Determining Website Objectives: What To Look Out For (+Examples)

Website Objectives



In my previous article, I have talked about some of the facts that you need to know about how you should not use free hosting services. In this article, I want to talk about some of the questions that you need to talk about when designing website objectives. Follow me as we are going to look at that in this article.

The questions to ask…

#1 Who will be using your website?

The very first question that you need to ask has to do with who will be using your website. You need to know some of the requirements that you are expecting from the website. You may have to ask some questions from the end-users about what they are expecting from the website. This will now be documented and form the scope of your website. If you don’t have this requirement documented, you may discover that your website will not satisfy end-users at the end of the entire project.

Also, when you are trying to develop the website, you need to know the type of information that the end-users are expecting from your website. You also need to ask yourself whether you have the wherewithal to provide what the end-users need from you. The more you are able to meet their requirements, the more you will be able to satisfy the interest of your customers.

Action Point

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#2 Top three things…

Also, when you are trying to develop the website, you need to decide on the top three things that you will want your users to see when they visit your website. The top three things that you want them to see is what you want your website to be known for. After you might have discovered that, you will now have to decide on how that will be achieved. This also entails finding out the major skill sets that you need to have in order to achieve the objectives of the website and sustain visitors’ interest in your website.

#3 Needed technology

Also, as part of your efforts towards achieving the objectives of your project, you need to decide on the technology that you need to study in order to achieve the objectives of your project. There are times that your customers might to see you utilizing a particular technology on your website. If it happens that you could not find someone that can handle such a task, you may need to take time to study the technology yourself so that such can be implemented on your website.

#4 Boost brand recognition

Also, there is a need for you to understand how your website will boost brand recognition generally on your website. Let’s say, for example, you have decided to include a blog as part of your brand strategy, you need to know the type of content that will be placed on your website.


The type of content that will be posted should be contented that will help promote your brand and develop your audience interest in your content. The more you are able to solve audience questions, the more they will show interest in your website content.

#5 Three reasons

Also, before you begin to spend money on creating the website, you need to ask a very vital question. You need to know at least three reasons why you need a website. If you do not have three tangible reasons why you need to create that website, it is very possible that you do not actually need that website. Also, asking these questions will allow you to know some of the vital features that should be included on that website.

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#6 How are you planning to achieve it

Also, there is a need for you to plan how to achieve that objective. You should not just assume that you are going to achieve those objectives at the end of the day. You actually need to write down those objectives and come up with action points on how you plan to achieve your objectives. This will also assist you to measure your performance using some of the key points that you have highlighted to measure your performance.

#7 increased sales

Also, you need to determine how your website will increase your sales. You need to highlight some of the features that you have to include on your website in order to boost sales. When you have this in place, you will be able to liaise with your stakeholders in order to achieve some of the objectives of the project. This will enable you to do all that you could in order to boost sales. This will be done in collaboration with all stakeholders that have something to do with the organization’s sales efforts.

#6 How much maintenance?

 You also need to consider how much maintenance you will be able to sustain on your website. I said it in one of my articles that when it comes to website maintenance, you can decide to do it in-house by you or your team, you can also decide to contract the maintenance of the website to a third party. Therefore what will determine whether the maintenance will be done in-house or from an external source has to do with the amount you would like to spend on website maintenance.

6 Questions Before Redesigning a Website

In many of my previous articles, I have talked about some of the factors that you need to put into consideration when you need to design either a normal website or an e-commerce website. I know some of you might be wondering, what if you have your website already and you need to redesign it in order to increase the conversion rate on your website. In this article, I want to talk about some of the factors that you need to take into consideration when redesigning a website. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

The Questions to ask…
#1 Attractiveness
One of the pointers that you need to redesign your website has to do with the attractiveness of the website. Anytime you open the website, can you say you are happy with what you are seeing? If the website that you claim that you have does not look attractive to you, there is a high tendency that the same website will not be attractive to your audience. If that is the case then you need to redesign the website ASAP!
#2 Easy navigation?
Another question that you need to ask when you are considering redesigning a website is the question of the navigation of the website. Can you really say that it is easy to navigate the website? Does it seem easy for users to find what they are looking for on the website? If the answer is yes, you may not really need to redesign the website per se. You need to know that if customers find it difficult to find what they are looking for, they may not revisit such a website.
#3 Functional?
Also, you need to critically consider the functionality of the website. Can you say that the website is serving the purpose that it suppose to serve? Are the pages working very well? Can you also say the link is directing users to the right page? If all of these are not happening, you may need to reconsider the entire website and start the process of redesigning the website.
#4 Intuitive
Also, there is a need for you to understand that your website is your online office. When it comes to a website, unlike a shop where you have people that can take customers around and convince them to buy products and services. On a website, there is nobody to take customers around what you have to offer. You have to build a website that is intelligent enough to predict customers’ next move. Having this will in place will increase the conversion rate on the website.

#5 Clarity
Another major point that you need to redesign your website is: if the contents are not clear enough. At times you may have a well-written but customers still find it difficult to understand the purpose of creating the website. If that happens, you may find it difficult to achieve your goals for the website. Please note that the clarity of a website does not only have to do with the articles that you have posted on the site.

