience’s interest in video to attract them to your lifecycle. This process allows you to create videos that educate your potential audience about how they can use your products and services. This allows them to have a live demonstration of how your products can be used.
#3 Banner Advertising
This happens to be another form of advertisement that organisations can leverage. banner advertising allows organisations to display a banner advert on blogs and websites.
The major problem with banner advertising is that it might also appear to individuals and web visitors who might not be interested in what you have for sale. Although organisation such as Google has come up with an algorithm that allows the adverts to display based on the interest of such audience. It is possible that those that have an interest in fashion will fashion ads being displayed to them.
#4 Affiliate Marketing
Another means of promoting your products and services is through the use of Affiliate marketing. When it comes to affiliate marketing, you as the manufacturers can commission some agents to promote your products and services. Here, the agents are paid a certain commission for every new customer that they are able to refer to your business. This will definitely take advertising costs off your shoulder.
#5 Blog Advertising
This is another aspect of Digital Marketing that is very essential. Here you can use content to promote products and services that you have to offer your audience. Here, you can actually place ads on blogs. This can be done through ad networks such as Bing or Google.
You can also decide to negotiate with the blog owner directly who might decide on whether to accept such ads or not. The benefit of this is that it will allow you to choose blogs that have the type of audience that you are looking for. This will definitely increase the conversion rate for your blog ads.
#6 Podcast Advertising
In simple terms, I can also refer to a podcast as online radio. There are many people all over that listen to the podcast and glean knowledge from it from time to time. Podcasting is a process of publishing audio or video files on the internet using Really Simple Syndication feed as the syndication channel.
It’s just like a normal frequency where you can tune in to and listen to online radio programmes of your choice. When a podcast has a large followership base, you can use it to promote your products and services.
#7 Search Engine Advertising
One of the best media for getting free traffic is search engines but it’s not that easy. It always takes time before keywords can rank on search engines. That is why most organisations, will always combine both search engine optimization and search engine advertising.
At times, as a business or individual, you will have to pay search engine owners such as Google or Bing among others in order to bid for some of the keywords. Once the setup is complete, you can be sure that the ads will start ranking in no time.
#8 Social media advertising
Another major area that is in high demand when it comes to digital marketing is social media advertising. Social media has become a platform where you can find diverse people. Facebook for example has over two billion users.
That is why this platform is very attractive to business owners and individuals that wish to advertise their products and services. You can use social media for community engagement and promotion of products and services in order to reach more potential customers.
#9 Mobile Advertising
Another common method of advertising your products and services is through mobile advertising. At times, without leveraging the internet, you can actually use text messages to reach potential customers and tell them about your products and services.
Due to the high state of scams in some countries, the probability of reaching new customers through mobile advertising is very narrow but you can actually use it effectively to pass information to your existing customers.
#10 Viral Marketing
This refers to a marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness, through a self-applicating viral process. You should understand that this is analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses.
8 Stages Of Internet Marketing Planning
Earlier, I talked about some of the ways that the advent of the internet has boosted economic activities when it comes to online marketing generally. In this article, I want to look at the eight main stages of internet marketing planning that you need to be aware of. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.
Here are the stages…
#1 Determining Corporate Business Strategy
Just like every other aspect or department in an organization, you still need to plan how your organization will penetrate the internet space in order to avoid errors. You need to have a clear blueprint that you intend to follow in order to achieve corporate goals, without that, the entire process is bound to fail. You must have a clear blueprint and make sure you carry all stakeholders along while you are drafting the policy.
#2 Evaluating the market and customer’s needs
In addition, you need to evaluate the market and customers’ needs in order to come up with the right product at the right time for the right audience. You need to analyze your market opportunities in order to determine the best way of promoting your products and services. You have to determine some of the comparative advantages that you have that others lacked. This will help you to identify what you can leverage.
Besides, you need to gather and analyze all data at your disposal in order to make the best decision for your online marketing. You might need to take a critical look at the data that you have in order to determine the best way of introducing the right product to the right audience in order to achieve the desired results.
#3 Logical organization of data
Another major step that you need to perform is the logical organization of your data. There are bound to be related and unrelated data that you have gathered in the course of making your research. You will need to transform this data into formats that end-users and departments can understand. You also need to group the data based on what they have in common for further analysis.
#4 Developing business strategy
As the coordinator of the digital marketing strategy for the organization, it is your duty to organize the Digital Marketing strategy and determine how the entire digital marketing process will be carried out in the interest of the organization. You need to make sure that roles are assigned to the various business units in the organization so that they can perform active roles as well.
#5 Determine customer experience
When it comes to customer relationship management, there is something called customer brand promise. It is an articulation of what customers should expect after they might have purchased your products or services. When you are planning Digital marketing, you need to determine the kind of customer experience that you want to create. This will allow you to juxtapose what customers gained before they purchased your product with what you promised they will get after they might have used that product or service.
#6 Preparing business information
Also, there is a need for you to design and consider how the information will be understood by the audience visiting your website. Most times, when some of this information are prepared, you need to make sure that they are arranged in such a way that customers and website visitors are able to locate all the information that they are looking for on your website.
#7 planning marketing strategy
Most times, you need to know that the function of digital marketing or running digital marketing campaigns is not something that must be done by a single individual alone. It should be a collaborative effort of all the departments in the organization. You need to plan how you are going to retain existing customers or attract new customers.
#8 Evaluating response
Also as part of your digital marketing efforts, you need to determine how you are going to analyse feedback and make decisions in order to correct some of the anomalies observed during your investigation. At times, you might need to employ the service of a Subject Matter Expert in order to achieve the desired results.
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