Alexandra Tachalova: His Practical Tips For Newbie Bloggers

Alexandra Tachalova

 Alexandra Tachalova: His Practical Tips For Newbie Bloggers


Learning from people who work in the field on a daily basis and know the theory, as well as the practice, is always worth it. That’s why we decided to contact more than 30 SEO experts and ask them about their best SEO tips for beginners.In this article, I want to talk about Blogging Tips From Alexandra Tachalova.

Here are the questions we asked:

1. If you should give only one piece of advice to an SEO beginner, what would it be?
2. What SEO tip, truth or technique have you learned or rediscovered recently? What was your last SEO aha moment?

The roundup was originally focused on the search engine optimization tips for beginners, but we found out that many of the answers may be interesting for advanced users too.

Although all the answers are unique, there are certain recurring topics and advice recommended by several experts. Here’s a visual overview of the tips by categories:

Let’s dive into the specific answers.

Alexandra Tachalova

Founder of Digital Olympus

#1  Focus on keywords and backlinks

I think there are a few things that you need to keep an eye or at least which you mustn’t neglect:

  1. Do keyword research. If you skip the keyword research stage then you’re going to end up with content pages that most likely won’t attract a sufficient amount of traffic. The golden rule is to find keywords that have the lowest competition and enough search volume.
  2. Allocate internal links. That’s what will help you rank higher without spending 10x hours on acquiring external links. I highly recommend cross-linking your content as well as adding the most important pages in your site’s navigation.
  3. Build links. The more links you have, the better. But build only quality links that will help your site not only rank better in Google but also establish your brand as trustworthy.
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#2 Get .edu links via coupons

I recently spoke at an event in Russia where a speaker shared how to build .edu links. I’d never heard of this strategy before but it might be relevant to any industry where someone is selling something (not only physical). So here’s how this strategy would work for an e-commerce site:

  1. You create a special coupon code for students
  2. After this, you need to use this operator to find .edu sites that have a page with student discounts “ student discounts”
  3. The last step is to contact those sites and tell them that you’re providing a special discount for their students. Also, I’d recommend personalizing your promo codes by adding a college name to each code.


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