6 Potential Losses Due To Security Attacks: And How To Prevent Them

6 Potential Losses Due To Security Attacks: And How To Prevent Them



There are many things that can happen when it comes to computer security.

So many things can go wrong. If you are not security conscious and take the security of your devices serious, it can open you up to many forms of attacks.

Potential losses due to Security Attacks

In this article, I want to look at some of the potential losses due to security attacks. Follow me as we are going to analyze this together in this article.

#1 Misuse of resources

It is being said that when you don’t know the bye of something, abuse is inevitable. That is the same with someone that has access to your resources without your consent.

They are going to use the resources available on your system in a way that it will be of no use to use. This at times might even harm your reputation.

There are many things that can happen when it comes to computer security. So many things can go wrong. If you are not security conscious and take the security of your devices serious , it can open you up to many forms of attacks. In this article, I want to look at some of the potential losses due to security attacks. Follow me as we are going to analyze this together in this article.

#1 Misuse of resources

It is being said that when you don’t know the bye of something, abuse is inevitable. That is the same with someone that has access to your resources without your consent.

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They are going to use the resources available on your system in a way that it will be of no use to use. This at times might even harm your reputation.

#2 Data loss

Also, unauthorized access to a computer and other personal devices can also lead to Data loss for the user. It is very possible for the individual that has access to such devices to steal personal data that belongs to the owner.

#2 Financial loss

 Also, unauthorised access to computer devices can lead to financial losses. At times, hackers are able to steal personal information including passwords. This will allow them to move funds from bank accounts. 

#3 Denial of service

Stealing of personal data from computers and other devices can also leads to denial of service attacks.

This happens when online or computer resources are not available to users as at when needed. It can deny legitimate users access to resources needed at any given time.

#4 Loss/theft

Unauthorized access can also leads to loss or theft of computer resources. The intruder might want to steal personal information and use it for social engineering attacks. This might allow the intruder to commit crimes with data that are stolen from the computer devices. 

#5 Loss of trust

Now I want you to imagine! Let us imagine that someone committed a crime in your name. Do you think it will be that easy for you to clear your name?

People that have known you will now tag you as a thief. If the culprit is not apprehended, it will be very difficult for you to clear your name. That is why you have to guard your data jealously.

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#6 Identity theft

Another issue you can face due to security attacks is identity theft. It will be very easy for people to take on your personality and use it in committing crimes. Some of these hackers can steal your National Identity Number or Social Security Number and use it to commit serious crimes. 

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