9 Checklists To Find A Good Web Hosting Company

9 Checklists To Find A Good Web Hosting Company


In my previous article, I talked about some of the reasons why you should consider hosting instead of buying a Server on your own. In this article, I want to look at some of the checklists that you should consider for a good web hosting company. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

#1 Tech Support

I remember a particular hosting where I once hosted my blog. This particular night I was having an issue and I need to contact support to resolve some issues on my behalf. The guy on duty that night has to confess that he was the only one on duty and he was not able to assist me. Believe me, I have to jettison that hosting company.

When you have to choose any hosting company to host your blog or your website, you need to make sure that such an organization have good email or chat support. This is important for you most importantly when you are a novice. You will not want to go through that stress of resolving issues on your own. It can be very frustrating.

#2 Storage space

Another factor that you need to consider is the storage space that they are providing for you. This is one common mistake that we are always making as bloggers and website owners. You will not want to be told that you need to buy more space when you have not even had much stored on your hosting account.

The different hosting companies have different Storage spaces for different packages. You need to be sure that you are comfortable with the storage space before you proceed with your payment.

#3 Email Accounts

Another factor that you need to consider when you are choosing your hosting company is the number of email accounts that you can have on a single account. At times, this will be based on the type of package that you choose with the hosting company. You need to make sure that you made an enquiry before you proceed with making payment for the hosting.

#4 FTP Access

Also, when you need to choose a good hosting company to transact business with, you need to make sure that your hosting company have the option of providing FTP access for users who might want to access your website. File Transfer Protocol can allow third parties to access your website without giving them access to your main server. It is not good to go for a hosting company that could not provide FTP access for those that would like to access your website for special assignments.

#5 Secure data transfer

Another important requirement for a good hosting company has to do with the secure transfer of data from one end to another. If for example. You are setting up an e-commerce website on your server, your customers will not want a situation where your password and other Personal Identifiable Information are compromised.  They will want a secured communication from one end to another. You have to have a commitment from your hosting company that your customer data will not be compromised.

#6 Bandwidth

In computing, bandwidth is the maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. Bandwidth may be characterized as network bandwidth, data bandwidth, or digital bandwidth. You need to check the rate at which data are allowed to be transferred by the hosting company. This will determine the speed of your website. I believe you know that website speed is very critical to SEO.

#7 Dependability and backup

When you need to host your blog or website, you need to make sure you have done your research very well before you choose any hosting site. You have to check out their client testimonial and vet what their previous customers have said about them.

You need to find out whether they have a system of data backup that saved the data of their customers in case of any unforeseen circumstances before you will choose them for your online business. This is very important to avoid stories that touch the heart.

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#8 Reputation

There is a need for you to also check the reputation of the hosting company. You need to find out how long they have been in business as well as the quality of their resource personnel among others. This will help to determine whether you can actually rely on them for your online business. If they have a track record of excellent customer service and online support. That means you can trust them to provide excellent service for your hosting needs.

#9 Price

Also, when it comes to hosting your website, there is a need for you to cut your cloth according to your cloth. Hosting is something that you need to be able to sustain on a yearly basis. You should not choose a hosting platform that you will not be able to pay for at the end of the first year. You need to look at the feasibility of paying for hosting for a long time. If you know that payment will be a problem, it is advisable for you to start with a free hosting service such as Blogger or wordpress.com.



10 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Free Hosting

It is very common to human nature to like free things. I know it is very possible that you as a person like free things but when it comes to hosting your domain, you need to avoid hosting your site on a free hosting site. In this article, I want to talk about ten good reasons why you should avoid free hosting sites. Before that, there is one impression I would like to correct. Some have said that you should set up a blog when you are not gainfully employed, that notion is wrong. You need money to run a successful blog. If you do not have money or you are a struggling guy, you cannot go far in Blogging. I stand to be corrected.

Here are the reasons to avoid free hosting blogging like a plague…

#1 Lack of customer support

One of the very first things that you will notice when you are using a free hosting site is that you are actually on your own. There are many challenges that you will face when it comes to cpanel and hosting as well as submission of your website to search engine, I doubt if you will be able to address some of these challenges on your own.

You really need some external support from experts. You will not get that expert support if all you are relying on is free hosting.

You are absolutely on your own!

#2 More downloading time

You will also notice that when you are relying on a free hosting service, the bandwidth that will be allocated to you will be very limited. You will not have much of their resources committed to your online business. If you want your visitors to be able to download files on time, you need to really open your purse and pay for reliable hosting. It is as simple as that.

