Homosexuality: A Distortion Of God’s Gift. AG Teen Manual.



TEXT: Gen 19:1-9, 12-13, 24-25; Lev 18:22: Mark 10:6-8; Rom 1:24-27, 32; 1 Cor 6:9-11: Eph 2:1-7; Jude 7



KEY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Do not be deceived: Neither…male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders…will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (NIV)


It can be confusing for teenagers to know how to react to homosexuality. The teens in your class probably hear from every side varied opinions on homosexuality -ranging from total acceptance of the lifestyle to complete repulsion. Some of them may actually be finding it difficult to sift through all the different messages to determine the truth and how they are to respond to it.


This study explains why Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin and how to respond to it in a way that brings glory to God. Teens need to know that although homosexuality is not a part of God’s plan for human sexuality, there is hope and freedom in Christ for those involved in homosexuality. As you prepare for this study, ask God to help you set a good example in your attitudes and actions toward these people who need Jesus.


The Basic Message: Explain to students…

Freedom from homosexuality can be found through Jesus Christ.

Homosexuality is sin because it distorts God’s original plan for sexuality.

Realize that homosexuality is a sin, and help to restore those involved in the homosexual lifestyle by showing God’s love to them.

Activity Option: TRUE OR FALSE?

Read the following statements and have students point out the ones that are true and the ones that are false:
• God is able to deliver a person from a homosexual lifestyle.
• When God delivers a person from homosexuality, that person will no longer be tempted by lust fora person of the same sex.
• There is no hope for homosexuals to receive forgiveness and have a relationship with God.
Christians and others who oppose homosexuality are homophobic.


Guide: When the students are done, read through the statements and discuss them. Explain that while the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, it is no better or worse than any other sin in the Bible. God loves all and forgives anyone who asks. Christians should remember this when interacting with people struggling with homosexuality.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Rest And Recognition. AG Sunday School Teen Manual

Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers…
• What the Bible says about homosexuality.
• Why Christians consider homosexuality a sin.
• How Christians can restore those involved in homosexuality by showing them God’s love.


Inform and Discuss

a). Homosexuality Twists God’s Plan
Guide: Read or ask a volunteer to read Mark 10:6-8. Explain that God’s original plan for human sexuality involved a man and a woman united in marriage; for He designed humanity with two genders that complement one another in every way.

1. How does homosexuality fit into God’s original plan?

[Hint: Homosexuality is not a part of God’s original plan. Instead, homosexuality twists God’s original intent for sexual activity something that goes against that very plan. While marriage between man and woman is blessed by God, homosexuality is condemned.

Guide: Read or ask volunteers to read Gen 19:1-9. Explain that, as with any sin, people caught up in homosexuality become dominated by their sin, which often leads to other destructive behaviour.

2. Read or ask volunteers to read and summarize Gen 19:12-13, 24-25. How can homosexuality destroy a person physically and spiritually? [Hint: Homosexuality and the promiscuity that usually comes with it can expose a person to STDs and other health problems. Spiritually, homosexuality separates a person from God and can cloud his or her thinking toward Him and salvation.

Note: While homosexuality is the only sin named in the passage above, it is safe to assume that it was not the only sin that was being committed. God’s judgment on the people of Sodom is a foreshadowing of the judgment that will eventually come to all people who violate God’s plan for sexual morality.

3. Read or ask a volunteer to read Jude 6. How should a Christian respond to the fact that homosexuals will be judged for their sin? [Hint: Christians should respond with compassion and prayer for those struggling with the sin of homosexuality. Rather than being judgmental and condemning. Christians should try to share Christ with homosexuals just as they would with anyone else.

Guide: Lead the students in a discussion on why Christians are labeled homophobic or bigoted toward homosexuals. Ask students how this mentality can hurt their witness and what they can do to overcome such stigma.

b). Homosexuality Is Sin
Guide: Explain that the book of Leviticus contained the laws God set to govern the nation of Israel. Although we no longer live under the Law but under grace, the laws of the Old Testament provide insight into God’s perspective on life.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  The Enemy In Your Mind. AG Sunday School Teen Manual.


1. Read or ask a volunteer to read and summarize Lev 18:22. Why do you think God dislikes homosexuality? (Hint: This is because homosexuality is an act of rebellion against God’s original plan for human sexuality. He also dislikes it for what it does to people and society.

2. Read or ask a volunteer to read and summarize Rom 1:24-27,32. What the negative effects of homosexuality on people and society? [Hint: Homosexuality can keep people from having a relationship with God. In the society, homosexuality challenges the way people perceive the family unit, devaluing the importance of having a representation of both genders in the parental roles. It can also lead to moral lawlessness.

Note: Homosexuality contains in itself a punishment for the abandonment of God and His ways. It corrupts the values of those involved in it, and often brings them frustration and unhappiness.

c). There’s Hope for the Homosexuals
1. Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Cor 6:9-11. How does this passage give hope to those who are struggling with the sin of homosexuality? (Hint: A person can be delivered from the sin of homosexuality and restored to purity before God. God offers forgiveness and a new start to anyone who asks for it.

Note: While the sin of homosexuality is clearly condemned, God loves all people. Christian should follow that example and share the message of salvation with the homosexuals.

2. Read or ask volunteers to read Eph 2:1-7. How can a person delivered out of homosexuality be used by God to minister to others? (Hint: Those delivered from homosexuality are a testimony of God’s grace, forgiveness, and transforming power to others who are struggling with homosexuality. Having been there, they can offer special empathy to those who are seeking freedom from their sin.

Guide: Lead the students in a discussion on how Christians can witness to homosexuals in an effective way. Emphasize that, as with any sin, overcoming homosexuality is a spiritual battle.


Have students review their answers to the Activity Option “TRUE OR FALSE?” to see if any would change any of them. Discuss if and how today’s study might have changed the way the students view homosexuality and those involved in homosexuality.

Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 48), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Learn To Discern. AG Teen Sunday School Manual


Ministry Activity: TIME OF REFLECTION

Today’s gay and lesbian movement is nothing new. Some people in the Early Church were homosexuals before they encountered Jesus. But once they became Christians, the sins of the past had no control over their lives. They were cleansed from the things that had separated them from God (1Cor 6:9-11; Eph 2:1-7). God still has the power to set homosexuals free from sin; nothing is too difficult for Him. Lead your students in prayer for the deliverance of those struggling with the sin of homosexuality. Also pray, asking God to help the students reach out to those struggling with homosexuality and offer them hope and restoration to God.


Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself…

Can the students explain why homosexuality is sin? Do the students understand that there is hope for restoration for people involved in homosexuality?
Are the students inspired to show love to those struggling with homosexuality?

Daily Dew Drops
Mon: Original design – Gen 1:26-28; Matt 9:4
Tue: Marriage: One man, One Woman Affair – Gen 218-26eu
Wed: Avoid Destructive Pattern – Rom 1:21-27
Thu: Crucify the Flesh – Gal 5:24
Fri: Be Holy – Heb 12:14; 1 Peter 1:13-16
Sat: Christ: Our Standard – Heb 12:1-3



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