Obstacles To Blogging Success: Some Of The Major Issues To Address

How To Become A Successful Network Marketer


Are there any obstacles?

While the positive influence of blogging cannot be denied, there can be some obstacles to this strategy as well. Take a look at the three most common obstacles you will encounter and how you can overcome them.



One of the biggest obstacles companies face is the lack of time to devote to blogging. A blog post takes a lot of time to write, edit, proofread, optimize, and publish. Blog management also requires time.

To prevent the lack of time from becoming an issue that prevents you from blogging and exploring its potential, you could use several strategies to save/optimize your time:

• Hire freelance writers – Someone from outside the company can help you create content for your blog. It is essential that the person is knowledgeable about the industry, and that you still check content submitted by the writers.




• Guest blogging – Guest blogging is another way to obtain new content for your blog and keep up with the pace of regular publishing. You will have to make sure that you accept only relevant topics and content that will be beneficial for your audience.


Guest blogging can help you diversify the topics and writing style on your blog while bringing fresh content on a regular basis.

• Create a plan and to-do list – Try to organize your writing more effectively. Plan your topics well and make sure you create a publishing calendar that you can regularly update. If you are unable to produce a new blog post each day, that is ok, just make sure you have some schedule for publishing.

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• Learning with time – Writing will become easier and faster in time. As you get more experienced with the topic and the particular blog format, you will be able to produce more content in less time.



Blogging can become a true challenge for companies that want to use this strategy. Besides the lack of time, companies might also lack the expertise to create high-quality content. They might face difficulties when optimizing content, or they might simply fail at understanding what the customers need.


To help fight these challenges, it is important to recognize them on time and explore ways to solve them efficiently. Try to detect the obstacles that might be holding you back and preventing you from publishing content on your blog. You do not want to give up blogging at the sign of an obstacle. Instead, make sure you think about ways your company can overcome these obstacles.



This is a difficulty mostly associated with smaller companies that are unable to allocate a significant budget to blogging. Beside blog hosting, the budget can also include writers’ fees, editors’ fees, content creators’ fees for visual content, paid content promotion and distribution, paid blogging tools and applications, etc. All of this can be a big burden for companies starting out and being unable to invest into blogging, before seeing any financial gain from blogging.


You can overcome this challenge by optimizing your blogging activity so that you can provide at least some content for your visitors. Even one blog post per week, or a guide once a month is better than no content at all. Also, try to accept guest bloggers who might want to create content for free (with a link back to their blog).

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Although challenges do exist with blogging, one thing is for sure – the benefits of blogging are numerous. As with every beginning, starting out blogging can be quite difficult, and stressful and there will be plenty of those moments when you are full of self-doubt. However, it is helpful to have a plan, and a blogging strategy in place. With this strategy showing you the goals you want to work for and the benefits you could eventually earn, you will feel more motivated to pursue your vision and shape this vision into a successful blog.


Action Point

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