Project Schedule Network Diagram: Amazing Tool For Keeping Track Of Multiple Projects.

Project Schedule Network Diagram

 Project Schedule Network Diagram: Amazing Tool For Keeping Track Of Multiple Projects.




In my previous article, I talked about all that you need to know about the Precedence Diagramming method for projects. In this article, I want to talk about how to create Project Schedule Network Diagram for a project. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.



To create a project schedule network diagram using the PDM, one of the most commonly used types, with all the activities having the most common precedence relationship, Finish to Start:



#1 Determine the dependencies among project activities.

You need to use the activity list to identify all the activities that must be sequenced to create a project schedule.


You need to use the activity attributes to determine the sequence of events or their defined predecessor and successor relationships.


Use the milestone list to identify the logical starting point for the sequencing of activities.


There is a need for you to review the project scope statement that contains the product description which could affect sequencing.


If there are any existing documents related to project scheduling, use them when creating the project schedule.


#2 Determine the lead and lag

There is a need for you to determine the lead and lag between project activities.


This will enable you to know the amount of buffer that you are going to put between project activities. It will also ensure that you are realistic about your project estimates.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Project Prototyping Models For PMs: The Various Types (+Examples)


#3 Strong Identification

You also need to identify predecessor and successor activities for the project.


You have to create a table with two columns. In the first column, list each activity to be sequenced, and identify each with a letter.


In the second column, write the letter of the predecessor activities for each activity.

#4 Create nodes

There is a need for you to create nodes for all activities that have no predecessor or successor activities.  You need to know how this particular activity relates to other activities in the project life cycle.


#5 Successor activities

You also need to create nodes for all other activities that are successors to the nodes already created. When the first activity is identified, you have to know how that activity relates to other activities in the chain.


#6 Draw arrows

The next thing now is to draw arrows from predecessor to successor activities. This arrow will allow stakeholders to know at a glance how different aspects of the activities are related to one another.



#7 Continue drawing

You have to continue drawing the network diagram, working from left to right until all activities are included on the diagram and their precedence relationships are indicated by arrows, including any known lags and leads.



#8 Verify the accuracy

You need to verify the accuracy of the diagram. You have to ensure that:

  • All activities on the activity list are included in the diagram.
  • All Precedence relationships are correctly indicated by arrows going from the predecessor activities to the successor activities.
  • Any known lags or leads are indicated on the diagram.
PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Standard Schedule Diagramming Notations For Projects


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