Dealing with Demons Part Three. How To Conduct Deliverance. Year Two

dealing with demons

The devil’s sole aim is to hinder your progress and he does this in three ways :



  1. By holding you down. That is , by oppression, depression and regression.
  2. By getting you to go round in circles- obsession, that is , doing only one thing continuously, for example , eating all the time.
  3. To get you to go in the direction opposite the way you should go. This is called possession .

Deliverance of the oppressed should follow three major steps:

a. locate the cause of the problem.

b. Counsel the fellow on how to remain free.

#1 Locate the Cause

Find the door opener to the devil. it could be a curse or there might be need for restitution somewhere. The cause might also be unforgivenss or maybe the person had been jilted. A door may also be because someone’s joy is tied to another’s sorrow. For example, taking another man’s wife or being dubious, robbing God , failure to pay tithes and constant disobedience to God’s voice.


Locating the door way of the enemy makes Deliverance easier. This is because it exposes the route through which the enemy comes in. It reveals the agent of destruction. It also aids counseling on how to avoid counter attack.

#2 Execute Deliverance 

Qualifications for executing Deliverance 

The one who is going to execute Deliverance must be qualified to do so. Otherwise , he will be in problem. to execire Deliverance , you must: 

1. Be born again. 

2. Spirit filled.

3. must be clean, that is must not be possessed of demon because demon cannot cast out demon. John 14:30. 

4. You must not have harmful habits like.smoking a d drinking alcohol.

5. You must not be a debtor.

6. You must not be somebody who exagerates.


The oppressed to be set free:

1. Must be made to realize and appreciate Deliverance. 

2. Must be cooperative i.e must be willing and ready to accept Jesus as his Savior. 

The process of Deliverance 

Ten basic steps are involved in carrying out Deliverance. 

1. Plead the blood of Jesus first of all over yourself .

2. Plead the blood of Jesus over all children present.

3. Plead the blood of Jesus over the oppressed. 

4. Take authority over the oppressors based on the Bible, because the Bible says so..

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5. Bind the oppressors after taking authority. 

6. Loose the hold of the oppressors.

7. Command the oppressors to cease in their operation and to desist from their maneuvers and get out of the oppressed. 

8. Declare the oppressed free in Jesus name. If you believe, you can speak to theountains to be lifted into the sea. Demons can be mountains ( Mark 11:23; Matthew 18:18).

9. By faith , believe that it is done. Mark 11:24. Tell the oppressed that he is free and that he should begin to praise God as a sign of receiving Deliverance. 

10. Give all glory to Jesus. Thank the One who executed the Deliverance. (Acts 3:12). You are not the deliverer but Jesus. 


The following prayer of Deliverance can be prayed: 

“Father, I am pleading the blood of the lamb over myself, over all those who are present and over the oppressed. let the blood that conquered Satan cover all of us. 


Lord in the name of Jesus. I take authority over all the evil forces operating in the life of this fellow and I decree that they will lose this fellow and let him go. And I decree that they will cease in all their manoeuvres an cease in all their operations in the life of this fellow. And I command that they come out in the mighty name of Jesus. 



#1 Close the door

Tell him or her to close the door through which the enemy entered. For example , if the demons have ruined his business due to unfaithfulness on paying tithes, he must begin to pay his tithes. 


#2 Remain in the light 

Advise the person to remain in the light, that is Jesus Christ, because of he goes back into darkness , the enemy will be waiting for him.

#3 Feed on the Word 

Advise the fellow to fill himself with the word of God all the time because in Matthew 12:34-25, the Bible says:


“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places , seeking rest, and found none. Then he saith, I will  return into the house from whence I come out, and when he is come, he findeth it empty , swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself , and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. “

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year One. Know Yourself. Part One.


This fellow must fill himself with the word of God so that if the spirit tries , he will be answered with , ” it is written…” 

#4 Blood of the Lamb

Tell the person to cover himself/herself with the Blood of the Lamb constantly. 

#5 Fellowship with the Holy Spirit 

Tell the fellow to fellowship on a Holy Spirit filled assembly. The Bible says in 2 Cor. 3:17 :


” Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.”.


Is is dangerous for the delivered to remain in a cold traditional church. 


#6 Seek Baptism 

The person should seek Baptism of the Holy Spirit immediately because there cannot be two captains in the same boat. If he is full of the Holy Spirit , the demon will not find him empty if it attempts to return. 


#7 Resist the devil 

Teach the fellow to resist the devil constantly. The devil will try to come back but it is his duty to resist him


#8 Witness Aggressively 

Teach the fellow to witness aggressively because attack is the best form of defence. He must keep testifying of what God has done for him because the Bible says in Revelation 12:11 ” And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb , and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death”. 


#9 Pray without ceasing 

Tell the person to learn to pray without ceasing. Each time you pray, you are calling on the allied to come and help you. 

#10 Thanking God 

Tell the fellow never to stop thanking God for the Deliverance at every opportunity. The more you praise God for what he done, the more he will do. 


11. Testifying 

He must testify and let others know how God set him free at every opportunity he has. 


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#12 Bring others 

Tell the fellow to bring others who need Deliverance to Christ for Deliverance. 


What are the signs of Deliverance 

1. The one who was depressed and held down will begin to rise, to improve , to grow spiritually and to move forward. 

2. The one obsessed and going round in circles , who does only one thing in exclusion of others will receive freedom to do other things. 

3. The one possessed who is going in the wrong direction will come to his senses. He will wake up and become normal again. 


There might be some people in this gathering right now who need Deliverance . just signify to your leader or teacher and say “I need Deliverance” . I am sure the leader will help you to pray the prayer of Deliverance. 


For those of you who did not need Deliverance, rejoice that the Lord God Almighty has set you free. 


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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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