RCCG SOD Year 1: Know Yourself. Part 5.

rccg sod year 1


Since God is on your side you must get rid of fear because there is no fear in love. Fear is the weapon that Satan uses to weigh us down. 



#1 Fear of Death

Some people fear death, forgetting that Jesus died for us – 1 John 3:14. There is a lot of linkage between love, fear and death. If you love, no one can kill you because love is as strong as death. Jesus has been to hell and He is at God’s right hand praying for us so we have a lot of joy waiting for us in heaven. We will not die until God says it is time. Until you get rid of fear of death , you cant do much for God. This is the trick of the devil. Learn to say “Satan depart from me”. Even if you are killed because of its gospel, you will have a crown in heaven (i.e crown of life). Revelation 2:10.


#2 Fear of Pain or Suffering 

(1 Peter 2:19-21), You have been called to suffer for the Lord. Jesus has laid examples by suffering for us, (Matt. 5:10-12). So, rejoice and be glad in persecution, because your blessings awaits you in heaven. The everlasting door opens for those that have boldness to suffer . Gal. 6:17.


#3 The Fear of Shame 

This worries a lot of Christians today. They are ashamed to preach, so as not to be be called S.U (Derogatory language for Born Against Christians). So as from now we should take our stand and know that our Jesus is the same forever. Acts 5:40-42.


PEOPLE ALSO READ:  RCCG SOD Year Five. Activating Miracles

#4 The Fear of Rejection 

 Dont be afraid of rejection by friends and family because as soon as you are saved, Satan and all his powers will reject you- John 15:19-20. Jesus loves you, He is your friend even if the world hates you. James 4:4. 


#5 The Fear of Failure 

Nobody wants to fail but we should not be afraid. Some are afraid of failure that they never attempt to start. God loves the best and He will give us the best. Pray always for the best. Deut. 32:37.


#6 Fear of Change 

Some don’t want any change. e.g in the orthodox Churches. It  shouldn’t be so, we should learn to make changes. If you are to make it in this world and the world to come- Hebrews 13:5-6. Some people are afraid of transfer in Office. The Lord has planned our lives that there must be constant changes or wlse we will rust and there wouldn’t be improvement. 


#7 The fear of Success 

Especially in the sight of God. This is because we are afraid of exposure. You cant help it if you are saved, because Jesus is the Lord of success, dont forget to give all glory to the Lord- Matt. 5:14. Stop dreaming little, think big. 

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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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