Customer Engagement In Digital Strategy

Customer Engagement In Digital Strategy: Way Of Winning Always With Customers

Customer Engagement In Digital Strategy



Customer engagement is often overlooked as a ‘hygiene factor’, when in fact it represents your brands’ perceived voice and tone. You have the potential to turn both into a part of your brand DNA on your site and on social media. Review these metrics to measure the effectiveness of your customer engagement:

  • Awareness: Is your customer service giving you the ability to create higher awareness levels?
  • Reduced Customer Service (CS) Costs: Is the use of social media allowing you to manage your CS expenditure?
  • Insight: Are your customers giving you an insight into your products and services from which you can make valuable improvements?
  • Sentiment: Is your CS quality adding value to the business by creating positive sentiment?

Reach The total number of people you can reach with your activity.

Are you able to prove that the engagement you are experiencing offers value to the business? The following metrics can help to measure user engagement:

  • Insight: Are your activities on digital giving you additional insight into what your customers want or how you can design your products and services?
  • Awareness: Is your activity showing an awareness of offers, products, services, etc.?
  • Sentiment: Can you identify positive sentiment in how your customers are engaging with you?
  • Comprehension: If you have complicated products or services – can you see that customers are identifying/searching for features and details that show an understanding of the product/service?
  • Site Visits: Is your activity resulting in creative traffic to your site?


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Earned Media Value: Is your digital activity resulting in earned impressions on top of your paid delivery? This is found within your social channels


The most important work is done in identifying early on what your expectations are from your campaign and what value digital will bring to it. However, after you execute your campaign, you can also look at the following metrics:




  • Awareness: Is your use of digital increasing your brand footprint?
  • Customer Engagement: For most businesses, regardless of size, the use of social media should be a long-term daily commitment but in addition to this there should be instances when you elevate specific moments throughout the year for new products, services, timings.
  • Sales: Can you track sales back to digital channels?
  • Leads: Have you generated leads from gated content or subscription forms on your digital channels?
  • Sentiment: Use observable social listening after campaign execution.
  • Site Visits: What digital channels are creating traffic to your site?


When looking to utilise a campaign, the most effective campaign work is that which maintains singular goals from the very start, e.g. sales, engagement, awareness, sentiment, etc. Ultimately, campaigns should be designed to achieve one overarching business success outcome.


Thinking years ahead is not exciting, we all want to see results now! But it is very important to think long-term when identifying your digital strategy. In order to ensure we see results, we can introduce phasing. Break your strategy up into key phases and time periods. Each time period should have an identified success outcome.

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Try not to rush into success or be rushed into success by your superiors. It’s easy to force results in the short term, but this is not sustainable.


Move away from KPI to KSO, Key Success Outcomes. KSOs are identifiable business changes that you can attribute to social media. KPIs are just numbers whereas KSOs are simple things you can see in the business that show success.


Once you know what your desired outcomes are, you can then start to decide the strategy for your channels. What‘s the purpose of your website? What‘s the purpose of your social channels? Do you need an app? Selectively choose channels that will be the most effective. You don‘t necessarily need to have all channels that can oftentimes be a foolish use of resources.

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