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It also has to do with the overall design of the website. You need to make sure that the objective of the website is clear to your audience. They should be able to easily find what they are looking for on your website. This will make them to stick longer on that website.

4 Major Steps In Website Design For Beginners And Experts

When it comes to website design whether for yourself or for your client, there are some critical steps that you need to follow in order to ensure that your website comes out good. I am very sure that if you can follow some of the practical steps that I am going to lay out in this article, you will notice that you will have an adorable and functional website that you and your client and other stakeholders will be proud of. In this article, I want to talk about some of the major steps in Website design for Beginners and Experts. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

Here are the tips …

#1 Planning

The first thing when it comes to website design is to plan. Your plan should revolve around some of the features that you are expecting from that website. You must take time to write some of the features that you would like the website to have. This will allow you to guide your Developer as to what you are expecting from the website.
The very first thing when it comes to planning your website is to determine your target audience for the project. When you are sure of your target audience, you will be able to highlight some of the features that your target audience would like to see in that website that you are planning to build.

Apart from planning on the design of the website, you need to come up with an action plan that will determine how you plan to convert your visitors to customers. This will enable you to determine what you intend to do in order to make visitors return back to your website for more.

As part of your planning effort, you need to come up with a design strategy for your website. The Design strategy will consider some of the features that you need to include in your website. This will cover navigation tools and other features that will make the website easy to use for users.

#2 Design and Coding

After you might have come up with adequate planning for your website, you need to now decide on how the design and coding of the website will be handled. You can decide to hire a Developer who will assist you in designing the website. There is also the option of using What You See Is What You Get where you make use of an Online web editor that makes it easy for you to develop a website without the assistance of a Web Developer.

As part of your coding effort, you need to come up with a content marketing strategy for your website. You can decide to write the articles and pages yourself. It is also possible for you to write the articles yourself or you get an internal team member to write the articles. You can also contact me when you need someone to write unique articles for your website.

#3 Testing

After you might have done the coding and writing of content for your website, you need to test your website. You have to try to open your website from different browsers and devices and make sure that the website can adjust to fit the screen. That means such a website is mobile responsive. You need to know that majority of your users will be mobile users. That is the reason why your website should be mobile responsive.

#4 Maintenance

The last stage of your website design is to continue to maintain your website. You need to make sure that you continue to back up your website daily so that you have a different version of your website. This will ensure that you can restore your website back to normal operation in case of any catastrophe that can hit your website.

6 Reasons Why A Good Website Design Is Important

First and foremost, I want to say that it is very easy to get visitors to visit your website for the first time. The problem lies in the fact you cannot force any user to come back to visit your website if your website failed to meet up his demand. That is why it is very important that you need to ensure that your website is mobile responsive. You also need to ensure that you are getting feedback from both first-time visitors and other returning customers. Here in this article, I want to talk about some of the reasons why you need a good website design. Follow me as we are going to look at that in this article.

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Here are some of the reasons…

#1 Increased sales

It has been established that your profit is not coming from your first-time customers, your profit is actually coming from your returning customers. You might have run ads in order to drive those first customers back to your website. You are actually losing profit if you could not bring back a first time customer. You are going to make more profit if customers are satisfied with your website and they are coming back for repeat purchases.

#2 High search engine ranking

Also, when you have a good website design, it will also allow you to rank higher on search engines. Although Google does not reveal to us what factors and indices they are using to rank a website, it is certain that when you have a low bounced rate and increased traffic on your website, you are going to rank higher on the search engine. This is possible because it is very easy for your users to find what you are looking for on your website.

#3 Brand reputation and recognition

Another major benefit of a good website design is that it will increase brand reputation and recognition. Due to the fact that you are ranking higher on search engines, you are going to get more organic traffic coming to your website. This is going to increase the popularity of your website. It will also allow you to get new customers through your existing customers as well.

#4 Customer loyalty

Another fact about having a good website design is that it will increase customer loyalty to your website. When it comes to customer loyalty, it has to do with the desire of your audience to stick to your website even though there are alternatives that are better than yours. If you have good design and it is very easy for people to find what they are looking for. They will not even bother to look for an alternative.

#5 Opt-in for promotion and newsletters

Also, when you have a good website, you will notice that easily visitors coming to your website will opt-in for your promotional offers and newsletters. Since those customers have an emotional relationship with your products and services, they will trust you completely that you are going to deliver. You now have to work hard in order to ensure that you continue to provide a consistent customer experience in order to retain your customers.

#6 Information for customer database

When you have a good website design, it will be easy for customers to find what they are looking for on your website. A good website for example should be able to provide descriptions that customers can go through. This description provides customers with features that come with the product.

This will allow visitors to decide on whether they would like to purchase that particular product or not. This will also provide the website with testimonials that can convince subsequent visitors to buy the product. This will increase customer engagement and customer retention for the product.

Action Point

PS: I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you could drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.

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About Adeniyi Salau 1551 Articles
Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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