key to working miracles

Compassion: The Key To Working Miracles. RCCG SOD Year 6

What Exactly is COMPASSION?


COMPASSION is mercy in action, a kind of kinetic energy, a moving propelling force that causes the one so moved to help the needy. And you will discover that all the major miracles of our LORD Jesus were brought forth by compassion. Psalms 145:8-9 says that God is good to us because of His compassion.  And then when you look at almost all the healings of our Lord Jesus Christ, He healed people because of compassion.



1.  In Matthew 9:35-36, the Bible says He saw the multitude, had compassion on them, and healed their sickness.

2.  In Matthew 20: 29-34, when the blind man came unto Him, the Bible says He had compassion on him and opened his eyes. Through compassion He brought forth the power that could open blind eyes.

3. In Mark 1:40-42, when the leper came to Him and said, “Well, it’s up to you if You will heal me but I know you can do it though I am not sure You will be willing”. The Bible records it for us that Jesus had compassion for him. May He have compassion on you today in Jesus’ name. Jesus had compassion for the leper and cleansed him of leprosy.

4. In Mark 5:1-9, we have the story of the madman of Gadara who had a legion of demons in him and he was living in a tomb. They would bind him with chains and he would break the chains. Nobody could move near him but when he saw Jesus coming, he ran , fell at his feet and worshipped Him. Jesus had compassion on Him and delivered him. 


5. In Luke 8:41-42, 49-56, we have examples of Jairus, who had only one daughter and the devil went into that house and snatched that one daughter. Jesus had compassion on Jairus and brought that girl back to life. 

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6. In John 11:32-35, we saw Jesus Christ weeping open;y at the burial ground of Lazarus. The compassion was so great . He could not hide it and it was that same compassion that brought Lazarus back to life.

7. In Mark 8:1-9, Jesus fed the multitude out of compassion. 


So you can see that all the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ : healing, cleansing, opening blind eyes, raising the dead, feeding the hungry , all came out of compassion. 

Consequently as disciples, we must follow our leaderin this respect also. We must also have compassion because 1 John 2:6 says:

“He that said he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked”.



i. We must walk in compassion. In fact in Hebrews5:1-2, you will discover that one of the basic qualification of a high priest is compasssion. In other words, anyone who is not compassionate will not even be made a high priest.


ii. In Luke 10: 30-37, in the story of the good Samaritan, God is showing us that a heathen who is compassionate is better than a priest or a levite who has no compassion.



Now how can we be compassionate? Unless we are compassionate, the gift of the working of miracles will not be given to us. There is only one way we can become compassionate as Jesus Christand this can be found in Ezekiel 36:26, which says:


“A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will i put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh”

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God promised us he will remove the stony heart out of our flesh and give us the heart of flesh becuase the heart we were born with , the Bible says, is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Jeremiah 17:9.


It is possible for our old heart to be wicked. Unless that heart is changed, unless you get a heart of lfesh, it would not be possible to be as compassionate as our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, we must ask God for the heart of Jesus, and before you ask for the heart of Jesus, remeber that one of the Names of Jesus Christ is written in Isaiah 53:3-5. One of the titles of the Lord Jesus Christ is a Man of Sorrows . If you ask for this heart of flesh, it is another way of getting sancrified. 


If God looks into your heart and He sees a heart of flesh, that heart of stone has been replaced, that you are now a compassionate person, then when you see people who are weeping , you will weep with them, then He will make the gift of the working of miracles available to you because that is the only way the gift will be correctly used. 


There was a man in those days who was supposed to be very good at dealing with broken bones. He was famous for being an orthopaedic doctor but he had no compassion at all. When somebody had a motor accident and his leg is broken, he would tell the family to bring money and if they had no moneyand started t0o beg him, he would bring out an axe and threaten to cut the leg. That  is not the kind of man God would give the gift of working of miracles. 

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year 1: Know Yourself. Part 5.


Are you interested in working miracles for God? Go to God and ask him for a heart of flesh.


Ask him for the ability to be compassionate.




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