Mental Health. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.

mental health

Mental Health. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.



Memory Verse: From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundress in it, but wounds, and purifying sores; they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment“- Is. 1:6.


Bible Passage: 1 Kings 19:1-4. 



The Bible does not explicitly speak on the topic of mental health. However, it does have a lot to say about the heart, mind, and the condition of the soul. Health is defined by the World Health Organisation as a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It is not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Mental Health, as it affects the whole being. (Prov. 4:23). This lesson addresses mental issues and possible solutions. 






The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Mental Health as a state of well-being in which every individual can carry out four roles: 

a. Realise his/her potential. 

b. Cope with the normal stress of life. 

c. Work productively.

d. Participate meaningfully in the community. 

Mental Health includes our emotional, physiological, and social well-being. 


Mental ill-health, in contrast, is a psychological disorder affecting one’s mood, thinking and behavior. The term mental illness covers a broad range of disorders from mild depression to schizophrenia- a condition that impairs a person’s ability to think, feel process and respond to life situations in an appropriate way. Mental illness can distort our view of God and others and as well contribute to sinful behavior. 

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There are some cases of emotional issues in the Bible such as depression (1 Kings 19:1-4; John 4:3), loneliness (1 Kings 19:1)), hopelessness (1 Kings 17:9-12), suicide (Matt. 27:5), rejection (1 Sam. 18:7-8), insanity (Mark 5:1-5) etc.



The teacher should identify the under-listed items as some of the factors that can lead to mental ill-health and comment briefly on them:

 i. Childhood abuse (Prov. 17:22b).

ii.  Trauma/neglect (2 Sam. 13:19).

iii. Loneliness (1 Kings 18:10).

 iv. Discrimination/oppression (James 2:6).

v.  Poverty (Proverbs 10:15).

vi. Loss of a loved one (2 Sam. 18:33).

vii. Debt (Prov. 22:7).

vii. Low self-esteem (Numbers 13:33).

viii. Heavy workload/severe stress (1 Sam. 30:4,6).

ix. Family difficulties/challenges (Gen. 34:30).

x. Spiritual forces (1 Sam. 16:14; Mark 3:1-5).



People should understand that failure and challenges are part of humanity and should therefore prepare for them (Ps. 24:16; Romans 8:28, James 1:2-4). 

  1. Failure and challenges are part of human life (Prov. 24:16; Romans 8:28; James 1:2-4).
  2. Investing in good social networks and godly relationships is important (2 Sam. 9:1).
  3. Loneliness and isolation are risk factors for depression and suicidal behavior should be avoided (Prov. 17:22).
  4. Good sleep helps the brain restore itself (Prov. 3:24; Jer. 31:26; Luke 8:23a). 
  5. Regular exercise expunges toxic chemicals from the body (1 Timothy 4:8). 
  6. Drug abuse (self-medication) is not an option for good health.
  7. Healthy thoughts are necessary always (Prov. 4:8).

CLASS ACTIVITY 2: The teacher should ask students to mention briefly how believers can live a peaceful, fulfilled and healthy life (Genesis 25:8; Jer. 29:11).

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Hypocrites In The Church. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.


SUMMARY: God’s desire for all His children is to be healthy, boy, soul and spirit.

CONCLUSION: Good mental health is neccesary for good daily living. Therefore, take care of your health (body, soul and spirit). 

EVALUATION: What are the causes and solutions to mental ill-health?


CLOSING PRAYER: Father, please heal your children who are battling with mental ill health in the name of Jesus.




Identify five (5) Bible characters (in line with lesson outline 1) who had emotional issues and indicate the outcome of their issues whether POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE (2×5=10 Marks). 


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