King Solomon. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.
King Solomon. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.
Opening Prayer: Father, please grant your children wisdom, exceeding understanding and largeness of heart to do what is pleasing to you at all places and times in the name of Jesus.
Previous Knowledge: The teacher should allow students to preview the previous week’s lesson.
Bible Passage: 2 Chronicles 9:22-28.
Memory verse: “And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and the largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore”-1 Kings 4:29.
Solomon was born in Jerusalem 1000BC to King David and Bathsheba. He was David’s sixteenth son. Solomon was a fabulously wealthy and wise king of the United Kingdom of Isreal who succeeded his father King David. He was one of the most powerful kings of the eastern lands. He is the author of 3000 proverbs and he composed 1005 songs. (1 Kings 4:32).
LESSON AIM: To study the character, achievements and moral lessons of King Solomon.
TEACHING OBJECTIVES: Through this lesson, students should be able to learn some moral lessons from King Solomon.
TEACHING PLAN: To achieve the above-stated objectives, the Teacher should: a. Explain the lesson outlines, summarise, conclude, evaluate the lesson and give assignments to the students.
b. Allow students to contribute to the lesson while the Teacher makes corrections as appropriate.
TEXT REVIEW: 2 Chronicles 9:22-28
In addition to the fact that the Almighty God granted exceeding understanding to King Solomon. The Teacher should find out five (5) other things which God granted King Solomon.
TEACHING METHOD: The teacher should combine lecture/question and answer teaching methods.
TIME MANAGEMENT: The teacher should apply two-lesson outlines teaching time.
Question 1: What are those things which characterised the reign of King Solomon between 970BC and 930BC.
Answers: I. There was peace (No war). (1 Kings 4:24).
ii. There were riches and honour in his Kingdom (1 Kings 3:13).
iii. There was justice (1 Kings 3: 16-28).
Question 2: What were the achievements of King Solomon?
Answers: I. He built the house of the Lord, the temple of the Lord on Mount Moriah (2 Chro. 3:1).
ii. He married 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3) (which later becomes a big problem for him).
iii. He had exceeding understanding and wisdom above any other persons (1 kings 3:12).
iv. He had riches and honour beyond any king in his days (1 Kings 3:13).
v. He sacrificed one thousand burnt offerings to the Lord at one time in Gibeon (1 Kings 3:4).
vi. He asked for a wise and understanding heart, whereas other kings in his position might have asked for riches and the lives of their enemies ( 1 Kings 3: 11-12).
CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Compare and contrast the societies in the days of Solomon and in our days.
The teacher should allow each student to mention:
A. Lesson(s) they learn from the person and reign of King Solomon.
B. Teacher should explain the four lessons listed below to the students.
- If you need wisdom, ask God for it and He will give it to you. If you believe and do not waver (James 1:5-8).
- Do not take things of the world unto yourself, or they may become a snare to you- keep yourself separate from them (1 John 2:15-17).
- Riches and wisdom will not keep you spiritually safe if you insist on disobeying God (Col. 3:5-6).
- We should not just know what is right, but do what is right (James 4:17).
CLASS ACTIVITY 2: Discuss the challenges of King Solomon in the light of achievement, character and lessons from his life.
SUMMARY: Divine wisdom and fear of God are important keys to prosperity (Ecl. 12:13).
Conclusion: Solomon was human just like all of us and everyone makes mistakes. Thankfully, if we genuinely repent, we serve a redeeming God whose grace and love are unmatched.
Evaluation: What are the achievements, characters and lessons from King Solomon.
Closing Prayer: Almighty Father, please fill all Your children with pure wisdom from above.
Assignment: Identify any five (5) possible problems of wealth (2X5=10 Marks).
Action Point
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