RCCG SOD Year Eight. This Is Our Daddy. Part Four

RCCG SOD Year Eight. This Is Our Daddy. Part Four


Focus: Our Daddy Is Self Sufficient

You are welcome to this session. We have been talking about our Daddy in the past months. In part 4, we want to talk about the self-sufficiency of our Father.

We have talked about His power, we have talked about His sovereignty, and we have talked about His faithful-ness.


Man is limited by the fact that he will die. He can only be in one place at one time. He grows tired, he can fall asleep, he can forget, but in Exodus 15: 11, the Bible says,

“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods?

Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”

Among the gods, among the lords, among kings, among presidents and among generals, who is like unto thee? None at all. In Genesis 1: 1, the Bible says,

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”


You should ask a question from that straight away.

Who created God? Where was God before He created the heavens and the earth?


Our God is self-existent. He was never created. There was never a time when He was not existing. He had always existed as a Trinity. At that time, God the Son was inside Him, in His belly until He spoke Him out.

The Word in the beginning was inside Him and the breath that he was breathing was the Holy Spirit. Our God had always been a self-sufficient God.

In Malachi 3: 6, the Bible says,

“He is the LORD and He changeth not.”

Isn’t that something? When the Bible says God does not change, it means God is constant.

In other words, if He was self-sufficient in those days, He is still self-sufficient today because He has never changed a bit. You cannot add to Him, you cannot subtract from Him. You cannot add to His glory, you cannot add to His power. You cannot add to His majesty



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and you cannot subtract from all these things. He remains constant.

In Nehemiah 9: 5, the Bible says something that is amazing. It says the name of my Daddy is exalted far above every blessing and praises. In other words, when you say you are praising God and you think that you are adding to Him, the Bible says your praise cannot even reach where He is, unless He condescends to pick it up.


If you say, Lord, I bless Your name.?’ He will say, “Thank you, My name has been forever blessed before I created your grand-father.” Each time I talk about my Daddy, I get a little excited. It is because I am happy that He is my Daddy.


In Job 35: 7-8, the Bible says, even if you are righ-teous, what will God take from you not to talk of when you are evil. Whether you are good or you are evil, you cannot add anything to my Daddy because He was already self-sufficient from the very beginning. He was absolutely complete, you cannot add to Him, you cannot subtract from Him. You cannot fight Him, you cannot subtract from His glory. He is self-sufficient.

In Romans 11: 34-35, the Bible says,

“Who knows the mind of God and who is going to be His counsellor?”



I mean who among you will say I am so wise I think I need to give a little bit of advice to the Almighty God.

You want to give advice to someone who can never make a mistake. His wisdom is absolute. If God receives any gift from you, it is just for your own edification. When you praise Him, it is for your own exaltation. You know many at times, when we praise God, when we worship Him the way we should, your own head will swell and tears begin to fall from your face. When you worship God the way you should worship Him, it is you who will gain. You cannot add to my Daddy, you cannot subtract from Him.

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The Bible tells us in Isaiah 40: 15-18 that the whole earth is like a drop of water in a bucket. God looks at the whole earth as if it is nothing. He says He weighs the islands as if they are dust. So he is the one you will say, ‘God I hope you see oh, I have built a house for you. I am the one who built that Church for you oh.

Don’t forget I bought You an organ.’


1 Timothy 6: 15-16 talks about my Father. He is the only One who has immortality. He dwells in the light that no man can approach. He is more powerful than all the lords of the earth. His glory, His honour, and His riches are eternal. He never grows old. Nobody can dethrone Him. Hallelujah.


The more you know my Daddy, the more you will realise that you don’t even know anything about Him at all.

Job said in Job 26: 14 that when you have searched and searched about God, you will know just a very little about Him. These are part of His ways but how little or a portion of Him is heard. You might be able to sit down, take your Bible and begin to write everything that is said about God, but right at the time you have finished, may be you spent seventy years doing research on Him, you will just discover that you don’t even know anything yet. You will get to a stage where you will discover like in Revelation 5: 11, that all you should do is just say,

“Blessing, glory, honour, power and might be unto our God forever and ever.”

He is self-sufficient. Should the Almighty God just open anyone’s inner eye to realize just a little about our God, he will know that the more you worship Him, the better for you. You cannot remove from Him, but worship adds to yourself.


Why don’t you spend some time with Him now. Just worship Him, the self-sufficient God. Tell Him, Daddy, blessings are Yours. Glory is Yours, honour is Yours, might is Yours, power is Yours, eternity is Yours. I am proud to be Your son.

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Talk to Him.



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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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