Plugged-In Knees. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.

plugged-in knees


Opening Prayer: Father, help me to understand the importance of consistent prayer life in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse: “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought to always pray and not to faint”-Luke 18:1


Bible Passage: Luke 22: 39-46. 


Lesson Introduction

Plugged-in knees simply refers to a life of constant prayers. A consistent and persistent prayer life was a regular practice and more of a lifestyle by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This exercise was passed upon us more frequently by our Saviour, thus He encouraged His disciples to be fervent , consistent , and persevere in the place of prayer (Luke 18:1). He even propounded the parable of an unjust judge, who was overcome by an unrelenting widow, to do her justice contrary to his inclination. 


LESSON AIM: To teach the students about consistent prayer life. 

TEACHING OBJECTIVES:Through this study, students are expected to: 

a. Understand the meaning of plugged-in knees. 

b. Realist the need for persistent prayer life. 

c. Know how to pray regularly. 


Teaching Plan

To achieve the above stated objectives, the teacher should: 

To achieve the above-stated objectives, the teacher should:
a. Allow the students to recite the memory verse, read the Bible passage, contribute to the discussion, and do class activities and assignments. 
b. Allow the Assistant teacher to see to the well-being of the class, and mark attendance and assignment. 
c. Teach the lesson outlines, summarise, conclude, evaluate the lesson and give assignments. 

TEXT REVIEW: Luke 22:39-46.

The scripture narrates Jesus encounter with His disciples on Mount Olivet when He went to pray in preparation for the cross. 
A. Jesus went as He so often did to Mount Olivet v39a. 
i. Jesus dicsiples ……………………………v39b.
ii. When Jesus was at the place, He asked them to…………………………v40.
iii. Jesus withdrew and kneeled……………………………………….v41b.
B. As Jesus prayed:
i.To the Father saying………………………..v42.
ii. There appeared…………………………v43.
iii. Being in an agony……………………………….v44.
C. When Jesus rose up:
ii. He said to his disciples……………………………………v46.
The Lecture Method.


The teacher should apply two-lesson outlines of teaching time. 


PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Hypocrites In The Church. RCCG Sunday School Teachers.



A. ‘Plugged-in is to engage wholeheartedly in a task or to be connected. The need for ceaseless prayers is therefore emphasized in the Bible (1 Thess. 5:17) for various reasons. Some of these are:

  1. To keep the communication between God and his children open (Ps. 55:17). 
  2. To be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost and be bold (Acts 4:31).
  3. To be guided when there is a need to take a decision (Acts 1:24) or find direction (Gen. 24:12).
  4. To stand , though the days are evil (Eph. 5:16) and full of sin , error , subtle heretical seducers and sharp persecution (2 Timothy 3:13-14; Matt. 24:12-13). 
  5. For believers in Christ to enjoy the fulness of joy promised them by God all the time (John 16:23-24).
  6. To stay connected to the parent stock, as a branch, and be fruitful (John 15:5-6).
  7. To be able to withstand and confront the forces of darkness that seek to destroy God’s children (Eph. 6:12-13). 
  8. To cast out unclean spirits (Matt. 17:19-21).
  9. For restoration (Judges 16:28) and when agonised (1 Sam. 1:10). 
  10. To bring the flesh under (Matt. 16:41; 2 Cor. 10:3-5) and always look up unto God (Ps. 5:3). 


CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Students should discuss whether it is important to pray constantly when everything seems fine. 


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We pray frequently when we:

  1. Take prayer as a daily task (Ps. 5:3; Ps. 55:17). 
  2. Live in the reality , that there is a need to pray without ceasing (Mark 14:38). 
  3. Put God first on any issue by contacting Him through prayers (Ps. 37:5). 
  4. Be actively involved in praying always (Col. 1:9). 
  5. Give yourself to prayers (Ps. 109:4). 
  6. Delight in God when praying (Job 22:26-27). 
  7. Pray with confidence that God hears and answers will come (John 5:14-15). 
  8. Pray everywhere (1 Timo. 2:8). 
PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Honour God. RCCG Sunday School Manual.


CLASS ACTIVITY 2: Are there places or situations a Christian cannot pray?


SUMMARY: The need to give ourselves to persisitent prayer cannot be overemphasised. 

CONCLUSION: Constant prayer is a necessity for a close walk with God. 

EVALUATION: Why do we need to be persistent in our prayers?

CLOSING PRAYER: Father, please give me the grace to be consistent in my prayer life.


ASSIGNMENT: Mention at least five benefits you have derived from prayer (no mark).

Action Point
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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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