#3 Invasive advertisement

Another major challenge that you will have when you are using free hosting that you will have a lot of invasive advertising on your web page. This will actually affect the customer experience on your website. You will not have control over adverts from the owner that is coming to your website. They will tell you that you need to pay for hosting before such adverts are removed.

#4 Limited Storage Space

There was a time in my blogging career when I actually tried to use free website hosting when I could not afford to pay for normal web hosting. Then I have had over 500 articles on my blog. I was able to successfully upload my content. To my amazement on the second day, the account went offline. It was so frustrating. I think I need to repeat the advice I gave the other time for upcoming bloggers. If you cannot afford to pay for hosting for a long time, you should start with a Blogger.com account. When you use free hosting, the storage space that will be allocated to you will be very limited.

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#5 Unsecured server access

Also, you should know that when all that you are relying on is free website access, you are likely to experience unsecured website access. It will be easy for a third party to access your website because your website is not secured. At times, when a breach happens, you cannot query the hosting company for a breach of data. You are practically at their mercy. You are not paying them in the first place.

#6 Limited type of files

Also, you need to know that if you go for the option of free website hosting for your online business, there is a limited type of file that you are allowed to post on your website. This will not allow you to serve your customers because they have complete control over what you can post on your website. This can be frustrating to you as the owner of such a website. It is not advisable to consider starting your Blogging career with a free hosting platform.

  #7 Limited Advertising revenue

Also, you need to understand that when you are using free hosting, there is a high tendency that you are going to experience limited advertising revenue. There are also going to limit the type of ads that you can place on your website. This will definitely limit the type of ads that you can place on your site. You cannot place direct ads and you cannot use Google AdSense among other options that you have.

#8 No guarantee longevity and availability

Also, just like I said earlier, the hosting company can decide to take off your website from their radar at any time. Since you are not paying for the service, you cannot really beat your chest that the website will always be available, you are practically at the mercy of the hosting company. The only thing you can do to guarantee the longevity and availability of the service is to pay for the service.

#9 Search engines ignore you

If you are using a free hosting service to host your website, you can never rank of search engine. You cannot even submit your website to Bing or Google Search Console. Your website will be ignored. Therefore the tendency of your website to come up on the Search Engine Result Page is very minimal. It is also going to be a subdomain which will make the website unnecessary longer and your audience will find it difficult to remember your domain name.

#10 Overcrowded server

Also, even if the hosting company wants to render “excellent service”, they will not be able to do because their server is overcrowded. It is only companies like Google and WordPress that can offer such excellent services because they have a variety of websites where your services can be hosted. Asides from those two, you are going to experience intermittent services if you are using any other free hosting service platforms.


4 Reasons Why You Need Web Hosting

I know too many bloggers out there, the topic I am about to write about might not be strange to you. Some of you might be planning to skip these articles already. Believe me, there is no harm in reading the article. There are some things that you can learn if you can take the time to read this article about why you need web hosting for your blog or website. In this article. I will be talking about some of the reasons why you get on a good web hosting platform for your website or blog.

Another reason why we need to go through this article is that there are some of you who you are with a blog hosting company that is killing your career gradually. It is high time you plan on how you are going to move on.

Without wasting much time, here are some of the reasons why you need a good web hosting service.

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#1 Storage platform
When it comes to website hosting, you need to understand a good website works like you have an online office. When you are setting up an office, you will need to rent a shop and pay yearly for that shop. The same thing applies to your blog or website. Your hosting company is your landlord or landlady. They are the ones helping you to keep your files and other information that relates to your entire website.

So the hosting platform is a special computer that manages your blog or website database. They assist you in storing images, files and other important data that relates to your website.

#2 Domain requests
Also, your hosting platform is linked to your server. When a user comes to your website and they desire to open a particular page on your website, they will be sending a request to the server. It is now the duty of the server to load the web page that the visitor desired to open. If you have a domain name without a hosting platform, there will be no special platform which your data can load from.

#3 Good Stuffs are expensive
Also, you need to note that for you to enjoy good hosting, you must be ready to pay for such services. It is expensive because hosting requires good internet connectivity and bandwidth. It is also expected that the service should be available almost all the time. They need to make use of Ti, DS3 or Gigabit internet connection in order to be able to serve customers better.

#4 Cheaper to rent
You also need to understand that most at times, it is better to go for the option of paying for web hosting than when you are planning to host your website on your own. There is a high tendency that those hosting sites will have a strong internet connection that is stronger than yours. They will be able to provide excellent services which might be difficult for you to maintain on your own. That is why it is very important for you to consider this option instead of thinking of buying a server on your own.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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